“Okay, you two will go into the police station later.”

“My little brother Chen Long will arrange for Natasha to join the company, and will also have Wade sent back to prison.”

Liu Feng adjusted his collar.

“I need to talk about the survival of a certain force.”

When Liu Feng arrived at the designated restaurant,

Arthur, a tall black man and the chief of the Washington Police Department, had already been waiting at the table for a long time.

“I find that you are really very revengeful.”

Seeing Liu Feng appear, Arthur squeezed his face into a ball

“Last time I asked you to wait for ten minutes, but now you delayed it for twenty minutes!”

“Maybe you think too much.”

Liu Feng raised the corners of his mouth.

“If it were someone else, I might think I was overthinking it, but if it was you, I am sure and certain that you did it on purpose!”

Arthur, a tall black man, behaved like a little girl in love in front of Liu Feng, who is half Asian.

“You have a strong sense of revenge!

Liu Feng shrugged and said,”I don’t intend to deny this.””

Arthur is at a loss for words.

“Okay, I believe you are not too free to talk to me about these unimportant things. Let’s get down to business.”

Liu Feng sat down and looked at him

“Regarding what I asked you to come here, do you think how to implement it better?”

When it came time to discuss business, Arthur stopped joking and returned to a serious expression.

“You said you wanted to completely shut down SHIELD, right?……”

“That’s right, there is no need for SHIELD to exist at all.”

Liu Feng said:”Put their technological strength and power on our side, and we can achieve more achievements than them.”

“But… organizations like SHIELD can’t just solve it. They even have the support of the White House behind them.”

Arthur was in trouble

“Isn’t it just the support of the White House, which we don’t have? Liu Feng said

“To the White House, our institutions are all the same”

“So, what would the White House think if it was known that SHIELD was always attacking and pleading for their help? Liu

Feng played with the tea cup in his hand and continued.

“At this time, we stood up and did this job instead of SHIELD. Is it still necessary for SHIELD to exist?”

Arthur was persuaded by Liu Feng, nodded, and suddenly felt that it was feasible.

But it was not something that could be done just by talking, so he confirmed in every possible way

“Are you really planning to annex SHIELD? Don’t ask, what is your mother’s opinion?”

“My mother?”

Liu Feng was a little confused.

“Now that there is no involvement from the White House, why does he care about SHIELD?”

Liu Feng was still confused when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

The caller ID was Arthur and the woman he was talking about, Liu Feng’s adoptive mother, Elena Stark.

Liu Feng answered the phone and asked her adoptive mother A voice came

“maple? Are you currently working with Arthur to take down SHIELD?”

Before Liu Feng asked, Arthur said on his own initiative:”I informed Ms. Elena

“I think she has an obligation to know this, after all, SHIELD is related to her.”

Liu Feng didn’t mean to blame Arthur. After all, he would tell his mother when the time came.

What he wondered was, why could his mother be so excited?

“What’s wrong, Mom? , your voice doesn’t sound very good?”

“Could it be that the White House is telling you something again?”

“This time there was no White House involvement.”Elena replied

“This is my mother’s own idea. I hope you don’t ban SHIELD.”

Liu Feng listened quietly, and then asked

“What’s the reason?”

Elena didn’t hide it and answered directly.

“Because the person who created S.H.I.E.L.D. was Tony’s dad, my brother, Howard Stark.”

Elina’s words made Liu Feng think back. Yes, it seems that SHIELD was created by Iron Man’s father.

And now, his adoptive mother is Iron Man’s aunt and Howard’s sister.

That’s it. Come on, I really have something to do with SHIELD.

Elena on the phone continued:”Although my brother Howard has passed away, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also run by someone else, and logically it does not belong to our Stark family. Yes”

“But I still can’t bear to see SHIELD, which my brother created, disappear.”

“So, Maple, no matter what, you can’t eradicate SHIELD, okay?”

Liu Feng listened to the call and twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn’t expect that he would have such a relationship with SHIELD.

It makes him unable to handle SHIELD now.

But my mother always called Liu Feng to plead for mercy. Liu Feng couldn’t say anything more and could only say:”Okay, I understand, I will stop for the sake of my uncle.”

In the end, Liu Feng had no choice but to give up the ban on SHIELD.

But as a price, Liu Feng demanded that SHIELD would no longer have law enforcement power from now on.

SHIELD must follow the lead of the New York Police Department and the Washington General Administration. , In addition, there are many things for his adoptive mother’s Stark family.

After talking to their mother on the phone, Liu Feng and Arthur exchanged a few words and left the coffee shop one after another. His little brother Chen Long would solve everything, so Liu Feng could get off work early, but he had no intention of going home.

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