In response, she couldn't help but complain: "You are Chinese, so you can do Sichuan Opera face-changing, right?"

Liu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Although I don't know where you learned about Chinese culture, I always feel that you are mocking me."

"Don't doubt it, I am mocking you." Laura said bluntly.

"You don't understand, you should be fierce to your enemies and gentle to your wife. This is our fine tradition of China."

Liu Hao seemed a little proud: "You, a little girl who has never been in love, definitely don't understand these. Do you want me to introduce you to a partner at the police station?"

"In the New York Police Department, are there any tough guys who can completely control you? There are a lot of cream boys. Are you interested?" Liu Hao teased, and the little wolf girl rolled her eyes.

After the little wolf girl expressed her attitude, Liu Hao lost interest and stopped teasing her.

The two returned to Liu Hao's office together, and then two policemen escorted Jack, the chief of the New York Police Department, in.

This chief, who once had power at least on the surface of the police station, is now detained by a policeman who is not sure how many levels lower than him. It is somewhat ironic.

His betrayal of Liu Hao has made him ashamed to face anyone now.

If he had not been tied up tightly, Jack would have dug deep into the ground and hid there.

Liu Hao looked at him and was not furious, which was surprising

Perhaps it was because he had just had a heart-to-heart talk with his wife and was in a good mood, or perhaps Liu Hao had already seen through Chief Jack's betrayal.

So, Liu Hao looked deeply at Jack and asked softly: "My dear New York Police Commissioner, what is the reason that you, who have always been fair and selfless and hate evil, betrayed the whole of New York?"

Jack was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "I have imagined countless excuses to defend myself, but I can't say it to you."

"To tell you the truth, there is no special reason, but... they provided me with a huge fortune that I can't earn as a commissioner in my lifetime."

"So... as you said, I betrayed New York, no matter what punishment, I accept it without complaint."

Chief Jack's eyes were sincere, as if he was seeking Liu Hao's understanding, but Liu Hao was not affected by it.

Whether it was true or not, Liu Hao didn't care, he had his own principles in doing things.

Liu Hao spoke slowly: "Traitors cannot be forgiven. You betrayed New York. Although you didn't kill anyone, you should be punished."

"Go to the Mississippi Delta to spend your old age. No one there can support you to betray New York. It's a good choice for you."

"...Okay." Jack was taken away.

Until the last moment, Jack's attitude remained the same, which showed that he was not acting. But Liu Hao didn't care whether he was acting or not.

After dealing with Jack, it was the turn of the little wolf girl Laura.

Liu Hao turned to her: "You should be clear about your crimes."

"Although you are fleeing because of the military's pursuit, you have killed countless innocent civilians along the way. You must accept the judgment of the law."

Laura asked first: "So, will I be put in jail first?"

"I didn't expect you to have a decent attitude."

"Yes, you have to wait for trial in jail. If I find you running away, I will catch you back myself. " Liu Hao said seriously.

The little wolf girl Laura did not refute.

For her, it was the same wherever she stayed.

In prison, at least someone provided food, and she did not have to worry about tomorrow's sunshine, nor did she have to be terrified to wake up in the morning and find that she had become an experimental subject.

As long as this seemingly frivolous man who was called the light of New York was there, the New York Police Department might be the safest place in the world.

Laura, who had experienced many hardships, was not afraid of the verdict.

After the wolf girl left, Liu Hao's stomach growled. Even the strongest people need to eat. He had hardly eaten anything after a busy day.

"I heard that the new restaurant nearby is good." Liu Hao, who was about to go home, planned to go to a nearby pizza shop to buy a few pizzas for Wanda.

There were few customers in the pizza shop late at night.

Liu Hao walked to the counter and ordered two large barbecue pizzas, but the other party was indifferent.

Liu Hao thought it was a hearing problem for the waiter, so he repeated: "Is my English not standard? Dude, two large barbecue pizzas, add more cheese."

"You, you, you, you are...!"

Not only did the other party not respond to Liu Hao, but he jumped up excitedly, covered his mouth, and stammered:

"Are you Liu Hao, the light of New York?" A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy asked excitedly.

Liu Hao smiled bitterly and nodded.

"It's really you! Oh my god! You actually came to this shabby... No, I shouldn't say that the restaurant I work in is not good... Although it's really not delicious... But it doesn't matter! The key is that I was so lucky to meet you!" The boy's performance made Liu Hao laugh out loud.

"It's really a coincidence." Liu Hao's words were full of meaning, because he recognized the boy.

He is a good neighbor praised by New Yorkers.

"I'm glad to see you too, Peter."

"Oh? You, what...? I don't think I said my name yet..."

Liu Hao pointed to Peter's clothes and explained: "It's written on the work card, Peter Parker, right? If I spelled it correctly."

"So... So that's it! Haha, I said, how could Liu Hao, the famous light of New York, know an unknown person like me."

"Hey, you shouldn't look down on yourself." Liu Hao patted Peter's shoulder and encouraged him as a senior.

"You are no different from me." Liu Hao said seriously.

But you are a hero, and I am just an unknown person.

"Believe in yourself, one day you will become a person like me, or even a more famous and useful hero than me, a superhero!"

"Superhero...? Me? Really?"

"Definitely true."

Silly boy, you are Spider-man.

As a superhero in the history of American comics who is as popular as DC Batman, no one in the entire Marvel universe can match your popularity.

Liu Hao thought to himself.

In fact, no matter how powerful a superhero is, he is essentially a human being, with both advantages and disadvantages, and even more weird than ordinary people.

For example, Iron Man Tony Stark, before he became a superhero, he was a playboy billionaire with a paranoid and conceited personality.

Especially, he is a genius in the field of science and technology, and often speaks without thinking. This is how the story of "Iron Man 2" unfolds.

Liu Hao also knows some other guys.

In the world of The Boys, among the seven peculiar heroes, the Deep Sea pretending to be Aquaman will show a sly smile to the novice hero Dafeiji; the Homelander pretending to be Superman is emotionally immature and a child who never grows up; and the fake The Flash locomotive is selfish and only cares about himself.

Although this work is not a typical superhero story, its heroes are more flesh and blood and more real than traditional heroes. Liu Hao himself is not flawless, for example...

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