"A little scared. "

"My pants are wet. "

"Maniac! War Maniac!".

"X-Men, Iron Man, please come and save me!".

"Ah, why London!".

The Major's speech was, in a sense, too anti-human.

This is a war maniac!

As long as you can go to war, you can do whatever it takes.

It doesn't matter if it's your own victory.

Or a victory for the enemy.

As long as the war is tragic enough, the war is bloody enough, it is enough.



Nick Fury looked at Dr. Serizawa, "Everyone in the Shuka organization is like this?"

"It's not. "

Dr. Serizawa shook his head: "What the Emperor of Heaven said is right, he should be the main battle faction among the main battle factions, which is a bit too extreme. "


This is more than extreme!

It's simply....

"That's funny when I say. The Emperor of Heaven smiled, "The wars in this world are often half-hearted, are you pretending to be a good person here?".


"What?" the Emperor looked at Nick Fury, "I pierced the disguise?".

Don't get angry, don't get angry.

If you can't beat others, it's useless to get angry, but you have to die.


In a sense, the other party is right, humans are such creatures.

The spirit of the Major is, in fact, a continuation of the human spirit of violence and war.


It is simply the red horse knight recorded in the book of Revelation, who went to the world, and called the world to fight for eternity.

"By the way, aren't the X-Men here yet?".

Nick Fury looked at Professor X, "The situation is critical. "

"Fury, actually..."

Professor X sighed and pointed to the light curtain, "Take a look." "


Da, da, da.

The pink bear alarm clock was placed on the ground, and the second hand moved one by one.

Tall, thin, freckled, bespectacled, and a twenty-year-old girl with a strand of hair on her head, dressed in a dark blue suit and holding a rifle in her hand.

It's a very old-fashioned rifle.

The girl also seemed to be a little timid.


If she hadn't been standing in a pool of blood, everything would have been more appropriate.

Lieutenant Rip van Winck.

Magic Catapult Shooter!

This is the aircraft carrier of England, which has been slaughtered at this moment, and their symbols have been drawn on the deck with their blood.

Lying on the ground, his legs bent and stretched, holding a gun, he showed a demonic smile.


Bullets burst out.

The sound is less like the sound of rifles and more like the sound of missiles fired by naval guns.

The bullet streaked a silver line through the air.

Like a puppet, someone manipulated the line that belonged to it, reversed its direction, and flew towards the Blackbird fighter in the distance.


X-Men's Blackbird Spare Machine, Scrapped!

All of them fell into the sea.

Especially Colossus, if it weren't for his teammates, I'm afraid it would have completely sunk to the bottom.


Laser-eyed Scott looked at the light curtain.

"Is this woman also a mutant?".

Wolverine snapped his head: "Mutant? I don't look like it, it's more like a vampire." "

"I said you two should stop bickering. "

The phoenix girl raised her hand to lay down the telekinesis barrier, blocking the bullet that exploded the Blackbird fighter but did not destroy it in front of her, and frowned: "Psychic power control?

He didn't feel the power of telekinesis.

It's more like....

Bullets have a will of their own?


Rip laughed, reloaded the bullets, and shot.


Another bullet was fired, and it hit the back of the blocked bullet.

The power of the two is combined....


It was as if a piece of glass had been shattered in the air.

The phoenix woman's complexion changed, and the whole person immediately dodged away, but it was meaningless.

I saw two bullets turn around and head towards her.


Wolverine cursed and shouted at Storm, "Throw me on the ballistics." "

Stormgirl suddenly understood.

Wolverine's mutant ability is resilience, or immortality.

This kind of attack that doesn't know the specific upper limit is best for him to block.

Hurricanes swept.

Wolverine was dizzy, and then was flung in front of the bullet's trajectory by the wind.

He roared, "Stop me." "

With a wave of both hands.

I want to block it with the palm of Edelman alloy.


There was a loud bang.

I saw Wolverine clenching his fists tightly, and the flesh of both hands had disappeared, leaving only the skeleton.

The phalanges were closed, and two bullets that seemed to be doped with silver were shaking, as if trying to escape.


Wolverine laughed.

"I think you're rejoicing too soon. "

Scott looked at the three silver rays flying in the distance, and the radium rays burst out from his eyes.


"Damn, there are a lot of people around this major!".

"No, how did Germany lose in the first place?

"Isn't there a Captain America?".

"Are you sure this, and the vampire-like stuff in the airship, Captain America can solve it alone. "

"Don't think upstairs, Germany didn't have any of these things in World War II. But you're right, it's not up to Captain America. "

"Which onion are you? You say no, no, no?"

"When I went through World War II, I'm afraid you little cubs hadn't been born yet!"

Pym battled the crowd on the light curtain.

But he also thought so in his heart, if Germany had these geniuses in World War II, it would still be victorious?

I'm afraid it's not that easy!

Where the hell did these people come from?


Over London.

The Major stood above the airship, his hair blown by the bitter night breeze.

He raised his hand like a conductor.

With his eyes closed, he immersed himself in the conductor of a symphony called "War".



The roar of shells.

The crackling of churches being lit by the flames of war.

Finally the brigade fell into London, and the rampant laughter of the people hunted and killed.

The cries of the people.

Cries of despair.

Strafing from machine guns.


Everything is like a different instrument.

The conductor of the major is intertwined, and it turns into the most shocking and the most "beautiful" sound in the world.

A symphony of "war"!

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