American Comic Survival Guide 719, Return to Asgard (Three in One Chapter) Audio Novel Listen Online

After receiving Odin's apology, Valkyrie was very emotional. She never thought that there would be such a day when the father of the gods who sat on the throne of Asgard and looked at the creatures of the Nine Realms bowed his head to her. Apologize.

Even though Valkyrie was the best female warrior in Asgard at the time, her communication with Odin was always very limited. Above the temple, she could only feel the majesty and solemnity of Odin. The unquestionable and icy kingship he represents, but he fails to realize that this protector of the Nine Realms is also a living person with flesh and blood, emotions and desires.

Today's conversation in the attic made Valkyrie completely let go of his previous prejudice against Odin, and also solved a knot in his heart over the years.

At this time, Odin looked at the tearful Valkyrie and asked in a low voice, "Are you willing to forgive me? My child."

"Oh, of course I do, my esteemed king." Valkyrie said in a trembling voice.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that her respect for Odin did not come from Odin's power and his identity, but from Odin's kindness and kindness.

When she realized that Odin was really doing his best to protect the Asgardians and the creatures of the Nine Realms, she finally willingly swore allegiance to Odin, and was truly willing to dedicate her life to the throne of Asgard.

She understands that Odin has suffered no less than she has suffered in Hela's affairs over the years.

Valkyrie lost his comrade and lover, but Odin himself exiled his daughter to the dark and cold underworld...

Life and death are equally painful, and Odin also paid a lot.

Looking at the old king, Valkyrie choked several times.

It took a long time for Valkyrie to adjust her emotions, and then she asked in a low voice, "Then the father of the gods, can I take the liberty to ask, since you have no problem with your spirit, why are you pretending to be crazy?"

"Why did you come to Earth? To fly high?"

"Is your trick to deceive Goofy?"

"Of course, maybe I shouldn't know these questions, maybe I'm talking too much, if that's the case, then please forgive me, Father of the Gods."

Odin laughed and shook his head: "Don't worry, I can answer these questions for you. But before that, I want to ask you to answer me a question. Valkyrie, put aside personal feelings, do you think Asgard How is the current system? Do you think there is a problem with the kingship of Asgard?"

"Well..." Valkyrie was a little uneasy, this is not a simple question.

But in fact, as she told Goofy and Thor on Sarkar, she was tired of Asgard's monarchy.

The people of Asgard are loyal to Odin, and Valkyrie understands that. Because Odin helped Asgard become powerful and bless the creatures of the Nine Realms, he is the guardian of the Nine Realms, and allegiance to Odin is equivalent to protecting oneself.

But should this power be passed down from generation to generation? Should the people of Asgard unconditionally pledge their allegiance to Odin's sons, grandsons, and descendants?

What if some of these heirs do not intend to protect the people of the Nine Realms like Odin?

What if some of these sons and daughters are not worthy of virtue?

The feudal hereditary system is a primitive, backward, and ignorant system, which even the people of the earth have already realized.

And Valkyrie is not a person who is afraid to express her true thoughts. She said bluntly: "I think the current system in Asgard is very backward and needs to be changed urgently."

"That's right, you're right..." Odin was not angry, but nodded with a smile, "Actually, I realized this as early as when Hela betrayed me. I've been thinking about it, and I've been afraid -You said that if I was unfortunately killed when Hela and I were fighting the Nine Realms, and Hela inherited Asgard, what would the universe be like now?"

Valkyrie thought for a while, and could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

"It's no exaggeration to say that at least the entire galaxy will be enslaved by Hela... And of course her ambitions will not end here, she is going to rule the entire universe, and death and killing will accompany her."

"So it's never a good idea to let my heirs inherit everything from me." Odin shook his head and said, "I have carefully observed these heirs of mine over the years, not only Hela, but also Thor and later. Loki..."

"Oh, you haven't met Loki yet, he's not my biological son, but that's not why I refuse to pass the throne to him. I've said that he's a lot like me, he's inherited my wisdom, but His intelligence lacks moral restraint, which makes him very dangerous..."

"Tell me about Thor, you and him should be very familiar. Do you think Thor will be a good king? Will he be a competent protector of the Nine Realms?"

Valkyrie shook his head decisively: "With all due respect, no."

"Thor is brave and good at fighting, and he is upright, but he has no scheming, and he is alone and brave... He may be an excellent general, but he will never be a stable king or a guardian of the Nine Realms."

Odin nodded approvingly and said, "Yes, you really know Thor very well. I tried to make him the guardian of Asgard, but unfortunately, he failed my test..."

"So I'm more certain - the person who inherits my position doesn't have to be my heir, it can be someone else."

