“When has there ever been a gangster with such a childish nickname?”Winston wondered.

“Not a nickname or a gangster, just Superman.”

The lobby manager replied again and again,”With a strong build, wearing a red and blue uniform, with a huge S painted on his chest, this guy has already arrived at the front desk.”

“Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Winston was amused, and replied directly to the other party in an aggravated tone:”This kind of American comic fanatic appeared out of nowhere, and he was afraid that if he was killed directly, it would appear too casual.””

“Just drag him to a deserted corner, kill him and throw him into the sewer. Do you still need me to help you plan this?”

Just before Winston turned off the phone, the lobby manager on the other end of the phone added:”I’m afraid this guy is not just an ordinary American comic fan, because he flew here.

Winston stopped hanging up the phone:”What the hell are you talking about?””

“I watched him fall from the sky and walk over from a place ten meters away.”The lobby manager paused for a moment:”He said that he would see the person in charge within ten minutes.”

“otherwise?”Winster asked

“He’s going to bleed the lobby like he’s kicking the man who just made the rude remarks to him into a cripple.”The lobby manager tried to keep his voice calm.

Winston was silent for a few seconds and replied,”I’ll be there in two minutes.”

Here in the lobby, Liu Feng is wearing a red and blue Superman uniform and a pair of special Superman black-rimmed glasses on his face, making him look like an ordinary passerby.

He has been surrounded by countless killers They formed a circle and put their hands in their pockets, but no one took action.

The reason was that there were seven or eight killers lying at his feet. Without exception, they were all killed. Feng will kill with one hit, and some of them will die from collateral damage.

As well-trained killers, they can also shoot directly, but there is another reason, that is, there is a rule in the Continental Hotel: all killers do not check in. Killing is allowed.

This is a rule that has been in place for many years to avoid disputes. Unless someone attacks, I want to protect myself, or the hotel owner personally orders it to be lifted, they are not allowed to kill Liu Feng, but Liu Feng himself does not. There were so many rules. Looking at the clock, he slowly walked to the lobby manager, raised the corners of his mouth and said,”Ten minutes are up.”

“Sir, please don’t worry, our boss has agreed……”The black lobby manager wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Liu Feng’s hand.

The lobby manager’s face darkened:”What do you mean?……?”

“You have no right to live anymore.”

The moment Liu Feng finished saying this, the first gunshot sounded loudly from nowhere. The trajectory of the bullet was the back of Liu Feng’s head.

He didn’t have to hide at first, but suddenly he realized that the trajectory of the bullet was very special. Then his head tilted, and a bullet penetrated the lobby manager’s arm. The shooter was stunned. He was a fast shooter known as the Western Cowboy in the Continental Hotel. His gun speed was faster than anyone else, but he didn’t. Thinking that Liu Feng could even hide from this!

Of course, he couldn’t be stunned for long. Liu Feng came to the so-called Western Cowboy, slapped him and sent him flying two to three meters, and then walked over and slapped him again. He slapped his face and knocked the person out, causing the floor to crack, and then said:”Don’t interrupt the adults in your next life.”

The people in the lobby ran away in panic, and one of them opened fire again. This time, it hit Liu Feng’s head! Seeing this scene, everyone cheered!

Little did they know that Liu Feng was beaten deliberately.

When When everyone saw the bullet bounced off Liu Feng’s skin and fell flat to the ground, they finally came to their senses.

This thing is not afraid of bullets!

“Get better weapons. Liu

Feng looked around and said,”Otherwise, they will all be beaten to death by me.””

As soon as he finished speaking, the sonic boom came again.

Liu Feng’s figure flashed suddenly and disappeared. When he reappeared with a strong wind, he kicked three unlucky guys and broke them.

Facing this scene, who in the lobby could Can you accept it? The brave ones put on powerful equipment and blasted Liu Feng. The timid killers who originally wanted to take the mission ran away, but it was useless. Regarding this, the Hydra organization used it a few days ago. Life has shown them that countless bullets hitting Liu Feng were either crushed or rebounded.

The armor-piercing bullets could not even penetrate Liu Feng’s skin, and the grenades could not even curl his hair, and they all shot out. things, like fireworks in the night sky

“Bullets can’t even penetrate it! How can it be……!”The killer is unbelievable

“This guy is really a genuine superman!!!”

Countless bullets were fired at Liu Feng’s fatal parts, but to no avail. On the contrary, whoever shot Liu Feng first was found out. That person died in a tragic and tragic death.

Is it okay if you don’t hit Liu Feng? No, you want to escape. Liu Feng would not let him go. He smashed a wall and threw it at the door, blocking the door with a bang. No one could get out!

“Sorry, I said it. You all must die, no negotiation!”Liu Feng is floating in the air and looking down at all living beings.

This guy! He wants to kill them all! Even if everyone wants to break their heads, they can’t guess that Liu Feng, wearing a Superman uniform, will do such a thing!

This kind of approach is different from theirs. The bright and majestic superhero in my impression is completely different!

Blocking the door is just Liu Feng’s first step, and the next step is the moment of killing! As mentioned before, Liu Feng has no sense of justice, and the distinction between good and evil is based on nothing. He thought.

In addition, the people who can stay in this hotel have more or less blood on their hands. They are all desperadoes with dozens of lives on their backs. No matter how glamorous they look on the outside, they are just a group of living people. The remnant that is useless to the world, Liu Feng just wiped out the whole place! It can be regarded as a curve to save the country.

Liu Feng started his own moment of massacre!

His flying speed exceeds the speed of sound, and he has the power to flatten tanks at will. Even if you hit their fatal parts with your fists, even if you just hit them with your body, these killers will be smashed into a river of blood!

And while Liu Feng was floating in the air, six rockets were fired! The bullets flew out continuously in an instant.

The banging sound shook and hit Liu Feng’s body.

The whole hall was swallowed up by the flames. The air suddenly became quiet as everyone looked at this scene. breathed a sigh of relief

“Okay, that guy should have no hair left.”

After Winston noticed that Superman Liu Feng was not moving on the second floor, he stretched out his hand to signal his subordinates to put down their bazookas.

As the boss, Winston stepped forward and looked at this horrifying scene, and couldn’t help but feel frightened.

This Is he fucking Superman possessed by the devil?

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