Goofy originally wanted to comfort Frank, and patted him on the shoulder twice, but it was okay if he didn't do it, and Frank immediately let out a pig-killing sound.

"Ouch... it hurts... what do you want to do, kid? You think my injury isn't serious, right?"

At this time, Steve quickly came over and said: "Goofy, Frank's internal organs were injured by the dumped house. Now the situation is very serious, it is best not to touch him... I have already asked Tony for support, and the guy will send a helicopter right away. But Tony also has a second option, which is to use teleportation technology to transfer Frank directly, which can buy more time..."

Skye nodded and said: "Yes, Frank can't hold on for long, but what is worth worrying about now is that everyone is not sure that Frank can withstand the energy fluctuations during teleportation. Once his injury worsens during teleportation, then Teleportation would have the opposite effect."

Hearing this, Frank frowned and shouted: "Do you have a proper plan? How long do you want me to lie here? By the way, my wound is hurting badly now, who will give me some painkillers? I really can't give it. I can buy a bottle of whisky too!"

After shouting a few words and seeing that no one paid him any attention, Frank struggled to grab Gao Fei's arm and said, "Hey, nephew, if you want me to say this, it's all your fault—I asked you to leave me a few high-tech weapons a long time ago. , let me defend myself or something... If you had done what I said earlier, I wouldn't have been beaten like this by that crazy woman."

Goofy shrugged: "I'm sorry, Frank, I think even if I leave you a few high-powered weapons, you will still be beaten by that woman to be like this."

"Stop talking nonsense..." Frank said depressedly, "If I die, it's your responsibility! Just wait for the guilt for the rest of your life!"

Gao Fei grinned: "A lifetime of guilt? You think too much, Frank, our relationship isn't that deep."

Frank spat: "Bah! Brat."

Gao Fei stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder and whispered: "But I won't let you die, Frank, didn't you always want a powerful weapon? Why don't you, I will directly transform you into this kind of weapon. Awesome weapon..."

Speaking of this, Goofy suddenly released energy, allowing the energy to flow through Frank's body, causing him to scream.


In the screams, Frank lost consciousness in pain and entered a state of near death.

at the same time.

Goofy has mastered his entry into the spirit world - the **** he inherited from Mephisto.

The red thick fog around him gradually filled up, and one by one ethereal figures appeared in front of Gao Fei's eyes.

And the figure closest to Gao Fei was Frank, who had just entered a state of near-death and his soul had left his body and came to hell.

"Oh... my head hurts, where the **** is this place?"

Frank rubbed his eyes and asked in a low voice, then he looked up and saw Goofy.

"Hey! Brat! What did you do to me? You made me feel like an electric shock! My internal organs were about to burst, and you almost let me die!" Frank complained gloomily.

Goofy didn't bother to explain to him, but waved to get a scepter from the red mist.


The scepter flew into Gao Fei's hand and shook the surrounding dense fog.

Goofy grabbed the scepter and slammed down.


The ground beneath my feet trembled, and the thick fog dissipated again.

Frank looked dumbfounded: "What the **** is this place? What kind of magic did you show me?"

"This is not magic, this is hell, the destination of the soul after death."

"After death... where does the soul go?" Frank was shocked. "Wait, you mean... I'm dead?!"

"No, sometimes people will enter **** when they are in a state of dying, just like you are now. I just released energy to you to stimulate your injury to worsen, and I want you to enter a state of near-death and come to hell. "Goofy said.

"What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?" Frank looked confused.

Gao Fei said: "It's very simple, your injury is too serious now, I'm worried that Tony will not be able to cure you even if he arrives, but I have a way to save your life directly, and I can also transform you into a A state of immortality..."

"At that time, you will have an immortal body and a powerful physique, and at the same time, you will become the sanctioner of Brooklyn and even the whole of New York, specializing in justice, punishing evil and promoting good..."

"Will you accept my help, Frank?"

Frank squinted and thought for a moment, then grinned and said, "I don't seem to have a reason to say no."

"Very well, that's right." Goofy nodded, then stomped the ground with his scepter again.


The ground cracked violently, and the magma surged in the cracks, followed by a piece of red parchment floating out of the magma, and then flew into the sky into Gao Fei's hand.

