American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 688: Thor's Tears

The more Thor said, the more excited he became, and the more aggrieved he said.

"I think my dignified Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, actually came to this place where birds don't shit, I fell directly from the sky into a garbage heap, and the garbage heap was full of wreckage of some spaceships, smelly and damp …”

"I don't even know where this place is. When I first arrived, I was besieged by a group of homeless people. They asked me if I was a soldier or food, and then they rushed up and tried to catch me..."

"Hehe, hehe... But of course I'm not to be messed with. I picked up my Mauernier and smashed them away! I'm a **** of thunder, and I'm not invincible and invincible on this remote planet?"

Speaking of this experience, Thor has a smile on his face. There is no doubt that this experience of beating the homeless may be his most glorious moment since he came to Saka.

Gao Fei asked in a low voice, "Cough, Thor, then how did you get caught by Gao Tianzun and become a gladiator?"

"Uh..." Thor scratched his short hair awkwardly, as if he wanted to avoid the topic, "Look at this weapon, it's big and round, just like this bench, it's long and wide!"

"Thor!" Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "What's the matter with Shulaibao that suddenly appeared?! Quickly answer my question!"

"Okay..." Thor nodded helplessly and continued, "After I got out of the garbage heap, I came to the central town of Saka star, there is a tavern on the main road, it looks pretty good... "

"I fell off the Rainbow Bridge and fell to Saka Star, and I fought with the homeless in the garbage dump. I was tired and thirsty, and I really needed something to drink and rest..."

"But I don't have money, I don't have the currency of Saka Star, so I was very embarrassed at the time, a penny stumped a hero..."

"Just at this moment, a beautiful girl suddenly stood up. She took the initiative to invite me to drink. It seemed that she was interested in me..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei suddenly realized: "The beautiful girl is Valkyrie, right?"

"Yes, it's that femme fatale!" Thor roared angrily, "She confuses me with her beauty! Let me mistake her for a normal woman who admires my appearance, but who would have thought that after she deceived my trust Suddenly, a strange device was put on me, and the device would paralyze me as soon as it was activated!"

"And then I was sold to Gao Tianzun by that snake scorpion woman in Valkyrie and became a gladiator of Gao Tianzun... Oh, **** it, I was forced to cut my hair short by him! I'm a dignified Thor! The old man of Gao Tianzun Immortal, dare to offend my dignity! I must make him regret it!"

"And Valkyrie, she doesn't deserve to be called Valkyrie at all! This Valkyrie who betrayed her promise, I want to make her look good too!"

"And that **** Skorch, I swear I'll break his neck!"

"And Loki... This little **** should have returned to Asgard. I have a hunch that all this is his conspiracy! He must have instructed that **** in Skorch to exile me to Saka!"

Goofy listened to Thor's complaints silently, and after he finished speaking, Goofy nodded and said, "You are right, Loki has indeed returned to Asgard, and Skorch is also his confidant, Heimdall. It's very likely that he was in control of what was replaced."

"Really? How did you know?" Thor asked nervously. "By the way, how is Asgard now? What about Odin? How could Odin sit idly by Loki's mischief?"

Goofy looked at Thor hesitantly, he didn't know how to answer him.

"Uh... Do you understand Odin's situation? Was there anything wrong with Odin before you fell from the Rainbow Bridge?" Gao Fei asked politely.

"Odin's situation..." Thor pondered for a moment, then said, "Since Frigga died, Odin's state has not been normal. He is very irritable and often loses his temper because of small things..."

"There's nothing special about him recently, he just became forgetful. I told him a lot of things, and in two days he'd forget it all."

Goofy sighed softly and said regretfully to Thor: "Thor, Odin's irritability and forgetfulness are actually a symptom, a symptom of his... um... aging. Both ordinary people and gods have a lifespan. , so is Odin, the father of the gods, you understand?"

"Huh?" Thor asked, tilting his head. "You mean, Odin is dying?"

"No, I mean, Odin's irritability and forgetfulness are manifestations of a disease called Alzheimer's, which the elderly in us humans are susceptible to, which causes Cognitive barriers..." Goofy said.

After listening to Goofy's explanation, Thor smiled and shook his head and said, "Goofy, this is a disease of your earthlings, what does it have to do with us Asgardians? Odin is indeed old, and his lifespan may not be the same. It's almost over, but there's no way he could have this disease."

Goofy didn't argue with Thor, just sighed again.

Thor said stubbornly: "What are you sighing for? Odin will never get this disease, he will not be confused, he is the father of the gods! He is the monarch of Asgard! He is the guardian of the Nine Realms. !"

Seeing Thor's excitement, Goofy felt a little sad. He understood that Thor was unwilling to accept the reality, but he didn't have time to comfort Thor right now. He had to explain the situation in the shortest possible time.

"Thor, Odin came to Earth a few days ago, he came to New York, came to my house. Loki sent him, so I know Loki is in Asgard now..."

"Odin's current situation... is not good. He is sometimes sober and sometimes confused. He even recognizes Loki as you and calls Loki Thor..."

"When Odin was awake, he told me the coordinates of Saka This is also the reason why I was able to come to Saka star to find you. Thor, I was commissioned by Odin to come to Saka. The star is looking for you, and it is Odin's request to me to bring you back."

"Thor, even when Odin has a cognitive problem, the first thing he remembers is you... Although he can't remember many things, the first thing he asked me to do was to remove you from Sa Kaxing rescued..."

Speaking of this, Goofy suddenly heard a sob coming from Thor's side.


Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head and asked, "Huh? Thor, are you crying?"

Thor turned his head sharply, revealing a pair of crying red eyes: "Yeah! I'm crying! Of course I'm crying! My dad has become like this, can't I cry?!"

"What? Can't a tough guy cry? Can't the dignified **** of thunder be emotional? Can't a muscular man have delicate emotions?"

"I want to go home...I want to go home! I miss my dad!"

Goofy hurriedly patted Thor on the shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, Thor, since I promised Odin to take you home, I will definitely do it."

"Really?" When Thor heard this, he was as happy as a child and nodded, "Then what are you waiting for? Gao Fei, let's go back to the Nine Realms now!"

"Use your immortality and super speed to directly overturn the High Heavenly Venerate, and step on the Saka star! Take me back to Earth! Hurry up!"

But Goofy did not agree to Thor's request, but shook his head regretfully.

"Sorry, Thor, my script is a little different from what you have in mind, I have my own arrangements."

"I promise to take you back to Earth, but not now."

"Because I finally came to Saka Star, I have to get some benefits before leaving..."

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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