“Wait a moment.”Liu Feng interrupted Deadpool’s stand-up comedy with a wry smile.

“I didn’t say I was going to let you go”

“What?!”Deadpool made an exaggerated body movement to express his disbelief.

“If you don’t let me go, why did you bring me out? You want me to take a breath of fresh air and then go back and close… Oh! You are a devil! Liu Feng, you are really a devil! You actually want to torture my body and mind like this!”

The little wolf girl on the side couldn’t stand it anymore.

“He wants us both to do things for him, idiots”

“What? work? You have the ability to put us in jail, so you still need us to do things?”

Deadpool asked stupidly

“Because he is a policeman and he represents a bright image. There are some things that are inconvenient to do. Please use your brain.”

This time it’s Black Widow’s turn to complain about Deadpool.

“Okay, stop making trouble and get down to business. Liu

Feng said seriously

“I’m going to give you a task now. I can only rest assured if you two do it.”

Liu Feng asked Black Widow to hand each of them a file from the table, which contained photos of the Hulk and Abomination in their normal and transformed forms.

“I want you to find this green one within two days and bring him back. As for this yellow thorny one, just kill it when you encounter it. You don’t need to do anything with the body, just make sure it’s dead.

Hearing this, the little wolf girl nodded simply and said:”I understand.”

When it came to Deadpool, he had already approached Liu Feng’s table and started talking dirty.

“Brother Feng, Master Feng, God Feng~ After we help you complete this task, will we get any reward?”

“You see, those two are girls and have no needs. I am different. My guns are almost rusty after being in prison, so~”

Liu Feng pushed Deadpool away in disgust and said,”I promise you. , after completing the mission, both of you can take a day off to play wherever you want, and then reduce your detention time by one month.”

The little wolf girl nodded indifferently, while Deadpool jumped up like a woman and said,”Okay.”

Then the two set off. Liu Feng slightly held his forehead, saying that this dead waiter was too annoying.

“but.”At this time, Black Widow asked:”I don’t quite understand why you captured the Hulk alive?”

“Of course it was to control him and use him for my own use.”Liu Feng said.

Black Widow heard this and directly concluded:”No one can control Hulk, he is an extremely unstable factor.”

“What’s so difficult about this? Just conquer him. Liu Feng said casually

“SHIELD also has this experiment by the military, and we have calculated all possibilities. It can be said that nothing in the world today can threaten the Hulk.”

Black Widow confirmed.

Hearing this, Liu Feng shook his head.

“There is an old saying in China, there are people outside the world. Anyway, don’t worry about it, I have my own way of dealing with him.”

Black Widow still has too little understanding of the entire world and people with abilities. A Hulk is nothing in the Marvel universe. Among those currently available who can defeat the Hulk, Odin is one of them. A mage counts as one, and Captain Marvel counts as one.

And Superman is naturally among them.

In a jungle somewhere in the United States, a young man is naked and wearing only a pair of strong elastic pants.

The monster behind him seemed to be gasping for air while running.

The man was half-naked, covered in dirt and sweat, and looked like a tramp.

However, his relatively healthy figure and the endurance he showed while running could not be described as a tramp. Match.

This is Bruce Banner, the culprit who caused havoc in Times Square in New York yesterday. He originally thought that he was going to become an out-and-out devil, but unexpectedly, another person appeared like him last night. They were almost the same monster.

After a night of fighting, there was no winner. Banner took the opportunity to regain consciousness and fled New York overnight.

However, the guy still didn’t let him go.

He heard a faint sound behind Banner. A monster roared.

Like a demon in hell, Banner understood that the guy was close to him!

Feeling the threat, a strange green color appeared in Banner’s black pupils, and a wave of restlessness suddenly surged in his body. In his heart.

But Banner quickly shook his head and suppressed it.

Banner knew that he must control his emotions. Once he turned into a monster again, Banner might never be able to recover in his life.

Absolutely no transformation! Banner insisted on secretly running away, and two kilometers away from Bruce Banner, the yellow monster Abomination, covered with terrifying spikes, was chasing the Hulk like crazy.

That is Bruce, who has transformed into a human form.

Although the trees in the jungle blocked his sight, he could not directly see Banner’s figure, but he could feel that Banner was there because he could feel Hulk’s presence. Exist!

Both are creatures created by super soldier serum and gamma rays.

As long as two people of the same origin are in the same territory, the blood in their bodies can feel each other.

“Bruce Banner! Hulk! I won’t let you go! The winner has not been decided yet! I want to prove it! I am the strongest! kill you! I am the strongest!”

Abomination secretly thought in his heart.

Unlike Banner, Abomination and his humanoid Blonsky did not separate two personalities, but merged into one.

So they have the same desire, then kill the Hulk!

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