Valkyrie speculated: "It can also be other nobles of Asgard? Just more capable, such as Heimdall?"

Odin smiled, shook his head and said, "No, power should be inherited by the most suitable and capable people, not by nobles, relatives and friends. That's why I came to Earth this time."

Hearing this, Valkyrie was stunned: "That's why you deliberately pretended to be confused, you are actually secretly investigating the successor?"

"Hehehe..." Odin smiled happily, "You're right."

"So your chosen successor is an Earthling?" Valkyrie's eyes lit up, she seemed to have guessed who the successor was.

Odin did not reveal the answer to this question, but whispered to Valkyrie: "I need you to perform with me next, child."

Valkyrie nodded respectfully: "Yes, Father of the Gods."


When Odin and Valkyrie went downstairs together, Goofy and Thor were confused about the situation upstairs. Originally, both Goofy and Thor's hearing were better than ordinary people, so Odin and Valkyrie were at a loss. Even if he was standing in the attic talking, he could be heard by them, but because Odin's power provided Odin with a safe aura, this aura had an invisible effect of sound insulation.

So there's no doubt that it's not easy to figure out what the two were talking about.

Odin, who came downstairs, still looked like he was not in a normal state of mind, and asked Carrie for fruit.

Carrie shrugged helplessly to Gao Fei: "See, Dad? What a **** of a life your daughter has had this week... Now that you're finally back, help me take care of Grandpa Odin. ."

Goofy smiled and rubbed his daughter's head, and went to the kitchen to help Odin wash the fruit.

But before leaving, he winked at Valkyrie, who quickly followed.

"How's it going?" Gao Fei asked in a low voice.

Valkyrie shrugged his acting skills and smiled bitterly: "When I saw that Odin had become like this, my hatred for him disappeared. To be honest, Odin didn't mean to harm me and him. My sisters. He didn't know Hela was going to kill us at the time..."

Gao Fei was not surprised, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Really? So you didn't ask Odin to apologize to you? Or, Odin didn't mean to apologize to you?"

Valkyrie nodded: "Yes. He is sometimes sober and sometimes confused, and I don't bother to bother with him anymore. I think the real root of this matter is Hela, if I can kill Hela to avenge my sisters If they do, they will only rest when they have knowledge."

Although Valkyrie is very good at lying, she still dare not talk about this matter with Goofy. After all, there are many mistakes. Besides, Goofy is a very smart and sensitive person. Odin's plan is over.

So she quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, when are we going back to Asgard?"

"Oh... this..." Goofy didn't doubt Valkyrie, but nodded, "This is indeed a problem. Now Asgard is under Loki's control, and he has nothing to do with Hela's arrival. I know. I think it's time to go back to Asgard and let him know."

After speaking, he walked back to the living room with an apple, handed it to Odin, and then turned to Thor and said, "Thor, are you ready to go back to Asgard?"

"Go back so soon? I just met my dad," Thor said. "But can I take my dad back to Asgard?"

Before Goofy could answer, Odin immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, I won't go back to Asgard. Asgard is now prosperous under Thor's governance, so I don't need to meddle in my own business."

Thor is speechless - I am Thor!

Goofy said solemnly: "Thor, Odin didn't tell Loki Hela's existence. Now Loki doesn't know anything, and Asgard is also in an undefended situation, which is very dangerous..."

Thor nodded seriously: "I understand, even without considering my sister Hela, who I have never met, I can't let Loki rule Asgard... This is very dangerous in itself."

Looking back at Odin, who was nibbling on the big apple in his hand and gnawing the juice until his beard was full, Thor's eyes showed a hint of reluctance.

He knew that his father's time was running out, and he wished he could spend every minute with the dying old man, watching him giggling like a living treasure, listening to him calling himself Rocky again and again .

But Thor had to go back to Asgard, and he knew he had to.

Because it is his duty, it is his birth duty.

"When are we leaving?" Thor asked Goofy back.

Gao Fei said: "It's better to leave now. Odin said that his power is getting weaker and weaker now, and in this case Hela may escape from the underworld at any time, that is to say, your sister may have already on the way here."

"Damn it!" Thor clenched his fists depressedly, "Then we have to leave immediately."

After that, he had a headache again: "But what about the Rainbow Bridge? It's not Heimdall who is guarding the Rainbow Bridge, but Loki's... That guy Loki will definitely not let us in."

