Nick then put his chin on his hand and continued:”You should be more eager to find out the woman you made a promise to protect her now.”

“Although I don’t know where she is, I can tell you where our SHIELD base is.”

Nick gave the first condition

“Because the mole is in the base and I have found out his identity, I can also tell you.”This is the second condition given by Nick.

Nick said:”Two compensations offset two mistakes. I think it is very fair. So you should also be more sincere”

“no.”Liu Feng looked into Nick’s eyes with a tough attitude and said,”Clinton must go to jail here without any negotiation.”

“Negotiation doesn’t work like that. Nick lowered his voice,”Do you want me to tell you first that I don’t even have the right to take people away with the information you need?” What about your concession?”

Liu Feng said every word:”If you tell the location of SHIELD’s base and the contents of the mole, his sentence can be reduced. If the information was correct, Clinton would have only served a year in prison.”

Nick and Liu Feng looked at each other for a long time.

In the end, Nick was defeated and responded:”You win.”

Nick Fury knows very well that Liu Feng is furious now, and an angry person cannot negotiate with others. He has to calm Liu Feng’s anger first before he has a chance to fight for Clinton.

“I can give you the address and the mole’s information. After you find him, I don’t care how you deal with him. I won’t interfere with subsequent matters. You can find your woman by yourself.

Liu Feng did not talk to Nick, but called Chen Long over:”Entertain this guest, treat him to drink Tieguanyin, and let him leave when he wants to leave.””

After leaving these words, Liu Feng got into his car, started in fifth gear, and drove in the direction of the base of SHIELD that Nick Fury said.

The speed of the car is very fast, no matter how good the driving skills are. No one dares to say that he can ride on such a track without causing an accident, but this is no problem for Liu Feng, who has super vision.

In fact, Liu Feng can directly use the flying ability in his superhuman physique to achieve the goal. Sonic arrived at the SHIELD base, but he didn’t want to do this, otherwise he would expose his abilities, so he had to put his abilities into improving normal human transportation. Now Liu Feng has used his superhuman physique to have vision and hearing.

On the other hand, Grant Ward, whose identity has been exposed, has already packed up his things and left S.H.I.E.L.D., traveled to the airport, and boarded the plane. Everything was designed to be perfect, and no one would check.

The moment Grant got on the plane, he was free.

He ignored the man who valued his reputation more than his life.

He had used Super. His vision captured everything.

His eyes suddenly became cold, and he murmured to himself:”No one can escape unscathed after offending me, even if you run to the end of the world, you can’t escape.”

Liu Feng controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, and took out his special mobile phone customized for him with his right hand.

Select permissions, scroll to the bottom, and enable the highest permissions! Select satellite mode and skillfully enter the nine digits in the password lock that pops up. number, and then a text is displayed on the phone:

“The ultimate satellite god’s eye is at your service.”

Liu Feng first expanded his vision to see the information on the screen in the cockpit of Ward’s private jet.

He learned the private jet’s flight path, longitude and latitude coordinates, and then quickly operated on his mobile phone to get it. All the information was entered. The next moment, there was a beep on Liu Feng’s phone, and a real-time surveillance video was displayed on Liu Feng’s phone, just like the camera on the phone outside the private plane.

Based on the real-time coordinates of the plane, it was determined that he had three possible destinations:


Liu Feng did not hesitate to use this authority. The reason was that Liu Feng had no problem. Feng directly mobilized a huge satellite to follow the private plane in real time. Yes, he used the satellite to keep an eye on it.

Suddenly, Liu Feng’s cell phone rang. Liu Feng answered the phone while getting in the car. As he said before, this was special. There were only two people who could make this call with a mobile phone, and Liu Feng had just used such a thing, so it was obvious who the other party was.

After the call was connected, Arthur on the other end yelled:”Liu Feng, you. are you crazy! He actually opened the permission to use the Eye of God!”

Liu Feng continued to drive without responding, while Arthur couldn’t help complaining:”I always make a big fuss out of interest. You are happy. Have you ever thought about my feelings?”

“Other times it might be out of interest, but not this time. Liu Feng finally spoke.

Before Arthur could respond, Liu Feng continued:”Laura Kinney, the woman I rescued six days ago, I promised him that I would protect her safety.” I made a commitment.”

Arthur had time to respond, but chose to remain silent.

Because Liu Feng mentioned the word promise.

He knew Liu Feng’s character well. He also understood how important commitment is to Liu Feng.

“Now I just need to find that beast, find him, find out Laura’s whereabouts, find Laura again, give her a shelter, and fulfill my promise.”Liu Feng, who was driving, had a tough attitude.

After a long time, Arthur’s voice came from the other end of the phone:”Okay, I understand.”

Arthur knew that Liu Feng’s character was like this.

Otherwise, he would not have gotten to know Liu Feng.

After Liu Feng hung up the phone, he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the car.

The roar of the engine was like his blood. There was a lot of agitation in


Grant Ward was not in a good mood because a few days ago, Baron Strack, the boss of the Hydra organization, assigned Grant a mission to go to New York. The police department found a woman named Laura Kinney and brought it to him.

Grant felt that such a trivial matter was not worthy of his involvement, so he hacked into Director Nick Fury’s computer, forged a seal from the Washington Bureau, and made a transfer order.. Later , as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, arranged for a young man named Clinton Button to get things done. Who would have thought that Clinton Button, a powerful person of S.H.I.E.L.D. How could an agent be locked up by an ordinary NYPD officer?

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