"Just go through the head!"

Kakashi looked at the giant zombies in front of him.

The thunder and lightning in his hand kept beating, releasing a sound like the chirping of thousands of birds.

Just when Kakashi was ready to rush out.

There was a zombie on the ground that actually evolved. Its throat expanded rapidly, causing its body to become even larger.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

When its throat expands to a certain extent, it suddenly opens its mouth and howls, and the airflow in its throat bursts out.

The terrifying sound waves spread all around and spread to a long distance in an instant.

Anyone who heard such a piercing roar was suddenly in a trance, stopped moving, felt severe pain in their ears, and quickly covered their ears.

This zombie is the Screamer, which can emit terrifying sound waves at any time to attack and attract more zombies.

People who were close to it had their heads exploded or died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Even though the remaining people are beautiful, they are immediately surrounded by a large group of zombies attracted and are in danger.

"Damn it, why did a new monster appear?"

Kakashi covered his head with one hand and shook his head with a distressed look on his face, his steps a little sloppy.

He looked forward with difficulty, preparing to use the Chidori.

But at this time, two huge zombies had already seen him, and they had already raised their hands and dropped towards him.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi's eyes widened. If he was hit, he would definitely die!

At this critical moment, a figure passed over these two giant zombies, and then their heads exploded at the same time!

The huge zombie that had lost its head shrank rapidly.


Seeing this scene, Kakashi was stunned for a moment.

Then he saw more and more huge zombie heads exploding, and it looked like they were directly smashed.

He quickly concentrated on observing, and saw that it was Tsunade who was quickly flying back and forth among these giant zombies to attack!


Tsunade concentrated her armed haki on her right arm while condensing chakra.

The two forces combine to create a destructive power that is far more terrifying than before.


No giant zombie can withstand one punch, and their heads will be blown open!

"Everyone cheer up, destroy all the monsters, and protect our village!"

After standing on the roof, Tsunade shouted to every ninja who was struggling on the ground.

The voice is loud and powerful.

All the ninjas were excited after hearing this.

They had seen how powerful Tsunade was, and she could easily kill such a terrifying monster.

With such a leader, what could be more inspiring than this!

This made many ninjas who were originally dominated by despair and fear muster up the courage to continue fighting.


At this time, Shizune jumped over. She was now covered in the blood of zombies. It seemed that she had killed a lot of zombies.

"I have a general understanding of the situation. How are the casualties so far?"

Tsunade asked.

"It's very bad. This group of monsters appeared too suddenly, and they didn't know the information about attacking the head. They killed many ninjas, and there are also many monsters that were turned into ninjas."

After Shizune finished speaking, she looked not far away.

"This group of monsters will mutate when they eat a certain amount, and some monsters will have their heads mutated, and their bodies will mutate, becoming even weirder monsters. There is too little information, and I have no idea where this comes from."

Shizune said solemnly.

"Anyway, we just need to destroy all the monsters."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she looked at the sky.

"Damn it, Jiraiya is not here at this time. He said he lost track of Orochimaru's whereabouts. Where did he go!"

After Tsunade thought this in her mind, she concentrated on dealing with the monster.

These monsters don't have much sense, and it's no longer enough to scare them with their domineering aura.

We can only rely on fists to deal with them one after another!

While such chaos was unfolding in Konoha, a group of people were watching in the woods outside the village.

The leader among them is Orochimaru.

The people around him were all monsters with several eyes on their faces.

"Well, Konoha is in a particularly chaotic situation right now. I don't know how Tsunade should handle it."

Orochimaru said with a smirk.

"But this C virus is really powerful. It is diluted into a gas and has strong infectivity as long as it is inhaled. Although the infected zombies cannot listen to me, it is enough to cause chaos."

Orochimaru commented.

"And the monsters evolved from zombies are also very interesting."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he looked outside the bushes.

I saw a large group of zombies walking towards Konoha Ninja Village there, including many evolved types of zombies.

Bloodshot zombies, screamers, fat zombies, lickers, etc.

So many zombies were created by Orochimaru using nearby villages for experiments. Now he found a way to get them here and use them as weapons to attack Konoha.

"So Tsunade, what should you do when you see the gifts I prepared for you?"

Orochimaru said with a smirk.

"Lord Orochimaru, I have to congratulate you, Konoha will definitely perish tonight."

Kabuto on the side said this.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Orochimaru was not completely sure, and then looked at the four people around him.

"Sakon, Jirobo, Kidomaru, Tayumi, you should immediately lead javo into the Konoha ninja village to fight. Pay attention to collecting combat data and recovering the bodies of powerful zombies."

Orochimaru ordered.


After the four sound ninjas received the order, they immediately led the controllable javo mutated by the C-virus injection to the Konoha Ninja Village.

And Orochimaru also disappeared.

"There are more zombies approaching outside!"

"Come to the door for reinforcements!"

"Other enemies took the opportunity to attack!"

The ninja who noticed the situation outside the village shouted anxiously.

I saw a large group of zombies outside, pouring into the Konoha Ninja Village like locusts entering the village.

Making the situation even worse.

"Who are you!"

Yuhi Kurenai fought against several javos wearing shabby ninja uniforms, and it was the first time she saw such monsters with eyes all over their faces.

However, these javos would not answer her and immediately launched a fierce attack. They were different from ordinary zombies and had higher intelligence.

The power of using ninjutsu is more powerful than when you are a human.

Forced Yuhi Hong could only defend passively.

In the end, Yuhi Hong successfully found the flaw, cut off the heads of these javos one after another, and killed them.

"Are these the same as those monsters?"

Yuhi Hong looked at these headless corpses in confusion, and then turned to support the others.

But at this moment, the javos who had lost their heads slowly stood up, and then all kinds of weird things grew out of the broken necks!

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