It was a contract, once signed by Mephisto with Robbie Reyes.

Goofy handed the contract to Frank, smiled and said, "Since you choose to agree, then sign the contract, Frank."

Frank hesitated, looked down at the parchment, then looked up at Gao Fei, and asked, "Wait, my uncle signed a contract with my nephew? How does this look... how awkward."

"It's not a contract, it's a contract. Only when you sign a contract and keep your soul in **** can you get the abilities I mentioned before." Goofy explained, "This is an ancient magic, and I can't change it. its process."

Frank is still haggling: "Wait, Goofy, you didn't cheat on me, did you? You wouldn't cheat your old uncle, would you? Don't forget, but I pulled you up with one hand, and for this kindness, you You can't fool me, you know?"

Gao Fei was speechless: "Nonsense, Frank, what am I doing to you? You are my family, will I cheat you? Hurry up, your injuries are very serious, you are dying. After you die, it will be fine. No matter how strong the contract is, it can't save you, you know?"

"Okay okay..." Frank nodded lightly, and then signed the contract with his fingers dipped in blood on the wound on his waist.

With the signing of the contract, a red light lit up on the parchment, and then the red light turned into a flame, throbbing and flickering.

"Very good." Goofy nodded with satisfaction, then said to Frank, "Now you can leave here."

He reached out and pushed Frank's forehead lightly, asking his soul to leave the soul world.

Next, he also put down the scepter and exited here, returning to the real space.

People around thought that Goofy was in a daze, and Steve called him nervously: "Goofy, Goofy, what's the matter with you?"

Skye crouched down to check Frank's condition. After all, a small electric current that Goofy had just released from his hand directly stunned Frank.

"It's nothing, I just gave Frank a simple treatment." Gao Fei said with a smile after returning to normal.

"Simple... Rescue?" Steve couldn't understand it now. "You mean, you just released the energy to knock Frank out to save him?"

"Of course." Gao Fei nodded with a smile.

Before he could explain to Steve, Skye suddenly shouted loudly, "Everyone, come and see! Frank's wound is healed!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention from Gao Fei's body to Frank's body, and sure enough, as Skye said, the wound on Frank's rib that was cut by Hela miraculously healed!

This wound healed so fast that it was almost like magic, and under the shocked gazes of everyone, Frank woke up leisurely.

"Huh... actually signing a contract with my nephew, this sounds really absurd..."

"Frank, what did you say?" Skye looked blank. "You signed a contract with Goofy?"

"Yeah, the contract was signed." Frank smiled lightly and suddenly stood up from the ground flexibly.

"Frank, don't stand up yet, your injury hasn't recovered yet, be careful not to hurt your internal organs!" Skye said nervously.

"Injured internal organs?" Frank shook his head with a smile. "Don't worry, my internal injuries have long since healed, just like the wounds under my ribs. Now I'm reborn, haha."

"What's going on here?" Steve looked at Frank blankly, "Also, what contract did you sign with Goofy? Goofy was here all the time just now, and you kept fainting, I don't think so. What contract can you sign..."

Before Steve could finish speaking, Frank stepped forward and said with a smile, "This is the contract..."

Before he finished speaking, he raised his head slightly, clenched his fists, and his whole body trembled.

Next, his hair stood on end, sparks burst out, and finally burned completely—his head turned into a burning skull, and there was a thick and long black wire around his waist!

Ghost Rider!

Because of the soul contract with Goofy, Frank became a Ghost Rider!

Now Skye and Steve finally understand that Goofy is transforming Frank into a Ghost Rider. After the ordinary mechanic Robbie Reyes turned into a Ghost Rider, he was able to instantly turn the old black panther Tchaka. Now Frank the Punisher, who has the strongest combat power in human beings, became a Ghost Rider, then he Naturally, its combat power should not be underestimated.

"Damn crazy woman! If she dares to come to earth again, I promise to hook her neck with my iron rope and hang her from the torch in the Statue of Liberty!"

Frank growled loudly.

And even the Asgardians were stunned by the power of the Ghost Rider, Loki whispered to Thor: "Hey, man, have you heard of this weird match head on Earth before? ?"

"I've never heard of it, this kid Goofy never told me..." Thor said gloomily, "but it looks like he's pretty good. That's right, Dad?"

