“Good morning, Officer Liu.”

There were still various greetings along the way. Liu Feng, as the light of New York, naturally responded with a smile and said hello.

By the way, since the last incident, there has been no more greetings in the police station. What earth-shattering events have happened? Even the number of rape and murder cases is decreasing.

The only cases that the police station solves all day long are negligible small cases such as theft, family disputes, and missing cats and dogs. He couldn’t even arouse his interest.

Liu Feng would often give it to the new police officers to practice, and he would not do it himself if there was no important matter.

Liu Feng also taught them a Chinese proverb, which is to kill a chicken with a bull’s sword.

Whether they understand or not is their own business. Anyway, Liu Feng likes to fish. There is also the matter of the director.

After the traitor Jack was dropped by Liu Feng in the most remote state in the United States, a new one was sent from the General Administration. The director’s name is Jax.

The new director Jax is a black man, tall and thin, looks honest, and is very serious about his work.

He is the kind of person who looks like a top student after graduating and working. , obviously he had heard a lot about Liu Feng’s deeds before coming here. After all, he is the light of New York, how could he not be known to everyone?

Liu Feng also tried to keep a low profile, but his strength did not allow it.

But now, he is just Even when I go out to buy pizza, I happen to be recognized by the part-time Spider-Man Peter Parker. In the original world, the only people who could enjoy this were the cutthroats who acted awkwardly on the screen.

In the United States, people admire strong people more.

In short, there should be no problem in the police station.

Liu Feng was very satisfied with this. After walking into the office and sitting on the chair, he wanted to look through the recent news. There was no special case, but there was nothing.

At this time, Liu Feng thought of Laura’s case.

After a while, a little man came over:”This morning. Okay, Brother Liu, is there anything you need me to do?”

This is Chen Long, the more capable police officer in Liu Feng’s hands.

Because he is a mixed race like Liu Feng, he has paid extra attention to this man who has Chinese blood like himself.

Chen Long has never let him down. He is very conscientious in his work and is Liu Feng’s best young man.

I heard that his parents gave him the name Chen Long to pay tribute to Jackie Chan, the light of the Chinese people. For this reason, Liu Feng also wants him to be his right-hand man. Assistant.

Now, Liu Feng needs to ask him about that day.

“Do you remember the case six days ago? The woman I arrested for murder was Laura Kinney. Liu Feng asked,”I asked you to do it. How is the progress?””

He remembered that he had asked this subordinate to handle the matter at that time, so he called him over.

Chen Long was indeed impressed and responded to Liu Feng:”Yes, I sent someone in at that time.”

“Check the records to confirm”

“good.”A few minutes later, he came back and said solemnly:”Brother Liu, something went wrong. Laura Kinney was not taken to prison. She was taken away that day.

Liu Feng’s expression changed when he heard this:”Has someone taken him away?””

“Well, that’s what the records show”

“I see.”Liu Feng regained his composure, waved his hand and asked the police to leave.

Chen Long wanted to say something else, but he knew Liu Feng’s character well, so he left.

Liu Feng picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number skillfully :”I’m Liu Feng, so I don’t need to say any polite words. Let me ask you, why didn’t Laura Kinney go to jail six days ago?”

The person on the other end of the phone was Jax. As the new director, he was confused about what Laura Kinney Liu Feng was talking about, but he still respected Liu Feng and did a little research.

After checking, he responded:”It’s true that I didn’t go to jail, I was taken away.”

“Look who transferred it.”Liu Feng’s attitude was tough.

Although Jax didn’t know who this woman was, and he didn’t know why Liu Feng went to such trouble to find this information, he still obeyed and got the result:”It was found out.

Liu Feng then asked:”Who is it?” What organization?

Jax replied:”Washington Police Department.””

“Sure? Liu Feng frowned

“It’s the General Administration. Jax responded,”That’s what it says on the transfer order, and it’s stamped with the seal of the General Administration. There will be no mistake.””

“I get it, you get on with it.”

Liu Feng hung up Jax’s phone and dialed another one. It was Liu Feng’s direct boss, the personal number of Arthur, the chief of the Washington Police Department.

“Liu Feng? What’s wrong? Arthur asked.

Liu Feng asked:”Did you know that the Washington General Administration took Laura Kinney away?””

“Laura Kinney? Is she the woman you wanted to send to jail after that incident? Arthur asked, and Liu Feng responded patiently.

He also added:”My original intention was to let her stay in prison with peace of mind, but the result was not like this.” And this incident shows that it is related to the Washington General Bureau”

“I have never given such an order. Arthur said decisively.

Liu Feng responded seriously:”Because I found out that the investigation order came from the Washington General Administration, so I think you should know about it.””

“No, I’m confused about this.” Arthur responded

“OK, I understand.”Liu Feng immediately hung up the phone and sat alone in the office, pondering all this.

Someone secretly took Laura, the little wolf girl, away. To do such a thing under Liu Feng’s nose, he used the order of the General Administration.

The entire There are only a few organizations in New York, no, in the entire United States, that can do these things. They are organizations with extremely terrifying abilities, and they are eyeing Liu Feng.

Soon, the new director Jax called back, and Liu Feng came back. Picked up, Jax responded:

“Liu Feng, regarding the matter of Laura Kinney, we called the surveillance and found that although the order was from the General Administration, in the video surveillance, the person who took Laura away was not someone from the General Administration.” Sure enough, there is a force that is causing trouble.

Fortunately, Liu Feng understands all the plot trends in the Marvel Universe, including all the forces.

If it were just those few forces, Liu Feng could count them all with his fingers.

So he said:”Tune in. Send me the video and I will review it myself”

“OK.”After a while, Liu Feng’s special mobile phone received a video.

Liu Feng had seen people from the General Administration, and those in the surveillance video were obviously not. And when he hit the ground, there really was one inside, which Liu Feng was extremely familiar with. figure holding bow and arrow


Liu Feng recognized him immediately, but now, as one of the members of the Avengers, he obviously has not yet received the title of Hawkeye.

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