Goofy said: "I'm not familiar enough with Asgard, so my space magic can't be used directly. But if you tell me the coordinates of Asgard, I can let Reed use the teleport machine to send us there. "

Thor rolled his eyes, suddenly shook his head and said, "No, I have another way."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Odin, grabbed the old father's shoulder and shouted: "Father! Father! Asgard is in danger, teleport me to Asgard, I need to save my brother! Thor is in danger! "

When Odin heard this, he quickly dropped the apple and said nervously, "Really? Thor is in danger?"

"Of course it's true, send me there!" Thor whispered, "I'm going to help my brother."

Odin wanted to laugh in his heart, but on the surface he fully cooperated with Thor's performance. With a move with his right hand, Gungnir, the spear of eternity, had already reached his hand.

"Then don't delay, let's go!"

Like Thor's future weapon, the Storm Tomahawk, Odin's Eternal Spear, with the blessing of Odin's divine power, can also directly open the Rainbow Bridge to Asgard.

Seeing Odin take out Gungnir, Thor hurriedly waved towards Gao Fei.

"Go away, Goofy!"

Goofy nodded and followed, and Valkyrie hurried over in three steps and two steps.

"And I!"

As a dazzling light leaked, the three of them took the rainbow bridge opened by Odin at the same time.

Seeing that her father, who had just returned home, disappeared without a trace, Carrie sighed tiredly.

"This unreliable old man... It's really annoying... It seems that I have to take care of the dementia old man again in the next few days..."


At this moment.


The end and beginning of the Rainbow Bridge.

The new guard Skorch, who has been in office for a few days, is sitting in a pompous chair, chatting with a few hot and beautiful Asgardian long-legged girls.

"I think back then, when I was fighting in Jotunheim, it was simply the **** of war, killing him seven in seven out of the giant pile and still unscathed, single-handedly piercing the enemy's camp, and then smashing their general's head. Cut it off and tie it to the waistband of his trousers, and drive the aircraft back victoriously..."

"Even Thor, the **** of thunder, who is known for his bravery and skill in Asgard, is polite when he sees me, and he has to give a thumbs up and shout 'true hero'!"

"But girls, the ability to kill on the battlefield is only my second greatest skill. Do you know what my first skill is?"

Speaking of this, Skorch's face showed a wretched expression, and he stood up from the chair and twisted his hips: "My number one skill, hehe, that's really a great skill!"

Hearing this, several Asgardian girls couldn't help blushing, and then covered their mouths and smiled.

Without waiting for Skorch to continue bragging, suddenly the Rainbow Bridge lit up.

Skorch was startled and walked to the bridge with his sword in hand.

"What's the situation? I haven't turned on the Rainbow Bridge yet. How did this thing start by itself? What the this thing bugged?"

As soon as the sentence was finished, three figures appeared from the light of the Rainbow Bridge. The strong man standing in the C position held the Thor's hammer, it was Thor, the Crown Prince of Asgard.

"Tor, Thor?"

Skorch was guilty of a thief, and asked stutteringly, "You, you... why did you come back?"

Thor strode forward, stretched out his left hand and lifted Skorch directly by the collar, he looked into the guy's eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "You were the one who deliberately turned off the rainbow halfway back then. Bridge, let me fall off the Rainbow Bridge?"

"I..." Skorch was so frightened that he was about to urinate, all his organs were shaking, and his voice seemed to vibrate, stuttering uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes... It's like this... Dangdang's situation at the time was... Caicai Rainbow Bridge, it broke down, I, I, I didn't expect you to fall, and then I immediately notified His Majesty the King immediately and let him go... "

Before Skorch could finish his clumsy lie, Thor said solemnly: "Wait, you mean His Majesty the King? Who is His Majesty the King?"

"His Majesty the King is His Majesty..." Skorch said timidly, "I dare not speak his name bluntly."

Thor can guess who is "Your Majesty" in Skorch's mouth even if he thinks with his toes, he sneered, snatched the sword from Skorch's hand, then opened the Rainbow Bridge, and then put Skorch. Chi threw it up.

"I'm going to try to see if there is any problem with this rainbow bridge!"

Goofy and Valkyrie watched with schadenfreude on their faces.

And Skorch was so frightened that he shouted loudly: "Your Majesty Thor, let me go! You can't blame me for this, His Majesty the King... No, it's your brother Loki! It's your brother Loki I did it! I can't help it!"

Halfway through the shouting, Skorch has been teleported out.

Without waiting for him to go far, Thor closed the Rainbow Bridge directly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-!!"

Skorch's screams faded away, and the poor guy disappeared into space.

Thor shook the hammer and sneered: "Let him also taste the taste of being exiled. Anyway, Asgards are very skinny and won't be easily leashed."

Gao Fei nodded in approval and said, "Yes, this is indeed the fairest punishment for him."

