Before he came to check the source of the alarm, Black Widow Natasha hurried to his office and quickly informed

“One of our bases… suffered a devastating blow!”

“What did you say?!”

Hearing this, Nick Fury frowned and almost cursed

“Each of our S.H.I.E.L.D. bases uses the best security systems and weapons in the world. What kind of force is attacking us?”

When Natasha heard this, she was silent for a few seconds.

Then she raised her head and looked at Nick.

“It wasn’t some force, the one who attacked us wasn’t even a team…but a person.”

Hearing this, Nick Fury began to think, combined the above and below, and came to an absurd conclusion.

“Is that guy Liu Feng?”

Black Widow Natasha shook her head.

But her answer, instead of letting Nick Fury relax, made him even more confused and shocked.

“It was Superman who attacked our base.”

“Superman? ? ?”

Nick thought he heard wrongly and asked Black Widow Natasha again

“You’re talking about the kind of superhero comic books for kids, Superman?”

Natasha looked seriously into Nick’s eyes and said that she was not stupid enough to joke with him in such a critical situation.

“Yes, Superman in comic books for kids.”

As she said this, she handed Nick a tablet.

“If you think I’m crazy or hallucinating, then you should believe the computer surveillance video.”

Nick took the computer and clicked play. An incredible video appeared on the screen.

First, Liu Feng, the superman outside the base, killed a circle of people at extremely fast speeds.

Then, an accelerating sonic boom directly blew away the titanium material, which is known as the strongest. The base door made of alloy was smashed.

Then he came to the outer layer of the base and started killing. The last few seconds of the surveillance were recorded as Liu Feng looked at the surveillance.

, showing an extremely arrogant smile.

Then a scene of acceleration and critical strikes smashing the second giant door.

The surveillance is gone, but now the guy who looks like Superman is killing people!

“Liu Feng!”Nick spit out this name from his mouth.

He had just provoked Liu Feng with his front foot, and a monster wearing a red-haired cape and tights flew directly over to attack SHIELD’s base.

With such a connection, even a fool can understand it. , this Superman is definitely related to that kid Liu Feng!

Nick has also investigated the X-Men, a group of people with extraordinary abilities, and has also seen many Beta-level and even Omega-level mutants.

But what appears now. It’s a virtual character that should only exist in superhero comics!

It’s the most powerful and perverted guy in the comic book world, and Nick never imagined that Liu, a humble character who works in the New York Police Department. Feng actually knew such a guy.

The relationship between the two was so good that the other party could vent his anger on him!

Only now did he realize that Liu Feng was not easy to mess with at all!

After thinking for two minutes, Nick reached out to Natasha. , said:”Mobile phone, give it to me after dialing Liu Feng’s number.”

But Natasha shook her head, looked at Nick helplessly, and replied:”I have tried it, and now Liu Feng’s call cannot be reached at all.”

“What did you say?!”

Now, Nick is really in trouble, because Liu Feng has directly blocked the escape route, not even leaving any room for reconciliation with Nick Fury.

It seems that he is clearly telling Nick that once Nick angers Liu Feng, The price must be paid in blood!

The camera turned to the innermost part of the SHIELD base in another area. Liu Feng ended the life of the last agent with one kick.

Then he looked around, looking at the corpses and destroyed buildings everywhere. He murmured:”Florida’s base, deal with it.”

He began to recall that not long ago, Pierce told him that SHIELD has bases distributed throughout the United States, and then said to himself:”The next one.”

After saying this, Liu Feng stamped his feet on the spot and took off directly at the speed of sound. The air was shaken with a sonic boom, and the surrounding debris was blown away by the airflow.

Liu Feng flew in the sky and began to purposely go to one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Base.

After discovering that Liu Feng’s phone call could not be reached, Nick Fury sent a message of full alert to other bases and asked them to activate the highest level of defense.

So when Liu Feng came to the new base, he was ready to kill. , there were already heavily armed agents waiting for him outside the new base. When they saw Liu Feng’s figure, a rocket was fired at him, setting Liu Feng’s whole body on fire like a firework.

This scene was very lucky.

They thought that this guy was strong because he could dodge other people’s attacks, or something, but the first shot he fired at random was hit by the SHIELD Science and Technology Department. Weapons that have been improved and upgraded to the best form can easily explode even tanks!

But they miscalculated. The defense of the guy floating in mid-air and surrounded by flames is not comparable to that of tanks. Not long after I was overjoyed, an agent was the first to notice something was wrong.

“Why didn’t he fall off after being hit?

Immediately afterwards, an agent with sharp eyes suddenly caught something strange. There was still a figure in the flames, and it began to get closer and closer to them!

Is that guy not dead?!

The leader among the agents shouted hurriedly

“fire! fire! Use all the weapons you can use and rain them down on the monster in the sky!”

Outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, following the leader’s order, artillery fire continued all of a sudden.

The agents did not dare to be idle and poured their firepower into the sky.

In the dark night, artillery fire was accompanied by the sound of one after another. It lit up the sky, forming a spectacular barrage. However, no matter how many ammunition were released, how loud the sound was, or how powerful it was, it all turned into bullshit the moment it touched Liu Feng.

The weapons are not specially developed guns and ammunition, but children’s gun toys bought from roadside vendors.

The point is, even if their ammunition is useless, Liu Feng will not stop his flight because of this. Under the pressure, everyone knew that if they were approached by such a guy, they would only die!

But they miscalculated. They did not expect that Liu Feng’s ability was far beyond their imagination, and Liu Feng’s character was not what they expected. He was so kind.

Although he was unscathed by the gunfire, the feeling of being surrounded by a cloud of fog still made Liu Feng uncomfortable.

So, everyone saw Liu Feng flying in the sky, reaching out to push up the glasses on his nose. It was so high that the lenses were offset from the eye level.

In the tenth of a second when he took off his glasses, two scarlet lights suddenly lit up in the night sky, and they were right at Liu Feng’s eyes.

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