Odin nodded lightly: "Yes, I perceive a very powerful magic, and the form Frank has become contains extremely strong dark energy."

"Then can he help us defeat Hela? My king?" Valkyrie asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say. After all, no matter how powerful Frank is now, there is still a gap between Hela and Hela. It's not easy to defeat Hela, my children..." Odin said.

After saying this, Odin's face flashed a tired look.

"I'm a little tired, let's find a place to rest first."

Just at this moment, the sound of helicopter "Taga Taga" came from the sky in the distance.

Goofy's house in Canarsie had already been blasted into ruins, so it was obvious that he could no longer stay here, so Goofy could only ask everyone to hug Tony Stark's thigh first, anyway, this guy has real estate in New York.

And just after the Asgardians walked to the helicopter, a stranger stayed abruptly at the scene.

The golden titan Hyperion, the one who escaped from Saka.

Steve looked at the exaggerated muscular man in a black tights and a golden cloak in front of him with a bewildered face, and turned to ask Gao Fei, "Wait... Who is this guy?"

Hyperion laughed and gave Steve a wink: "I'm one of you, and I'm a superhero too!"

Steve looked embarrassed and frowned: "But your style of dressing seems to be... different from ours."

Hyperion quickly explained: "What matters is not the appearance, but the core! My core is the same as yours, and I also want to work hard to protect the world!"

Gao Fei quickly walked over to stop Hyperion's nonsense, and asked seriously: "Hey, Hyperion, what's the matter with you? How did you escape from Saka Star? I remember you seem to like it quite a bit. ."

"Like it?" Hyperion shook his head quickly, "I can't talk about liking it... Being locked up by Gao Tianzun like a toy, and playing a gladiatorial match every three to five, every time he was beaten with bruises and bruises, he was on the verge of death... Please, who would Like this kind of life?!"

Then Hyperion patted Gao Fei's shoulder and said: "Goofy, thank you for saving me from Saka star, you are my savior. Although I have never been to Earth, I feel that Earth is Saka star. So much better! Really!"

Gao Fei was speechless: "Wait, Hyperion, don't you mean you plan to stay on Earth?"

"That's right! Where else can I go?" Hyperion said pitifully, "My hometown Titan has perished, and I will definitely not go back to Saka. I can only stay on Earth. , please take me in..."

Hearing this, Steve quickly came over and asked, "Goofy, is this guy reliable?"

"It's hard to say for now." Gao Fei spread his hands, and then immediately sent a message to Ultron.

"Ultron, I have a new alien friend here. I'll give him an assessment in a while, and then consider how to arrange him." Goofy said neatly.

Hyperion hurriedly pleaded: "Goofy, let me stay on Earth, I can help you defend against the invasion of aliens, like the Asgardian woman before, the queen of death or something... as long as you let me stay Earth, I can fight her for you!"

Gao Fei nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, Hyperion, I will give you this chance."

"That's great." Hyperion was overjoyed when he heard the words, and enthusiastically pulled Gao Fei's arm and said, "From now on, I will be a person from Earth!"


Four nights.

New York, Manhattan.

On the top floor of a luxurious apartment, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Odin stood there leaning on a walking stick, overlooking the night view of New York. This prosperous city has almost twenty times the population of Asgard, so standing here, the king of Asgard felt Crowded and depressing.

"Father, it's time for you to rest for a while." At this time Thor came from the living room, holding a glass of whisky in his hand, and said, "The wine you want, sorry, there are no spirits on earth, only these milder ones. drinks."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I've never been a picky person." Odin smiled, turned back to take the whisky in Thor's hand, and took a shallow sip.

"Father, brother is right, you should take a rest." Loki also came over to join in the fun, "Today you have used up too much physical strength, plus it is too far from Asgard, your divine power is too late. Replenish."

"Don't worry, I will have a long rest soon." Odin returned the glass to Thor and whispered, "My time is running out."

"Father..." Thor took Odin's arm sadly.

"It doesn't matter, child, it doesn't matter, this day is coming, and I'm ready. But before I go, I have to ask you a question, boy..." Odin said, "Do you want to be Asgard? King of Virtue, will you become the guardian of the Nine Realms?"

"What?" Thor was a little confused by Odin's question. What was the matter with this sudden question?

