Even the bounty administrator who recorded the fate of every bounty target day after day, like a judge of life and death, could not help but feel surprised:

Why is there so little information about this mixed-race man named Liu Hao?

But this is not the administrator's concern. Her task is just to add Liu Hao's name to the bounty list.

So, she skillfully turned on the computer, entered Liu Hao's identity information, and finally pressed the enter key.

The screen instantly displayed: The bounty was successfully released, sending...sending completed.

It was like an instant lunar eclipse.

The moment before, Americans were busy with their own things, playing games, working, and couples were intimate.

However, the next second after the bounty was successfully released.

Beep, beep, this text message alert sound seemed to resound around the world, and at least one in ten people in New York received this message.

They all checked their phones at the same time, lowered their heads to read the message, and a unified solemn expression appeared on their faces.

Afterwards, they returned to their own lives and continued their work at hand.

A man in black with a beard and a hairstyle similar to that of a tramp also received this message.

Seeing the message, a serious look flashed across his face. He looked at the screen and read the last one: Animal lovers...

John? What's wrong? His girlfriend appeared at the door.

Nothing, I received a message from my previous workplace. Maybe they forgot that I had retired. John Wick turned off his phone and adjusted his tie.

Still habitually sending you messages after retirement? It seems that you did a good job in the past. His girlfriend hugged John's neck and kissed his cheek.

It's just like that, not particularly outstanding. John Wick stroked his girlfriend's hair and answered casually, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

However, how could she know that the man in front of her who was wholeheartedly devoted to her was once a figure that the bounty hunter guild was afraid of.

Nightcrawler John Wick, the people he killed were enough to form a town.

He was proficient in firearms and could even turn everything around him into a weapon as long as he had the intention to kill. The most terrifying record was that he once killed three people with a pencil.

Forget it if you are not interested, hurry up, let's go, Sarah's wedding is about to start, don't be late. His girlfriend took John Wick's hand and left home.

The bounty has been issued. Although the amount is not outrageous, it is tempting enough.

Most people will think carefully before accepting the task, except John Wick.

At this moment, John Wick does not care about the bounty money, because he has retired for his girlfriend, but he still habitually checks the information.

What he cares about is whether the person who is bountyed by the union will have an impact on his and his girlfriend's daily life.

Moreover, Liu Hao has raised dogs, and John Wick is an avid dog lover.

Although John Wick did not take over the task, there are many bounty hunters in the guild who are willing to accept it.

Sure enough, the bounty was issued in less than twenty minutes.

Major Wilson, who was still at the military base, received a call from the Continental Hotel Bounty Hunter Guild.

It was still the female voice:

Your bounty has been received, and we will solve the problem for you as soon as possible. We will inform you of the follow-up progress in time. I wish you a happy life and a reduction of most enemies.

This is the efficiency of the Bounty Hunter Guild.

After hanging up the phone, Wilson whispered to himself, full of admiration in his heart, but that was all.

At Liu Hao's home in New York, Wanda had been away on business for six days. Liu Hao was alone at home and knew nothing about the reward.

He was only wearing shorts and headphones, sitting on the balcony enjoying the sunshine and listening to music. His life was extremely comfortable.

Sunshine, music, beautiful scenery, a paradise on earth is just like this.

While listening to music, a translucent prompt box popped up in Liu Hao's mind: [Today's lottery opportunity has not been used, do you want to start the lottery? ]

Lottery. Liu Hao chose without hesitation, but he was not excited at all, because this was his daily routine for six days and he was already tired of it.

More importantly, Liu Hao's luck in the lottery was extremely bad, very bad.

[The lottery was successful, you won - Wangwang crushed ice. ]

Liu Hao had a blank expression, stretched out his hand in the air to grab today's prize, split it in two, and licked it.

He was already bored and no longer had high expectations. The daily lottery became a part of his life, just like drinking water and going to the toilet.

Lottery is undoubtedly an extremely exciting experience for anyone, because you never know what you will win.

The super lottery system that Liu Hao is bound to can draw prizes every day, and the prizes cover all kinds of fields, from physical objects to special abilities.

Maybe one day he can draw Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, which can wipe out half of the life on Earth with just a flick of the finger.

However, Liu Hao's luck is really bad. In the past six days, all he got were useless things!

For example, his hidden [Super Physique] or [All-round Gun Skills] that earned him the reputation of the Light of New York, these have never appeared.

In three years, a thousand draws, there are only a few divine items, and the rest are all garbage. Liu Hao has long been accustomed to it.

Yesterday's Coca-Cola, at least it was not expired and could quench thirst, but the day before yesterday he drew a cramp in both legs for two minutes, which made him laugh and cry.

"Super Physique may be the best reward in the system." Liu Hao sighed while chewing Want Want Snow Cake.

After all, Superman is the son of DC, the first superhero in the history of American comics, and the spiritual symbol of the nation. His upper limit of strength is simply incredible.

"However, my extraordinary physique needs to be sunbathed to gradually improve the comprehensive ability."

This is also the reason why Liu Hao often comes to sunbathe.

Superman's super ability comes from the explosion of the red giant star of the mother star. After coming to the earth, it is enhanced by the sunlight.

Therefore, even if Superman jumps into the sun, he will not die, but will become stronger. The burning of the sun cannot match his upgrade speed.

Although the upgrade is quick and easy, Superman's upper limit is too abnormal.

Just like playing a 900-level character, even if you brush one-third of the experience every day, it may take months or even years.

"Fortunately, sunbathing does not cost money, and it's good to sunbathe every day."

Extraordinary physique also makes Liu Hao's figure become excellent.

After sunbathing for a long time, Liu Hao changed into a uniform and went to the police station.

[Seeking data, flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, friends with ability can reward and urge... American comics seem to be less popular... They are all writing martial arts, history, and cities... I hope everyone can support it if they like it, thank you! 】

"Good morning, Officer Liu."...

There were still greetings on the road. As the light of New York, Liu Hao responded to everyone with a smile.

Since the last incident, there have been no major incidents in the police station, and even rape and murder cases have been greatly reduced.

The daily cases are trivial cases, such as theft, family disputes, missing pets, etc., which really do not interest me.

Reading during Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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