"What are you doing? Who sent you here?" Ross Lauren struggled uncontrollably, thinking that he was still an experimental subject. The leading soldier stepped forward and announced: "General Ross Lauren, suspected of endangering national security, must be tried by a military court." "If you have any questions, find a lawyer in court, take him away." Just like that, Ross Lauren was taken away, and the experimental base was closed by the military.

Inside the S.H.I.E.L.D base, Nick Fury was restless. He just messed with the friend of the person he shouldn't mess with the most in the world. Although the insider Black widow helped him resist the police's search of S.H.I.E.L.D and himself, he was still flustered. In Nick's heart, Liu Hao has become an omnipotent existence. He was afraid, and subconsciously seemed to feel that Liu Hao was standing at the door of S.H.I.E.L.D!

At this moment, a figure that Nick was both familiar and frightened of appeared in the surveillance video at the door of S.H.I.E.L.D. What was more terrifying than Liu Hao was——Superman! He was standing at the door of S.H.I.E.L.D!

Liu Hao outside the door looked at the surveillance camera, raised his mouth, and said: "Director Nick Fury, you should know who I am. I need your help with something. Can you let me in to discuss it in detail?" Nick panicked. The Superman in front of him was like a demon. No, it was scarier than a demon! Ghosts still have weaknesses, but Superman, he can only let him bully and can't resist! But can he find an excuse not to open the door? No. If he directly refuses to let him in, it is equivalent to directly admitting the fact! Only by pretending to know nothing and acting in front of Superman can he escape! "Hold on, Nick!" He secretly warned himself. Nick stepped forward to open the door of S.H.I.E.L.D for Liu Hao. Facing Superman Liu Hao, Nick pretended to be calm: "Superman? Why are you here to ask for help?" "Mr. Superman, we don't know if you are a friend or foe," "I am Superman, just ask any kid, Superman is a hero." Liu Hao said as he walked in, still smiling: "But Director, why is your forehead full of sweat, did you just finish the sauna?" "The air conditioner is broken, let's talk business, I'm busy." Nick said unhappily. Superman Liu Hao passed Nick, walked straight to the office and sat on the chair. Seeing this scene, Nick was extremely panicked, but he forced himself to calm down and crossed his arms: "Mr. Superman, even if you are famous, I am afraid I can't help you if this happens." "Don't be so hostile, Chief Nick." Liu Hao put his feet on the table and said with a smile: "It's actually nothing big. My friend Liu Hao was plotted against by the military and another force." "Now I can't find any clues about that force, so I think S.H.I.E.L.D can help me investigate." Nick was flustered, but still said: "Investigate? Can't your friend in the New York Police Department find out?" Liu Hao walked to Nick and put his hand on Nick's shoulder: "Yes, that force is powerful, and the police on Liu Hao's side can't find any clues." "You S.H.I.E.L.D has a huge network of relationships. Do you know that force?" "There are many forces that are good at aftermath. Just say that they provoked Liu Hao. Who knows which one it is." Nick's voice trembled, but he tried his best to stay calm. "Really?" Superman Liu Hao stared at Nick closely: "It seems that you really don't know anything."

Nick and Liu Hao looked at each other, becoming more and more panicked. Suddenly, Liu Hao took action! He crossed his hands and ripped off Nick's arm. "Ouch!" Nick covered his bleeding arm in pain, looked at Liu Hao in horror, and stammered: "What are you doing? You...you are killing innocent people...!"

"Whether I killed the wrong person or not, we both know it in our hearts, right, Nick?" Hearing this, Nick hesitated. Then, a bold idea came to his mind: "You...you...! Superman, you are...!!"

Liu Hao didn't give Nick a chance to speak, and punched him directly! The air shook instantly, and Liu Hao's fist blasted at Nick like a cannonball! The fist hit Nick's head, and his brain splattered! At the moment of Nick Fury's death, the alarm of the S.H.I.E.L.D base sounded. Liu Hao disdained to pay attention, kicked over the titanium alloy door, and left in a swagger.

At the moment, Phil Coulson, deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., rushed over after hearing the news. Seeing this scene, he was completely dumbfounded. ... "Damn, that's... Superman?!" Phil Coulson couldn't help but swear. His men asked, "What should we do now?"

Phil Coulson said that no matter what, even if Superman came, he couldn't run wild in S.H.I.E.L.D.!

So Phil Coulson fired desperately, and his men also fired at full power.

But it was useless. Liu Hao was indifferent. He only heard waves of steel collisions echoing in the air.

Liu Hao had no intention of killing today. He glanced at Phil Coulson, then took off and left this place.

Phil Coulson watched all this and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "What... is going on?"

On another floor, in Pierce's office

Pierce, who witnessed all this, watched Superman leave, drank quietly, and whispered:

"Nick, I warned you not to mess with him."

After returning to New York, Liu Hao changed into new clothes and returned to the police station.

When he walked in, Deadpool and Little Wolf Girl had been waiting in Liu Hao's office for a long time.

As soon as he saw Liu Hao, Deadpool jumped up immediately:

"Liu Hao! You are so cruel! We saw you sending Superman out from the sky!"

"You know which force has offended you, but you still let us run around outside!"

"It's so tiring to let others be exposed to the wind and sun, wash their faces with tears, and live on dirt... woo woo woo...!"

"If you keep talking, I won't give you money for drinks and sex." Liu Hao warned directly.

Deadpool immediately shut up, this is the best way to control Deadpool.

What a joke, if you can't have sex, what's the point of life! Deadpool muttered to himself.

When Liu Hao sat down on the chair, he explained to the two people calmly:

"Yes, I knew who did it a long time ago."

"I sent you to act just to see your ability."

Deadpool jumped up again:

"What? Boss, are you sure? I need to doubt the ability of Deadpool, the first mercenary in the universe?"

"Then may I ask Mr. Universe's first mercenary, how was Laura kidnapped under your nose last time?" Liu Hao's words made Deadpool speechless again.

"Anyway, the matter is resolved, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Liu Hao threw two stacks of US dollars on the table, "I'll give you one more day off, have fun for two days and then go back to prison on your own."

Deadpool happily put away the US dollars, looked around and asked:

"But where is Natasha Romanoff, the cold and beautiful red-haired beauty from S.H.I.E.L.D? It seems that I haven't seen her all day."

Liu Hao raised the corner of his mouth and said meaningfully:

"She is now where she should be."

The next day.

Liu Hao drove alone to Black Mountain Prison.

Having learned from Liu Hao's lesson, the guards still let him pass the levels as usual.

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