Thor looked at the city of Asgard and said solemnly: "And... it's time to inform that fake king that his plot is over!"

After finishing speaking, Thor glanced back at the Asgardian women who had chatted with Skorch before, and these women were immediately startled and screamed by Thor's gaze.

Thor snorted coldly: "What's it called! I'm not here to beat you! This matter has nothing to do with you..."

The women still did not dare to stay here, and hurriedly fled to the city with their waists twisted.

Thor took Goofy and Valkyrie all the way to the Imperial City.

After walking through an arch bridge, the three people came to the city of Asgard. This is a square where many Asgardians gathered.

Valkyrie returned to Asgard for the first time after thousands of years. Everything seemed like yesterday. When she passed the arch bridge, she had a reverie in her heart. I once enjoyed the scenery with my lover on this arch bridge, and also I once swung a boat in the river under this arch bridge...

But in the blink of an eye, it was already thousands of years ago.

There were also memories of Valkyrie in the square. The place where they kissed for the first time was here, and a little further east was the Hall of Valkyrie, which used to be the place where the Valkyrie was stationed.

Seeing some tears hanging from the corners of Valkyrie's eyes, Gao Fei asked sharply, "Why, do you recall the past?"

"Well..." Valkyrie nodded lightly, but didn't say much.

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded not far away.

"No! Loki! No! You can't die!"

Gao Fei looked around and saw a simple stage in the center of the square. On the stage, several Asgardians were performing a clumsy drama.

The content of the play seems to be the story of Loki and Thor teaming up to fight against the dark elves. The last scene of the story is that Loki rescues the kidnapped Thor from the dark elves, and kills the dark elves' number one general, the cursed warrior, but then He was attacked by Malekith, but Loki was able to heroically kill Malekith when he was hit hard by the enemy first, and then skillfully fell into Thor's arms...

At this time, the actor who played Thor was crying heartbreakingly: "Loki! My brother! The hero who saved the Nine Realms, the heir to the throne of Asgard! You can't die! You can't die!!"

"Who will rule the Nine Realms when you die? Who will inherit your father's throne? Who will guide my stupid brother!"

"Loki" who fell into "Thor"'s arms said weakly: "Brother, don't be so selfish, you are not stupid, you are just not as good as me..."

"Come, let me give you some pointers. With my guidance, Asgard will remain prosperous for thousands of years in the future..."

Hearing this terrible line, Thor almost burst the hammer in his hand. He was so angry that his veins burst out, and he turned to Gao Fei and said, "Listen to this line, listen, is this a line written in your brain?"

Valkyrie joked: "I think this line is written very real, very similar to the truth..."

Thor resisted the urge to beat her, and glanced at "Odin" who was sitting in the gazebo not far away eating grapes.

Of course, this "Odin" was changed by Loki.

Needless to say, this cunning guy disguised himself as Odin after sending Odin to Earth, and controlled Asgard in this way.

Thor took a deep and then said to Gao Fei: "Sorry, I'm going to make you laugh, I have to deal with the housework."

After he finished speaking, he swung the hammer and flew in front of "Odin", then dragged him from the seat by the collar of "Odin".

When "Odin" saw Thor, his eyes widened with fright, he spat out the grapes in his mouth, and shouted loudly, "Someone! Escort! Escort!"

At the same time, he patted Thor's chest and shouted in panic, "You unfilial son! What do you want to do? Are you not afraid of thunder when your son beats me?"

Thor had a black line on his face: "I'm the **** of thunder! I'm afraid that your sister will be struck by thunder!"

After that, he picked up the hammer and said in a deep voice, "You should know the weight of my hammer, but if you are Odin, this hammer can't hurt you, right?"

Seeing that the whistling Thor's Hammer was about to be chiseled into "Odin"'s head, "Odin" hurriedly shouted to reveal its original shape.

"Okay alright... Let me go, I admit that I'm not Odin, okay? I admit that I'm a fake..."

Under the attention of the Asgardians in the entire square, Loki returned to his original appearance, he looked at the angry royal guards with a smile on his face, and said cheaply: "Just kidding everyone, haha. , just kidding... you don't hold me against me, do you? I'm still the prince of Asgard even though I'm pretending to be Odin... hehe..."

After that, he looked at Thor again in shock, pretending to be worried and saying, "Oh, my dear brother, you came back alive! I'm so happy... Because of the mistake of that idiot Skorch, the Rainbow Bridge accident was caused. It was closed, and then I heard that you were thrown into outer space, and I was about to die!"

However, before he could finish speaking, Thor's neck was already firmly strangled by Thor.

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