American Comics: I Am Thor, And My Partner Is Phoenix!

Chapter 5: His Shooting Skills Are Like Cheating!

Before the army's inference was implemented, the abdomen was pierced by two claws. Laura pulled it and the abdominal cavity ruptured by itself! Other mercenaries noticed it and hurriedly drew their guns, but it was too late!

Laura turned into a ghost in the night, spinning and flying. Her extraordinary movement skills made the steel claws in her hands harvest lives like a sickle.

In an instant, five bodies fell in a pool of blood. Laura looked at them and sneered: "If you want to kill me, you have to show your real ability."

She turned around and wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, a whoosh sounded, like a bird's cry, and the next second, her neck was hit!

"Damn it..." Laura was not stupid, and immediately realized the existence of the sniper!

The sniper did not shoot a bullet, but an anesthetic needle, but this was worse than a bullet!

The Self-healing Ability inherited by Laura from her father Logan can repair bullet wounds, but it is powerless against anesthetics. Once the drug takes effect, she will be at the mercy of others!

"X23 has hit, confirmed X23 has hit."

"She already has antibodies in her body, one shot is not enough to subdue her, keep shooting! Wolf Pack team block the exit!"

The commander ordered calmly, his words revealing professionalism. A shot of anesthetic has made Laura lose half of her strength, and she is facing a desperate situation.

Laura's consciousness gradually blurred, and she realized in the blur that the mercenaries outside were ready with guns, like hungry beasts, and she was a lamb to be slaughtered.

But Laura will never bow to fate, as long as there is a little hope, she will not give up! She pulled out the anesthetic needle from her neck and roared: "You bastards! Even if I die, I will drag you to hell together!"

Swoosh! Another anesthetic needle shot, but Laura was prepared and successfully dodged it with her wolf-like intuition! Then, she suddenly spread her arms, and her father Wolverine's classic posture emerged in her mind. Her forearms stretched out to both sides, and the Adamantium claws appeared instantly, and the combat mode was activated! She pounced on the mercenaries outside!

"Switch to live ammunition! Quick!" The first target locked by Laura ordered his companions to fire in fear, and the muzzle spewed out devilish flames, intending to engulf Laura, but at this moment, Laura's speed was much faster than that of ordinary people!

Laura, who was two meters away, was still a threat. When Laura was seven steps away, the blade of death had been sharpened for them!

"Damn it! Open up...! Puff!"

The carotid artery was cut off, and blood gushed out like a spring, dyeing the moonlight red, and also dyeing Laura's face red.

The human army could not catch Laura's trace. At this moment, she was the incarnation of the Death God!

The fierce battle broke out, attracting countless onlookers, and news reports were overwhelming, but the identities of this group of people were well hidden, and the American people had no idea of ​​their origins.

Because only the claws were injected with Adamantium in her body, Laura's agility even surpassed her father Wolverine Logan. She turned into a wolf that only knew how to kill, nourishing the Adamantium claws with blood.

But it is the existence of Adamantium that becomes her fatal weakness - she cannot be as indestructible as Wolverine. Wolverine is covered with Adamantium, bullets cannot penetrate it, but Laura cannot!

The military knows this very well.

So, seeing that she is bloodthirsty, they have to save their lives first and use live ammunition to cripple her!

The speed of live ammunition is much faster than anesthetic needles. As long as the firepower is dense enough, Laura cannot avoid it no matter how fast she is!

Gunshots rang out, bullets rained down, and Laura's right arm was penetrated!

Although she can recover by herself, she loses control for a short time.

Seeing that it is effective, the military fired bullets to penetrate Laura's left arm!

At this moment, Laura, whose arms can no longer fight, has become a useless person in the eyes of the military.

"Quick! Use the electric baton to make her lose her ability to move!" A mercenary trembled and approached Laura, and suddenly! Laura kicked out high!

"Puff!" The Adamantium claws on the toes pierced the mercenary's neck! Laura laughed wildly. At this moment, she didn't care whether she could escape or not. She just wanted to kill a few more of these bastards before she died!

"Quick! Break her limbs and catch her! Remember, you must not kill her!"

The military leaders were still afraid of Laura's ability. Laura thought it was ridiculous. She laughed at these people and this society.

"Okay! Go! You guys hurry up...!" Before the voice fell, a gunshot rang out from nowhere, and the mercenaries around him fell to the ground, and blood splashed all over the leader!

"Damn it! Someone is standing on Laura's side! And he is a guy with superb shooting skills!" The leader was shocked and leaned over to find the gunman. However, the person who shot obviously didn't intend to give him time to think.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang!

No matter how the mercenaries evaded or how they found cover, as if it was a natural law, whenever a gunshot sounded in the distance, one person would fall!

This kind of shooting skills is like a cheat!

The leader on the side witnessed this scene, and a terrifying character emerged in his mind, muttering to himself: "The shooting skills that never miss a shot..."

"There is only one person in the United States who can do this... the man known as the light of New York! Liu Hao!"

"Damn Jack! Didn't Nitama say that Liu Hao had gone home after work to linger with his lover and knew nothing about this! What's going on now! How could your beloved light of New York come back!" The leader slapped Director Jack directly.

I... I know nothing about this...! Jack covered his face, full of grievances, but his little head really couldn't understand all this.

The commander was anxious, but he was helpless. He could neither find Liu Hao's trace nor find a reason for Liu Hao to stop attacking, and his elite mercenaries were falling one by one, like the spread of an epidemic!

Laura also witnessed all this.

At the moment when she was about to faint, the enemy army fell like dominoes.

No matter how angry and exhausted Laura was, she was clear about the situation. Someone stood on her side, and this person was——

You worked hard. Liu Hao, carrying a heavy sniper rifle, appeared in front of Laura.

If you were a step later, you wouldn't have to come.

It's better to come early than to come early. Anyway, you can recover by yourself, and it's good to kill a few more mercenaries to relieve your anger. Liu Hao put down the sniper rifle and replaced it with two pistols.

As soon as the voice fell, the commander of the army picked up the megaphone and shouted to Liu Hao: Liu Hao, stop immediately! You don't know how big a mistake you made! You can't fight us! This is a fire...burning yourself!

Before the commander finished speaking, he heard a gunshot and fell directly into a pool of blood with a bullet hole on his head. This scene stunned everyone present, including Director Jack, who sat on the ground.

From the first sentence you said, I decided to kill you. Liu Hao smiled coldly.

The US military will never serve Americans, but only capital, and Liu Hao knows this very well.

The remaining mercenaries still want to resist, but Liu Hao will not give them a chance. He raises his two guns and the bullets pour out, still one shot at a time, with no mistakes.

Those who don't know what level of opponent they are facing should be you.

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