He picked up the phone, and a voice came from the other end:

"Hello, Chief Nick Fury, I'm General Ross Lauren."

"What can I do for you?" Nick Fury asked.

Ross on the other end of the phone replied:

"I think we've all been messed up by the same person recently, the arrogant Liu Hao."

Both of them are smart people, and Nick immediately understood the other party's intention.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "So, you want to form an alliance?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Ross on the phone gritted his teeth:

"We can work together to make Liu Hao and the New York Police Department pay the price."

Liu Hao spent seven or eight days like this, busy between Michaela and Betty.

The police department's affairs were also handled smoothly, and Banner's proficiency in handling affairs is now comparable to Black widow.

After receiving compensation from Ross's army, Liu Hao equipped the police department with sophisticated equipment.

All this is thanks to the new weapons technology provided by Ross's army and S.H.I.E.L.D.

As for whether they paid for it, Liu Hao didn't care.

Since Liu Hao took over New York, the crime rate in New York has dropped to the lowest level of all states and cities in the United States.

It's just that for some reason, the number of crimes has suddenly increased recently.

In this case, Liu Hao will send Deadpool and Little Wolf Girl, who call themselves the special operations team, to take action.

These two people are actually quite useful, but sometimes they do things a little too much.

Deadpool often justifies his behavior: "I just met a Chinese person, and he said that you Chinese have an idiom called cutting the grass and eradicating the roots."

"You also have Chinese ancestry, so you must understand this sentence better than me, which is why I cut the enemy into meat sauce."

" Definitely, it's also cool to watch them become meat sauce."

Liu Hao thinks Deadpool's understanding of this word is quite correct, beyond his imagination.

Anyway, Decedent is not a good person, so it doesn't matter how he dies.

"Then how did you meet this friend? Where is he now?" Liu Hao asked curiously.

Deadpool replied a little embarrassedly: "I actually met that person last night, and then he disappeared."

Liu Hao was a little amused: "So you learned the idiom from the assassination target."

Deadpool waved his hand and said: "Use it if it's useful. After all, that person is a small gang leader and he speaks quite well.

"Although it was a bit embarrassing for him to cut his throat in front of his men, but I killed all his men! Buried with him, no problem at all! Hehehe." Deadpool said with a grin.

The little wolf girl gently touched her forehead, not wanting people to know that she and this guy are colleagues.

Deadpool continued to play tricks without caring:

"As the saying goes, you can learn until you die. I, Wade, am a person who loves to learn. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. "

"Wait." Liu Hao interrupted Deadpool's dirty joke.

Then he raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction and said:

"I didn't ask you to assassinate any Asians last night, did I?"

Deadpool seemed to be thinking, paused, and then suddenly realized and said:

"Killed the wrong person, hehe."

The little wolf girl next to him rolled her eyes at him, then turned to Liu Hao and said:

"I reminded him, but he cut his throat before I finished speaking."

She also made cute movements like a little girl: "Wrong, wrong, hehe, but they are all bad guys, it's okay~"

Liu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and didn't know how to evaluate this guy.

However, Liu Hao didn't really blame Deadpool, just like a class teacher punishing students, deducting his vacation days and entertainment dollars for this mission.

Every time a task is completed, Liu Hao will give rewards, and Deadpool is always the most active one, so he works so hard.

This deduction made Deadpool depressed for a long time, thinking that he would have fewer happy times.

The little wolf girl didn't care, after all, she just liked drinking.

Liu Hao would not freeze Deadpool for this, and would let them come forward for some tricky things.

A few words of guidance would be enough for Deadpool's problems.

Liu Hao was enjoying this decadent life until his wife sent a text message saying that she would go home tonight, and his free time came to an end.

Betty had been living in Liu Hao's house before, and she moved out only after she heard that Wanda was about to return from a business trip. Definitely, before leaving, Betty also helped Wanda wash all her clothes cleanly, this is the price of pursuing excitement.

"I should go home too." Liu Hao sighed, lifting the quilt on the double bed.

This is not Liu Hao's home, nor is it the hotel where Michaela is staying temporarily, but-

As soon as Liu Hao got up, the tattooed bedmate next to him looked at him reluctantly: "Are you leaving? Will you miss me? When will you come again?" Those eyes were full of affection and touching, forming a sharp contrast with her cool tattoo image. If he hadn't had to fulfill his husband's responsibilities tonight, Liu Hao would have arranged another meeting with the judge.

So, Liu Hao gently touched her face and said, "I have something to do today. I'll come to see you next time, okay?" The tattooed woman nodded lazily: "Yeah."

After leaving, Liu Hao silently memorized the address of this place. He hadn't been here a week ago. Unexpectedly, the girl got his phone number from somewhere and called him inexplicably, hinting at spending a good night together. I thought there would be no contact, but she secretly contacted Liu Hao again recently and became more and more dependent.

Liu Hao reluctantly accepted this third lover. Including Wanda, he already has four! Fortunately, he has Superman's physique. If it were an ordinary person, he would have at most two, and it would be difficult to cope with a week!

After Wanda returned home, as expected, Liu Hao had to fulfill his husband's duties again. Fortunately, Superman's Ability made every time like the first time, with pure colors, and Wanda did not notice anything unusual.

Lying on the bed, Liu Hao noticed that Wanda was in a bad mood, so he casually asked, "Are you worried about anything recently?" Wanda leaned on Liu Hao's arms and replied, "My brother is a little bit abnormal recently. He goes out early and comes back late every day, and he smells of alcohol when he comes back." Liu Hao thought Wanda had discovered his secret and was relieved. He casually said, "Young people at this age are often addicted to pleasure, don't think too much." Liu Hao thought to himself, he has been dealing with so many women recently, who is more indulgent than himself? "You are tired after running around all day, go to bed early." Liu Hao said. Wanda nodded, "Yeah." Just as the two were about to fall asleep, Liu Hao's phone suddenly rang. At first glance, it was neither the police station nor the number in the address book, but a call from a special mobile phone. Liu Hao immediately understood that it was the special communication device of Deadpool and Little Wolf Girl, and only their phones would be like this. However, why did they call him so late? Liu Hao got up and went to the kitchen to answer the phone. Reading on Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points! Recharge now (Activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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