Even if he gets angry and wants to cause trouble, his fighting ability is the most remarkable.

That is to say, his shooting skills that are always accurate, but the most popular one, no matter how difficult it is, it is only one to ten.

There are so many agents in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., and just a few level 7 agents can subdue this kid to death.

Nick had analyzed everything long before this

“So, we have nothing to talk about? asked Pierce

“Yes, I can give in on other things, but I have to stick to my idea on this one.”

Nick responded decisively, with a tough attitude.

Pierce’s expression was dull, and he couldn’t tell the emotions. After nodding, he didn’t say anything more and turned around and left Nick’s office.

Nick watched Pierce leave and turned his head.

As soon as Pierce returned to his office from Nick’s office, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number. As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other end of the phone said,” It’s clear that the person on the other end is Hydra.” members of organization

“Activate the highest alert state and fully hibernate SHIELD,”

Pierce held the phone with an expressionless expression.

“Except for those who are performing missions and cannot escape, the rest of the troops can be sent as many as they can and as many as they can lurk.”

“Turn on the highest alert state?”

“Are you sure, chief? Doesn’t this only activate when the world ends?”

“I am the leader. If you are asked to do it, you can do it. Why is there so much nonsense? Pierce scolded.

Hearing this tone, the agent on the other end of the phone had no choice but to reply yes.

After hanging up the phone, Pierce rubbed his trigeminal nerve with a solemn expression.

Is it the end of the world?

In a real sense, this is the same as The end of the world is pretty much the same, except that natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis can be far away.

This time, there is really no chance of running away. In Nick’s eyes

, Nick Fury doesn’t understand Liu Feng at all.

, Liu Feng is just a police officer with better marksmanship, but he ignored the most important aspect of Liu Feng’s combat power, which is that if there is no Superman, Liu Feng will be just an ordinary person at best.

But in Pierce’s opinion, behind this guy Liu Feng is an alien superman who has razed one of the Hydra bases to the ground. Nick

Fury is simply out of his mind! Will think of provoking Liu Feng!

“I’m afraid something is really going to happen this time.”Pierce muttered to himself.

In the SHIELD prison.

Deadpool Wade Wilson, who was tied up all over because of his ADHD, leaving him with an open mouth, was still chatting with the prisoners next to him.

“Humans are born from human mothers, and mutants are born from mutants. As long as you have a human heart, you are no longer a human, but a mutant or a human mutant. Do you understand?”

This scene is actually like one of the Chinese superstar’s movies on the other side of the earth.

《The scene in”Journey to the West: The Marriage of the Monkey King” in which Tang Monk chats with monsters is exactly the same.

The prisoner next to him slammed his head against the wall, trying to knock himself out and shouting for help.

“Someone come and save me! Don’t put me together with this bitch!”

“Young people are always so impetuous.”

Deadpool shook his head,”You don’t know what’s going to happen next, otherwise you wouldn’t make a big fuss over such a trivial matter.”

Of course Deadpool is aware of the seriousness of the matter.

He was transferred from Liu Feng’s prison and then captured by this person from an unknown organization. This is a small matter for Liu Feng.

After all, I just didn’t want to surrender before, so the guy just called a superman from a superhero comic and severely punished him.

From this, it can be concluded that Liu Feng is very capable and possessive. Strong.

How could he and his super friends be able to take this breath when this unknown organization was doing this? Thinking about Superman’s abilities, the prisoner next to him who was also a mutant looked confused! , Deadpool ignored him, and just murmured to himself:”Now I’m afraid that the big guy mistakenly thinks I sneaked out.”

Deadpool doesn’t want to get involved in this muddy water. He had already planned to give in before. After all, he has seen Superman’s abilities. It’s amazing if someone can withstand it!

Liu Feng and Superman have turned this organization upside down. This is the biggest wish of Deadpool, a fisherman, as for

Nick Fury, he is still in the office, and is currently preparing for Deadpool to be trained and join SHIELD, and other future matters. Arrangement.

At this time, Natasha came in with a phone in her hand.

Natasha didn’t say anything, and she just handed the phone to Nick and said hello.

“Nick Fury, you are really brave.”

On the other end of the phone, Liu Feng’s cold voice came.

“Mr. Liu Feng, I don’t seem to understand what you are talking about? Could it be that I broke the law? Please don’t unfairly accuse me, a law-abiding citizen.”Nick Fury replied calmly

“I only give you one last chance to return Deadpool to me.”Liu Feng’s voice was already filled with a little anger, and he issued an ultimatum to him.

“Release him? Why should we let it go? Nick said pretendingly:”So our SHIELD broke the law again this time or what?””

The implication of his words is that the procedures of SHIELD this time are completely legal, and Liu Feng will not be able to do anything to SHIELD like the last time he sanctioned Hawkeye Clinton.

Unless Liu Feng has the ability to modify Buckingham Palace instructions, otherwise what S.H.I.E.L.D. did would be legal

“Do you really think that as long as your actions are legal, I will not do anything to your S.H.I.E.L.D.

Liu Feng’s voice on the other end of the phone was as deep as an angry lion:”Last chance, man, do you pay me back or not?” Are you really capable of withstanding my anger?

As the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury would naturally not be intimidated by such words. He replied expressionlessly:”I will never let him go.”

Nick continued:”If you plan to resolve all this with personal grudges, and you can’t even call people from the police station to help, what can you do alone?””

The answer to Nick Fury was the beeping sound after the phone was hung up. At this moment, even through the phone, Nick could feel the anger coming from the other end of the phone.

Liu Feng closed the phone coldly and put He put it in his left pocket and reached out to take out something from his right pocket – Superman glasses.

Contrary to the situation in the original comic where his temperament would be greatly improved by taking off his glasses,

Liu Feng put on his glasses at this moment. His momentum suddenly changed drastically, as if he was possessed by a god.

It seemed that at this moment, the spotlight of the entire universe was shining on him, transforming him into the strongest man in the DC universe, the god on earth.

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