American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 695: Thor's hammer is gone!

After two days of adjustment, Goofy ushered in the second match day on Saka, but today Goofy does not need to play. Tonight's protagonists are the mysterious "Golden Titan" and the less mysterious Thor. .

At this point in the season, it is already the semi-final of the Saka Star Gladiator Competition. The winner of this game will be the winner of the next game - of course, the winner is 80% (80% = 100%) Goofy - Compete for the honor of the Sika Star Gladiator Champion in the final arena.

For strategic purposes, of course Gao Fei had to come to visit the game, but fortunately, Gao Tianzun granted Gao Fei a privilege: he could come to watch the game at any time.

Because of this, Goofy can sneak backstage at the gladiator preparations before the game, which gives him a chance to communicate with Thor and allow the two old friends to whisper a few words on game day nights.

Throwing away Valkyrie, who was going to buy drinks, Goofy sneaked into the backstage from the auditorium, and found a place where no one was around to perform space magic. He came to Thor's lounge without any effort.

At this time, Thor had already put on his battle uniform and makeup, but his expression was extremely depressed. The guy sat depressed on the chair and lowered his head, looking dejected.

"Hey, Thor, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like an eggplant beaten by frost?" Goofy quickly walked over and asked with concern when he saw the old man's bird-like appearance.

"Eggplant? What is an eggplant?" Thor looked at Goofy blankly. Asgard obviously didn't have this vegetable.

"Forget it, it's not important... But I want to know what happened to you? You look very depressed and sad." Goofy said.

"Oh, Goofy, this is incredible!" Thor stood up abruptly and said emotionally, "I lost my hammer! Miaolnir lost it! How dare you believe it? I can't believe it!"


This news really surprised Goofy, because there are only a handful of people who can hold Thor's Hammer, let alone steal it from Thor.

"When was Mjolnir stolen?"

"Just last night!" Thor said gloomily, "I left it at the door and went to take a shower and went to bed, but when I woke up the next day, the hammer was gone!"

"This is very strange..." Gao Fei whispered, "There are not many people who can hold a hammer, and the person who stole it must not be an ordinary guy."

"That's right..." Thor nodded lightly, then looked up at Goofy and said, "Wait, Goofy, did you take my hammer away? Are you trying to play a prank with me? You stole my hammer when you played against the golden titans! Oh, I have to say, the joke is a little funny, Goofy... give me back the hammer!"

Goofy looked at Thor with a speechless expression: "Wake up! Wake up! Do you think I would make such a boring joke with you?"

Hearing Gao Fei's denial, Thor shook his head gloomily and said, "I also know that you will definitely not do such a thing, but... but there are too few people who can afford Thor's Hammer, Gao Fei, Sakaxing. You are the only person I know who has this ability!"

"That's because you only know me in Saka Star!" Gao Fei spread his hands and said, "And I just happen to be able to hold Thor's Hammer. Besides, I'm not the only one who can hold Thor's Hammer, my daughter Carrie can do it too, and Steve can do it too... In fact, thinking about it this way, there are quite a few people who can afford Thor's Hammer..."

Thor was taken aback by Goofy's words, reached out his hand to stop him, and asked, "Wait, Steve can also hold Thor's Hammer? Steve Rogers? When did this happen?"

Only then did Goofy realize that he had leaked his words, that in the current timeline Steve hasn't been able to try to lift Thor's hammer.

"Uh... I may remember wrong, he may not be able to pick it up." Goofy explained quickly, "But what I want to say is that Saka is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, and the guy who stole Thor's Hammer may really have this. Ability, and Gao Tianzun has so many black technologies, maybe the thief took the Thor's Hammer by other means, not necessarily."

"Damn! I just said we have to leave this hellish place early!" Thor complained gloomily, "I don't care! Goofy, you insisted not to take me out of here, you have to find me a hammer!"

Thor stared at Gao Fei with a pair of resentful eyes, staring at Gao Fei until his skin got goosebumps.

"I'll find it for you... I'll find it for you... You first prepare for the next game, I'll be responsible for finding a hammer for you, a hammer for you..." Gao Fei said helplessly.

"Then you promise me!" Thor also sneered.

"Yes, yes." Gao Fei nodded again and again, "You should quickly adjust your mentality and prepare to deal with the Golden Titan. I heard that this guy is very powerful, he can fly, stare, and he is quite resistant to beatings. It's good to say who will win."

"I know, I've watched his game before..." Thor said depressedly, "This guy is really difficult to deal with. If I have a hammer, I may only be able to fight him halfway, not to mention that I don't have a hammer now... "

Thor, who lost his hammer, became more and more pessimistic, and he was about to cry.

"I don't have a hammer now! I don't have my Mjolnir! What should I do? How could I possibly beat the Golden Titan? I'm sure to lose... I can't win."

Hearing this, Goofy quickly pressed Thor's shoulders, stared into his eyes, and said loudly, "Thor, cheer up, what kind of **** are you? Hammer god?"

"I'm..." Thor whispered, "I'm Thor."

"That's right! Since you are not a hammer god, but a thunder god, then Miao Ernier is not so important to you! You can still exert your magical power without a hammer, can you hear it clearly?"

Goo Fei's remarks were like Thor nodded earnestly immediately, and then said sincerely: "Strange, Goofy, the tone of your speech just now is exactly the same as Odin..."

Goofy smiled, and his inner OS: I will tell you that these lines are my copy of Odin?

At this moment, there was a urging sound of Saka soldiers from outside Thor's lounge: "Hey! Leidi! It's time to pick weapons, the game is about to start."

"I'm not the Thunder Emperor, I'm the Hammer God! No... Thor!" Thor roared angrily, and these stupid little **** got his title wrong again.

And Goofy quickly cast space magic and left Thor's lounge and came to Valkyrie's spaceship.

"Where have you been?" Valkyrie had filled her small refrigerator with beer and spirits, and she sat at the entrance of the cabin overlooking the arena.

"Go and find out about the enemy." Gao Fei said bluntly.

"Is it the Golden Titan or Thor?" Valkyrie said, "I guess... is it the Golden Titan?"

"That's right." Goofy nodded. "It's the Golden Titan."

"But you don't actually need to inquire, because he will appear soon." Valkyrie pointed to his feet, and the audience in the stands were shouting their heroes like a tsunami.

"Golden Titan!"

"Golden Titan!"

"Golden Titan!"

"Golden Titan!"

At this moment, the iron gate on the side of the arena was slammed open, followed by two red rays spurting out, followed by a figure.

A burly man wearing a black tights, a golden cloak, short **** hair, and a golden belt wrapped around his waist, with the nuclear radiation symbol engraved on it, flew out of the iron gate!

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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