New York Police Department

“Toot toot toot……”

Liu Feng, who was watching American TV series in the office with nothing to do, was suddenly disturbed by the ringtone of his cell phone.

After seeing the caller number, Liu Feng not only was not in a hurry, but picked up the call slowly.

“Hello, would you like to order takeout?”Liu Feng joked after picking up the phone.

Arthur on the other end of the phone said seriously:”Don’t make trouble, I have something serious to ask you.”

“Just ask, hurry up, I was watching a TV series, and when I saw the part about having sex, you called me right away.

Liu Feng complained a little bit:”If I waste more time, I won’t be sure whether I am thinking with my upper body or lower body when I chat with you later.”

Seeing this, Arthur got straight to the point:”That day, it was about Superman.……”

“Um.”Liu Feng replied

“Is this how you plan to explain it to me?”Arthur couldn’t help complaining.

“Don’t you already know that man is Superman? What else do you need me to tell you?”

“Talking about his Man of Steel? Super flight super vision and heat vision? Wouldn’t it be nice to buy a copy of DC Comics and read it back home? Or should I buy you a copy here?”

Liu Feng answered nonchalantly.

Arthur on the other end of the phone really wanted to fly over and give Liu Feng a brain-busting blow.

He was his boss after all. Even if this guy didn’t have respect, he should take him seriously!

But he still suppressed his anger. , said as calmly as possible

“Of course I’m not asking about these nonsense! But I want to know, why does Superman, who only exists in comics, appear in the real world?

Arthur continued to add:”And, what is your relationship with him?” How far can you get him to do it?”

“If he gets angry, do you have the ability to restrain him?”

“There are probably too many questions you want to ask.”

Liu Feng yawned.

“Brother! Do you know what kind of person we are talking about?”

“According to the comic setting, as long as that guy gets angry and reaches his limit, he can use the earth as a dumbbell!”

Arthur couldn’t help but raise his voice:

“We are nothing but ants to him! If he doesn’t know his true identity, not only the people of the United States, but people all over the world will live in fear of his position!”

“Okay, okay.”Although he still felt careless, Liu Feng finally spoke, which made Arthur breathe a sigh of relief:

“The Superman you praise is my friend, I will only tell you this”

“Didn’t you understand what I just told you? asked Arthur

“I understand, but I have already said that he is a good friend of mine. Unless he wants to tell me the questions you want to ask, I have no way of knowing. Liu Feng explained

“……Do you really know nothing else?”Arthur confirmed again and again

“Of course, Superman and I are just friends. He is also relatively low-key. He usually likes to wear glasses and hide in the crowd. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference myself.”

“So how can you convince him to help you deal with the enemy?”Arthur asked

“As I said, we are friends.”

Liu Feng calmly responded to Arthur’s questions

“I couldn’t find Laura Kinney that day, and I was so angry that I called my super friend. I still owe him a favor for this, so I have to treat him to a drink next time.”

As if he had guessed Arthur’s next question, Liu Feng spoke before him.

“Don’t even think about asking him to help you solve battles through me. He doesn’t like to get involved in the military”

“My daily hobby is to help pick up the kitten that ran into the tree. Arthur on the other end of the phone was silent for a while and said,”You really didn’t reveal any useful information to me.”

Liu Feng expressed helplessness:”That’s why I don’t know much. After all, I am just a small person. Otherwise, I would have saved the world with my super friends.””

Arthur knew that he would not be able to learn anything else useful from Liu Feng, so he had to hang up the phone. Before doing so, he said a few words:”Don’t cause any more trouble for me recently.”

“There is an old saying in China: I will not offend others unless they offend me. I will give you an in-depth analysis of the meaning of this sentence another day.”

Hearing Liu Feng’s response, Arthur, who knew that this guy would not let him have a peaceful personality, could only think of himself as asking for trouble, and then hung up the phone with an elegant sentence.

Liu Feng ended the call and did not continue. Watch the American TV series, because the little wolf girl Laura has come to his office.

This little girl always has a straight face, and it is hard to tell whether she is happy or sad, but Liu Feng asked with a smile:”My body has recovered. how’s it going?”

The little wolf girl just looked very cold, and she didn’t have any low emotional intelligence in the face of Liu Feng’s concern. She just shrugged and responded:”I wasn’t hurt much in the first place.”

“But I’m still curious. You said before that they arrested you to recruit you into their Hydra organization? Then why don’t you come in?” Liu Feng asked.

Laura was stunned for a moment and replied:”If you don’t want to come in, what’s the reason?”

“The Hydra organization is powerful and offers good treatment. If you join them, you don’t have to suffer from being hunted by the military anymore, so you have nothing to lose. Liu Feng continued to ask

“I don’t like to stay in such a hierarchical place, I love freedom more.”Laura still replied lukewarmly.

“So you are willing to suffer their torture rather than join their organization? This is not a good enough reason.”Liu Feng looked at her with interest.

“You and I are in the same camp, so after joining Hydra, you must be killed if you know about it. I can’t do such a thing.”Laura said

“Little wolf girl, you must have fallen in love with me, right?”

“Let me explain first that I already have a wife, and your underdeveloped figure is nothing compared to my wife Wanda. Liu Feng joked

“The Hydra organization is interested in my killing ability.”

Laura ignored Liu Feng’s glib words and said:”I didn’t choose to betray you because, like you, I am a person who takes promises very seriously.”

“Before we were caught, we made a promise, I won’t kill anyone, and you promise me safety. This is a common agreement between us. I am not a person who breaks my word, so I ignored them.

Liu Feng raised his eyebrows:”What if I can’t save you from Hydra and fulfill our promise?””

“I believe you will fulfill it.”

Laura shrugged and responded:”I admit that I gambled, but I won completely because the goddess of fate will always favor me.

Liu Feng was silent for a while and said:”I didn’t meet your expectations because I failed to stop Hydra’s people from taking you away.””

“This may be the first time in my life that I, Liu Feng, have broken my promise.”

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