However, the reality was not as he wished, and he drew another useless thing.

This prize has never been drawn, just like having a rare physique like super ability, Liu Hao was originally looking forward to getting something like Mjolnir.

Liu Hao waved his hand to close the lottery system in his mind, and his eyes returned to the real world.

At this moment, police officer Chen Long walked in and said to Liu Hao: "Brother Hao, I just came back from prison, but... Wade Wilson's imprisonment is a bit unexpected."

"Unexpected?" Liu Hao asked, "Did he escape from prison?"

Deadpool has been imprisoned for more than a month.

Liu Hao originally thought that even if Deadpool agreed to go to prison, he would definitely have trouble when he actually went in, or put forward some strange conditions.

However, this was not the case. Deadpool was surprisingly well-behaved, and Liu Hao did not receive any feedback on any problems, which made him a little suspicious.

However, he did not visit Deadpool in prison for this reason, but sent his confidant Chen Long to check on Deadpool's condition.

Now, he heard the question brought by Chen Long: "No, Wade Wilson did not escape from prison, but he is not in this prison either."

Chen Long shook his head: "I went to the prison and found out that Wade Wilson had been transferred to the Washington General Bureau."

"The Washington General Bureau transferred the person I arrested? Why didn't you tell me?" Liu Hao asked.

Chen Long shook his head again: "I don't know about this. You have to ask the people in the Washington General Bureau for details."

Liu Hao nodded and motioned him to leave. In order to confirm whether Deadpool was really transferred to the Washington General Bureau, Liu Hao personally checked the surveillance video.

In the picture, the visitor was indeed wearing the uniform of the Washington General Bureau. It couldn't be HYDRA, which would be too ostentatious.

Could it be that it was really from the Washington General Bureau?

Deadpool, this guy, is both a mercenary and a former member of the X-Men. His Self-healing Ability is extremely valuable for scientific research and will indeed be strictly scrutinized.

But if Arthur thinks Deadpool needs special attention and takes him to the Washington General Bureau, according to their relationship, he should notify Liu Hao in advance.

Guessing was useless, Liu Hao called Arthur directly and asked him to meet at a restaurant in Washington in two minutes. Arthur agreed without asking any more questions.

Arriving at the restaurant, Liu Hao first exchanged pleasantries with the tall white man Arthur: "Arthur, you should change your car, you are too slow."

"It's not all about the car."

Arthur shrugged and replied: "Being late is my old problem. I may be slower after changing to a new car, just like The Flash in the comics is often late."

"That's not right, I suspect you are deliberately late for my appointment." Liu Hao laughed.

Arthur smiled and admitted: "You are right to think so. You always ask me to help this and that, which makes me a headache. Now I can't let you wait a little longer?"

Liu Hao shrugged: "That makes sense."

"Okay, no need to be polite, you came to me not just to reminisce about the past." Arthur sat down and asked: "Tell me, is there anything that can't be said on the phone?"

Liu Hao said: "I'm here to talk about Wade Wilson."

He had anticipated Arthur's various reactions when he heard this name.

However, Arthur showed a confused expression and asked, "Who is Wade Wilson?"

"Wade Wilson, that's Deadpool, you really don't know this person?" Liu Hao mentioned Deadpool's nickname.

"No." Arthur shook his head and asked, "Is he famous? I should know?"

"He is a prisoner I arrested and put in jail. He was transferred to your place a few days ago." Liu Hao asked, "Didn't you order him to be transferred from the New York Police Department to the Washington headquarters?"

"No, I didn't issue such an order, and I haven't heard of this person." Arthur answered readily.

He added, "If it was, I would have informed you long ago, so you wouldn't have come to me from the New York Police Department on purpose."

"It wasn't your order, but your men received a transfer order to transfer the prisoner." Liu Hao whispered, feeling that this scene was familiar.

Only a transfer order can transfer people, but Arthur didn't issue one.

That means someone forged the transfer order. An organization with the ability to forge a transfer order must be very powerful, either HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D.

And HYDRA, whose entire base was destroyed by Liu Hao alone last time, has a deep fear of Superman in their hearts.

This time, even if they were given a hundred courage, Pierce would not dare to issue an order to provoke him to HYDRA members again.

If it wasn't HYDRA, then there would only be S.H.I.E.L.D. The one who gave the order must be SHIELD Director, that black-boiled egg, Nick Fury.

"You are so bold, black-boiled egg."

Liu Hao crossed his hands, his eyes sharp, "Since you dare to challenge me, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

Bringing Deadpool to the Washington headquarters is just the beginning. They will definitely come to the headquarters to take him away personally. Liu Hao doesn't even need to take the initiative to settle accounts with them.

In Arthur's confused eyes, Liu Hao stood up and patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, let me teach you what the Chinese proverb 'luring someone into a trap' means. ”

S.H.I.E.L.D base.

Nick Fury sat in his office, looking down at Black widow downstairs leading a group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents to bring back Deadpool.

His eagle-like eyes stared at Deadpool, and his pressure was self-evident, trying to intimidate this guy.

However, Deadpool, who was famous for his meanness, was not intimidated by Nick Fury, and did not even look at him.

Instead, he looked at the figure of Black widow Natasha Romanoff next to him with a mean smile, and kept trying to chat with her.

Hey, red-haired beauty, you are really wasting your figure by being a dog in S.H.I.E.L.D. Deadpool teased while swinging his body.

Why don't you hang out with Wolf Brother? If you hang out with Wolf Brother, I'll pay you, yes, this is a pun.

He teased Black widow Natasha Romanoff with that self-proclaimed charming voice.

But Natasha Romanoff stared at him coldly: If you don't shut up, I'll cut your tongue off later.

Black widow's beauty should not be underestimated, but she is not an ordinary woman. She is a deadly machine that has undergone rigorous agent training since childhood.

When she really releases her murderous aura, anyone will tremble involuntarily, as if the murderous aura pierces the heart like a substance.

After all, that look is what Natasha Romanoff has earned from countless people who have fallen under her hands. The more people she kills, the more fierce her eyes become.

On weekdays, her eyes are no different from those of ordinary people, but once she is ready to fight, the murderous aura will make her change like a monster.

However, this is ineffective for Deadpool, who can't die at all and is fearless.

Hearing Natasha Romanoff's threat, Deadpool, who was handcuffed, shrugged and replied: Cut it off, anyway, it won't be long before I grow it again.

Haven't seen it before? Do you want to come into the room and let you see it?

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