American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 91: Stark's wooing

Seeing that Goofy actually woke up, Dr. Schuler's face was so embarrassed and embarrassing, Tony Stark was all smiles, Goofy's amazing recovery speed was a surprise to him.

"Mr. Stark, this..." Dr. Schuler was in a complicated mood and wanted to explain a few words to save face.

But Stark didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and pointed to the door: "Okay, you are not needed here, go and rest."

"Mr. Stark..." The corners of Dr. Schuler's mouth twitched, and he wanted to struggle for a while, but his assistant was a little clever and quickly dragged him out of the ward.

Stark poured a glass of water for Goofy himself, and then asked in a low voice, "How are you feeling now?"

"It feels pretty good." Gao Fei smiled lightly, "I think it won't be long before I can get out of bed and walk."

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, you almost went to see God." Stark said seriously.

Gao Fei curled his lips: "God is not so easy to see, and maybe he doesn't like to see me. Every time I try to see him, I will be pulled back by others."

"What? Do you really want to see God?" Stark keenly caught Goofy's voice, which made Goofy quickly vigilant—the guy sitting in front of him was a pretty smart guy, and he had to fight when he spoke. Get twelve points of spirit.

"As a young police officer, I will inevitably encounter all kinds of dangers." Gao Fei quickly made up for it, "It's not that I really want to see God, it's that I can't help myself."

"You're not a little policeman, don't be so selfish." Stark's smile was full of meaning, "Your body has been strengthened to more than 5 times that of a normal person. Would you mind talking to me about this?"

"In the process of handling a case, I was captured by criminals and used as a human experiment. It's that simple." Gao Fei said, "I'm a blessing in disguise."

"It was indeed a blessing in disguise." Stark nodded lightly, then put his hand on Goofy's shoulder, "Listen, first of all I want to thank you for saving me, my bodyguard and my driver, it's amazing thing..."

Gao Fei's heart moved - this Stark seems to have some intentions for me!

Sure enough, Stark continued: "Police Gao Fei, you are not an ordinary person, I think you have realized this, a talent like you, staying in NYPD to be an inconspicuous police officer is a bit underpowered. ."

Gao Fei suddenly realized, you are planning to dig the corner of the NYPD!

"Police Goofy, why don't I arrange a job for you, come to Stark Industries to show your ambitions, I will give you dozens of times your current salary, and let you be responsible for the security of the entire enterprise, and I will give you You are equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment, so that your life will never be threatened again. What do you think?" Stark suggested with a smile.

Gao Fei had a black line on his face: "Mr. Stark, I saved your life, but you want me to work for you! Is there anyone who repays the benefactor like this?!"

"Working?" Stark shook his head, "No, we are just a partnership, your working environment will be much better than in NYPD, you will earn a lot of wealth and prestige, consider my suggestion."

Gao Fei follows suit: "Okay, let me think about it..."

After a second.

Gao Fei: "I have finished thinking about it, and I choose to refuse."

The advantage of switching from NYPD to Stark Industries is that the income will double dozens of times, but other than that, almost all of them are disadvantages.

First of all, according to Stark's urination, he will definitely be equipped with the most advanced black technology weapons. When the Iron Man suit is made in the future, maybe he will make a set for Goofy.

Without this rubbish, things would fly so high that they would be close to immortality, and it would be a **** to use such a set of equipment like this! The balance has been destroyed!

Secondly, Tony Stark is an extremely high-profile person. He will hold a press conference at every turn. When the time comes, Gao Fei will stop by Stark's side, and the heat alone will be enough for Gao Fei to drink a pot!

To sum up, Gao Fei could only choose to refuse.

Tony Stark, who was rejected by high-flying seconds, was instantly fascinated—Brother, I am giving you wealth and prestige in a package, but you don't want it, what is your brain circuit?

"Why Goofy? Why reject me?" Stark asked in surprise - the only person who could make him say this since he was a child seemed to be his father.

Gao Fei curled his lips: "Because it's boring, it's boring to work with you."

Once you hold Tony Stark's thigh, you basically have unlimited money. This is nothing. The black technology of Stark Industries is more like a plug-in existence.

Although the earth will face the threat of Green Goblin, Loki, Chitauri, Hydra and Ultron in the future, after Goofy and Stark can basically travel all the way to Thanos.

Although the invincible push map stream sounds cool, it is really not a challenge at all.

The most important thing is that Gao Fei is not here to push pictures at Gao Fei wants to go home!

Gao Fei wants to go home and find his mother!

Stark's current behavior is no different from carrying a box of gold and silver treasures to make a deal with Goofy, and the price of getting this box of gold and silver treasures is to lose the chance to reunite with his parents forever. If Goofy agrees to Stark, he will also pay. How can he be worthy of the kindness of his parents for his upbringing?

So Goofy had to refuse.

Stark, who was beside the hospital bed, was full of puzzlement at this time. No one had ever rejected him so happily.

"I've never tasted rejection, very good, you're an interesting guy." Stark said in his magnetic voice.

Gao Fei's heart was full of MMP - Stark, why are you suddenly being put on by the overbearing president? What the **** is this line that is filled with a rich and unpopular female novel style? !

"Mr. Stark, don't think I'm trying to welcome or refuse, I'll never agree to this matter." Gao Fei didn't want to be sloppy in dealing with the problem, and said sternly, "After experiencing that accident, My body has indeed become much stronger than the average person. God has given me extraordinary abilities and correspondingly assigned me extraordinary responsibilities. I only hope that I can use this ability to help as many people as possible. Not to be the private property of your Stark Industries, so you understand?"

After putting on a good reason, Stark was really speechless.

System: [Admiration from Tony Stark +1]

"You think so..."

"Yes, that's what I think." Gao Fei said firmly, "So no matter how generous the salary you can offer, I will still not give up my current identity - NYPD."

(The fifth update of the new year, I ask for a recommendation ticket)

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