“Are you hungry? I brought you something to eat.”Liu Feng put the hamburger in his hand on Laura’s table, but the little wolf girl remained as indifferent as if she was blind.

Her eyes were already sharp, and the way she was silent at this moment was like those red-brown eyes that were ready at any time. It shoots out like two sharp knives, and just sitting there is scary.

But this kind of look is not something you are born with, it is acquired. It is not something you can practice sitting at home every day, but on the run. among

“Hey, you should understand English, right?”Laura was still indifferent, as if she was deaf. If her eyes weren’t still open, Liu Feng would have thought she was asleep.

“What a troublesome child.”Liu Feng pretended to be helpless.

“I can’t help you if you’re like this”

“Those guys will find us here eventually.”Finally, Liu Feng’s strong concentration allowed him to successfully capture the micro-expression of the little wolf girl Laura. She was shaken.

Yes, she was in urgent need of help. Liu Feng also knew this. This was why Liu Feng came to talk to her. One of the reasons for talking

“You’re having a hard time, right? After all, your ability to kill people does not belong to the category of ordinary people. No matter what is missing in life, enemies will always be missing.”

Liu Feng began to persuade Laura in depth:”And you are in a very bad situation at the moment. I won’t talk about the original enemy, just talk about the current situation.”

“What would happen if your secret was accidentally discovered?”

“There will be countless people who want to send you for study and anatomy all the time. Believe me, their passion will be greater than cooking food”

“After all, you can hide knives in your finger joints and toes and have super self-healing abilities. It should be something that can make many people jealous, right?”

“Including my police chief, he is not a good man”

“Are you willing to be someone else’s guinea pig? or——”

“Choose to tell me everything and let me help you.”

Liu Feng successfully attracted the little wolf girl’s attention.

Laura raised her head and looked into Liu Feng’s eyes, as if she wanted to hear Liu Feng personally confirm and guarantee the authenticity of this sentence:

“Yes, you heard it right, I have the ability to help you, as long as you trust me.”

Laura glanced at the camera again.

This means that the content of their current conversation may be monitored by others, which would be no different from being sent for research.

“Don’t worry, I have turned off the camera, no one can hear our conversation, believe me, I have the ability to do it.”

Little Wolf Girl said nothing and expressed doubts, while Liu Feng shrugged:”Otherwise, you can also pay attention. The red dot on the camera has disappeared.

“With an identity like yours, you should often be on the run, so you should know better than me what the police cameras look like, right?”

This time Liu Feng finally convinced the little wolf girl Laura. She changed to sit in a more comfortable position and looked up at Liu Feng:”How can I believe that you will really help me?

Liu Feng waved his hand:”If you believe me, you may be caught. If you don’t believe me, you will definitely be caught. Do you think you have any choice?””

“Moreover, if I really wanted to harm you, you would have no chance to sit here and chat with me face to face. But I won’t do that, you know why?”

“Because I am the light of New York.”

Liu Feng smiled, extremely sunny. The word”righteousness” seemed to be born for Liu Feng. No serious person would reject such Liu Feng.

“I have indeed heard about your reputation, and I have seen your abilities. The little wolf girl finally let down her guard:”Maybe, you can really help me.””

Liu Feng leaned over slightly and listened to the secrets said by the little wolf girl.

Regarding these things, Laura did hide them very deeply, because they were related to the fate of her and the mutants. Liu Feng also listened quietly without disturbing She.

An hour later, Liu Feng ended his conversation with Laura, the little wolf girl.

He sat in the office, quietly thinking about what the little wolf girl said and everything about his first acquaintance with her, and began to dig deeper into the hidden world. There are other things below.

It turns out that the little wolf girl Laura was hunted by the military. In fact, they wanted to capture her alive, but she might be captured and hunted in an inhumane way.

The reason is simple, because Laura is a mutant. Such things have appeared in the”X-Men” series of movies, and this is what it means.

“Human beings are afraid of creatures that are stronger than themselves, so they will launch wars, and their rhetoric and purpose are just excuses. It’s just getting more serious now. Liu Feng secretly said

“But hypocritical human beings, while expelling superpowers, will also rack their brains to obtain their abilities from superpowers. They are both timid and greedy.”

“In the past, there were mutants such as the X-Men to maintain order and balance between humans and mutants, but in this timeline, the X-Men have long disappeared.”

Those X-Men are dying, dying, even the well-known undead Wolverine died under the military when Laura was a child, and the Phoenix girl ran away to a certain place due to mental disorder. The power of the Phoenix was unleashed on humans.

As for the little wolf girl, as the heir of Wolverine, she was naturally targeted by the military like other man-made mutants, and they were hunted down for ten years. Dead.

Then, the mutants can truly disappear from the world, of course, provided that they are used for research before they die

, and Laura is the last of these little mutants. She relied on her wolf

-like agility and vigilance to escape for many years, and she killed many people, although most of them were enemies, but some were ordinary people who died due to her involvement.

The concept is no longer so clear.

This is what she said to Liu Feng herself. She can say such things lightly, and Liu Feng has reason to believe that it is true.

In short, Laura has been hunted by the military. , until two days ago.

The scale of the military was beyond her knowledge, and it was the most likely time for her to be caught. Instead of being used as a guinea pig, Laura chose to fight to the death, but it was difficult to fight with both fists.

At this moment, Liu Feng, who has a superhuman physique as strong as a god, appeared. Liu

Feng recognized the little wolf girl’s Adamant metal claw and learned her identity. The military was chasing her, so they naturally took her side and came to the rescue without hesitation.

“After all, looking at the entire Marvel and X-Men worlds, apart from Wolverine Logan, who can heal himself and become as strong as a monster, only her daughter Laura can use Adamant metal as a claw.”

But even if you put this aside, considering the situation at the time, just the frantic expression on the military’s face when hunting the little wolf girl was enough to be sentenced to death here by Liu Feng.

The military became like evil spirits. Lost the meaning of existence.

He did the same, killing the military who was chasing Laura was as simple as squeezing a group of ants.

At that time, Laura watched

Liu Feng’s every move. In her eyes, they were like beings like angels and gods. This was the second man in Laura’s life who made her feel safe, besides her old father Wolverine Logan.

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