Odin guessed Thor's daze, and he continued: "My child, I have been putting pressure on you since you were an adult. I have been telling you that you are going to be the prince, you are going to be the prince, you are going to be the future. The king of , to protect the entire Nine Realms, to rule Asgard..."

"But I never thought to ask you, who do you want to be? What career do you want to be? What responsibilities do you want to take..."

"I don't think that's what a good father would do, right?"

"So, my child, I'm going to ask you this question now, and I have to figure out your own mind - child, do you want to inherit my throne?"

"I... think about it?" Thor asked tentatively.

"Don't try to lie to me, I'm a dying man." Odin began to play the pity card.

"Oh, alright alright..." Thor said helplessly, "Okay, Dad, I admit that I really don't want to inherit your throne. I'm not a king at all. I don't like those tricks. I like a carefree life…”

"In the previous paragraph, Loki, the **** guy, threw me off the rainbow bridge, and threw me on the star of Saka, where the birds don't shit, and I was caught by an old monster—oh, the same old monster who watched us besiege Hela earlier— He was treated as a gladiator, and he participated in some gladiatorial competitions every day, just fighting with people..."

"Sounds like a shameful experience, right? But I think this kind of life is very easy! I have never been so easy! I don't need to think about defending the Nine Realms and the people of Asgard...more You don’t have to deal with government affairs, you need to optimize the legal system and taxation system of the whole country… Please, these things are big when I think about them! They are big!!”

Hearing Thor's answer, Odin laughed softly.

"Very well, this is the real you. Then if I don't hand over Asgard to you to inherit, you won't have any complaints, right?" Odin said.

"Of course, of course," Thor said. "If that's the case, then it's just kindness to me! Kindness to me!"

After hearing this, Loki suddenly walked up with a smile that could not be concealed.

"If that's the case, then... Father, I will definitely live up to your expectations! I really didn't expect, really, really didn't expect you to give up my brother in the end. I know that my brother is not a king. I knew it since I was a child!"

"But I still didn't expect that, Father, I thought you would exclude me from the plan because I was an adopted son, oh, but you didn't! I'm really touched..."

Odin looked back at Loki, who was amorous, and shook his head gently: "No, child, I have no intention of handing over the throne to you, it has nothing to do with whether you are an adopted son or not, because I have always regarded you as my own flesh and blood. ,I promise you that."

"What?" Loki only felt a basin of cold water poured on his head, and he was stunned.

Odin continued to explain: "Those who inherit Asgard have to withstand the power of faith from the Nine Realms, but Loki, you are the descendant of the ice giant, and your physique cannot withstand such a powerful energy..."

"No! I can! I have a way to improve my physique! I will find a way! Father!" Loki exclaimed, "My physique is also tough, as tough as Asgard, I promise. I can try it! Really…”

Odin shook his head lightly and sighed: "Loki, I'm here for your own good. It's not a good thing to take responsibility for the Nine Realms. I didn't understand this until later in my life. The duty of guarding the Nine Realms is like a fight. Life imprisonment, you must live with trembling and trembling forever..."

"It's so tiring..."

Having said that, Odin looked up at the window, at the night scene of New York's feasting lights, at the luxury cars whizzing by on the highway, at the towering office buildings, and then at the mottled stars in the sky.

He let out a long sigh and said leisurely:

"Although I knew I was going to die on Earth, I thought I would be leaving in a place similar to my native Asgard, such as Northern Europe, Norway or Sweden..."

"But I didn't expect that I would leave here in the end. Maybe this is a little joke played by fate and me. Anyway, that's fine. Before I leave, I have my children by my side..."

"Frigga, my love, my partner, my old friend, I think you've been waiting for me for a long time? It's time for me to come, I'm here to find you..."

Speaking of this, Odin's body suddenly turned into thousands of invisible light dust. These light dust floated in the room, and then came to the streets of New York through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. in the bustling city.

"Father, father..." Seeing that Odin finally passed away, Thor's tears couldn't help falling.

And Loki, who had just been rejected by Odin to inherit the throne, was filled with the sadness of life and death before he had time to hate the old guy.


He called to Odin in a low voice, with a sincere look in his eyes,



at the same time.

the other end of the apartment.

