At this moment, Liu Feng is in superhuman form.

And Superman is the God on earth!

Facing the artillery fire, Liu Feng continued to float forward.

He looked down at the mortals below and said,”It’s useless.”

To others, Liu Feng’s words sounded like the whispers of demons in the depths of hell, condemning everyone present to death!

“I’m going to make you, all of you, pay the price!”

Liu Feng directly accelerated his flight, sonic boom, sonic boom punch!

A big hole was directly shaken in the area hit.

But before he stopped, he accelerated again and used various combination punches, like a never-ending engine! Trako collapsed on the ground, his eyes widened.

He witnessed all this, the slaughter of mortals by gods!

Then, he looked at him and came to the titanium alloy door on the inside.

At this time, Liu Feng and Si. There was only one door between Trak!

Liu Feng still kicked the door open.

Strak still refused to admit defeat and suddenly pressed the button in his hand! This time, a huge explosion swallowed Liu Feng!

The explosion was comparable to a small nuclear bomb explosion!

Straker himself had to hide in the prison where Laura Kinney was held to avoid being affected, because the materials made in Laura Kinney’s prison were just right!

“The newly researched small nuclear bomb should be able to kill.”

Struck murmured to himself, with doubt in his tone.

This is something that Hydra once used to destroy an entire city. If he and Laura hadn’t each had extremely safe protection, this entire base would have been destroyed. I’m afraid no one will survive!

But in this case!

——Liu Feng is still floating in the air.

Even a real nuclear bomb can’t kill Superman. Are small nuclear bombs useful?

“Fuck you! How can this be!”

Liu Feng looked down at Strack, flew to Laura’s prison door, grabbed it with both hands, and pulled it from left to right, just like pulling a package, tearing a human-shaped crack in the titanium alloy door.

He came to Strack’s prison door The pressure around him instantly made him collapse, while Liu Feng squatted down, looked at him, and said:”It’s normal to feel dizzy, and it will happen quickly.”

Liu Feng said while putting his hand on the trembling Strucker’s head. His palm is the most terrifying weapon in the world.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!”Struck finally shouted heartbreakingly and fearfully, and then Liu Feng exerted a little force on his hand. The result was self-evident, and the plasma exploded!

A few minutes later.

Laura woke up in the box. She had just woken up. Laura discovered that the tightly locked door in the box she was in became twisted, and there was actually a lot of flesh and blood residue on the ground!

While still confused, Laura saw a huge figure appear. , Liu Feng looked at him and showed a kind smile:”Hello, Laura.”

Liu Feng wore superman glasses that could hide his identity, so Laura couldn’t recognize him.

Laura’s sharp claws grew directly from her palms. Although the prison made her unable to use her strength, she still Looking at Liu Feng warily

“Who are you? Comic book enthusiast who plays Superman? Laura asked.

The corners of Liu Feng’s mouth raised slightly and he said,”It doesn’t matter what my identity is. What’s important is that I was sent by Liu Feng, and he has been looking for you.””

Laura’s eyes were still a little questioning until she saw the scene outside the door. Corpses were everywhere and blood was flowing in rivers.

Regardless of whether he was Liu Feng’s person or not, at least this guy really killed everyone in Hydra. It shouldn’t hurt him.

And one thing is very important.

Like Liu Feng, this guy gives people a strong sense of oppression.

“Let’s go. If you don’t trust me, just follow me. If you find something is wrong, you can run away at any time.”

Liu Feng knew the little wolf girl’s character very well, so he left without looking back after leaving such a sentence.

Laura was stunned for a moment, how come this guy talks the same as Liu Feng?

After leaving the prison, , Laura was surprised to find that the outside of the prison had been bombed full of pits and corpses. The inside and outside of the prison were like two completely different worlds.

“Scared? Liu Feng asked.

Laura shrugged:”I have been killing people as long as I can remember.””

So, the two people who were used to seeing death and injury walked through the group of corpses and left here.

And at the moment they left, a camera on the floor outside the explosion range of the small nuclear bomb glowed red and turned to Liu Feng..At the same time, a freeze-frame picture of Liu Feng and Little Wolf Girl appeared on a super screen in a deserted base.

Then, a strange scene suddenly appeared on the screen that no one was operating. The screen flashed on the ground, and then letters appeared one after another in the center of the screen, finally forming two words:”Superman, interesting.””

The next day, the location of the abandoned building was still there, but it was no longer the base with the best protective measures for the Hydra organization in the past.

Instead, it was razed to the ground.

The Hydra investigators, led by Pierce Next, a large-scale search was conducted for any instruments or scientific research results that could still be used.

The results were disappointing. The buildings above the base had collapsed due to the fighting underground, and the so-called underground base had been penetrated everywhere.

The weapons and weapons in the crater exploded by the bomb were stacked up like garbage, and the disgusting smell of blood continued to emit.

Looking at the pile of corpses, not one of them was intact, and there was something capable inside. It’s not bad if the appearance is intact, and the limbs are intact.

There are some corpses with the upper body still lying on the ground, but the lower body appears in the pit two meters away.

All this makes people think. What kind of weapon could cause such casualties?

It’s not like nothing has been preserved here.

For example, the cage that was designed to hold Little Wolf Girl X23 is still standing there untouched by the weather. On the cage that could not be destroyed by nuclear bombs, there were two human-shaped cracks that were torn apart by unknown weapons, which was a bit disturbing.

“Liu Feng, is he really capable of causing all this?”Pierce couldn’t help muttering to himself.

To be honest, when the Hydra agent who was chasing Grant Ward was eliminated, Pierce understood that Grant had been found by Liu Feng first.

And according to Grant’s character, as long as he After Liu Feng tortured him for a while, the guy would reveal everything. So he called Strack in advance and told him to move the base without risking the little wolf girl Laura Kinney.

, as soon as he finished the fight, he received a call from Liu Feng.

He had the ability to contact Pierce, and he also knew Pierce’s identity as the leader of Hydra, and even threatened to go undercover with other Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D. As a member of the organization, Pierce had begun to be wary of him.

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