Goofy woke up abruptly in his light sleep.

He was aware of Odin's departure, and he sensed the passing of a powerful energy.

Turning over, Goofy poured himself a glass of lemonade, and Carrie on the bed in the bedroom also stood up and walked towards Goofy under a blanket.

"Dad, Grandpa Odin is gone?"

"Well." Gao Fei nodded lightly, "It's time to part with him."

"It's a pity, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to him. Although this old villain lied to me, I still like him quite a bit." Carrie said faintly.

Gao Fei smiled, walked over and rubbed Carrie's sleepy little head: "The parting of life is so sudden, and it is rare to give a decent goodbye opportunity, so you should cherish it more when you get along with your friends, because you I don't know which side is the last."

"Okay..." Carrie nodded lightly, walked to the window and whispered, "Then I have no choice but to send Grandpa Odin here."

Gao Fei smiled, and then immediately entered the soul world.

As early as when he was fighting today, Goofy saw through Odin's disguise. In fact, Odin was not disguising today, but was fighting in a normal form.

What "Alzheimer's disease" is, it's just a scam from the old stuff, and Gao Fei thought about it for a while, and probably understood why this old guy pretended to be crazy.

To put it bluntly, he just took the opportunity to investigate the two of them in order to lower Goofy and Carrie's guard against him.

And the purpose of this investigation, Gao Fei also guessed a bit.

The space was reversed, and Gao Fei came to hell.

The surrounding red fog filled the air, rendering this already weird space even more weird.

There was a temple-like building in the depths of the red fog, with thick marble pillars towering into the sky, and in the middle of these pillars stood a burly old man.


Even a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse would inevitably come here for a walk after death.

"You really came, you didn't disappoint me." Odin said in a low voice. After he finished speaking, he projected a bright light in hell. In an instant, the surrounding red mist dissipated, revealing the original appearance of hell.

Black scorched earth, sharp rocks, the environment here is not pleasant, but it is not uncomfortable.

Gao Fei walked towards Odin, not letting go of what he had been deceived before.

"Alzheimer's disease? Thank you for thinking about it... I was actually deceived by you. I didn't expect the patron saint of the Nine Realms to be a master when he lied." Gao Fei teased.

"Oh hehehe..." Odin was not angry, but smiled happily, "Who do you think Loki learned his ability to deceive people? Frigga? Frigga is a standard lady, she is the best Hate these deceit and lies..."

"But I'm different, I'm good at using any tool."

Goofy nodded: "I see it, no wonder Hela said that Loki is more like you than Thor."

Odin denied it: "I can't say this completely, after all, Thor also inherited some of my characteristics, such as that gunpowder The hormone imbalance and emotional out-of-control look like when I got older. Exactly the same..."

Goofy and Odin both laughed when it came to Thor.

But after laughing, Gao Fei asked straight to the point: "Mr. Odin, we don't have much time. If you have anything, just tell me directly. Why did you come to Earth and pretend to be crazy and lie to me?"

Odin didn't go around in circles, and stated his intention directly: "Because I want to investigate."

"Inspect me?" Gao Fei asked.

"Yes." Odin nodded, "Inspect the next guardian of the Nine Realms. Goofy, you should be able to see that Thor is not a ruler, let alone his wayward brother Loki. The heir to the Guardian of the Nine Realms doesn't have to be Asgardian, but he has to be qualified..."

"The last time Frigga stayed in New York and returned to Asgard, she actually had two gains. One was that she met the magical Carrie, who was the key to defeating the dark elves and saving the Nine Realms; the other was you. , Goofy, she sees in you a sense of justice and a sense of responsibility, both very important qualities."

Gao Fei tilted his head and smiled: "Then I should thank Frigga for her appreciation. But there are many people who have a sense of responsibility and justice, am I not the only one?"

"Of course," Odin said, "so I didn't come to earth to find you until I found another excellent quality in you, a very important quality. Not after Frigga and I mentioned you, I was the first time to find you."

"Oh?" Goofy asked curiously, "What quality?"

"Your ability." Odin said bluntly, "Intuitively speaking, your combat power is very strong, powerful enough to be the guardian of the Nine Realms, and this quality is most of the people who have both a sense of justice and a sense of responsibility. people are scarce."

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