American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 683: i want to be your agent

Goofy had been waiting for Valkyrie from the very first moment he met her, knowing that the scavenger would never abandon a single potential prey.

Valkyrie did not disappoint him either, and she moved as soon as the two entered the apartment.

"There must be some traps in this apartment, otherwise Valkyrie would never dare to act rashly..." - Goofy pondered, at the same time preparing to enter the speed of light form to kill Valkyrie first, after all, no matter what institutions there are in the apartment, as long as Valkyrie As soon as Kiri hit the street, it was all in vain.

However, at this moment, Valkyrie made a move that surprised Gao Fei. She threw the gun in her hand directly to the ground, and took out some hunting nets hidden in her boots and threw it in front of her.

"Now that we are friends, I have to confess something to you. My code name is Scavenger 142, but my real name is not 142. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Valkyrie."

"Oh..." Gao Fei was a little surprised, but he said frankly, "Then I should also formally introduce myself. My name is Gao Fei."

"Goofy?" Valkyrie repeated in a low voice.

Because she had already come to Saka Star when Goofy rose, of course she hadn't heard of Goofy's name, she nodded, and then continued to tell her story.

"I'm a bounty hunter, and I specialize in some lucrative activities. In Saka Star, the most lucrative activity is to capture gladiators for Gao Tianzun..."

"The gladiators I told you before, they didn't actually participate in the gladiatorial competition of Gao Tianzun voluntarily. In fact, we bounty hunters used black technology to capture them, and then sold them like prey. Gao Tianzun…”

"Gladiators enjoy the pursuit and worship in front of people, but they are Gao Tianzun's prisoners. Gao Tianzun uses some special technology to imprison them and keep them like pets."

"Only some very powerful warriors can maintain their dignity in front of Gao Tianzun, and Gao Tianzun will treat them with the etiquette of treating guests, but these warriors are only rare, they are either the champions of the last gladiatorial competition, or they have great potential. Seeds..."

Gao Fei quietly listened to Valkyrie's statement, nodded and said, "So that's the case..."

Then he asked, "Then why are you telling me this?"

Valkyrie said: "To be honest, I actually saw you when I was in the garbage dump before. Your combat effectiveness is so powerful that I am stunned... I have been a scavenger in Saka Star for so many years, and I have been from I have never seen such a powerful warrior as you..."

"So my first thought at the time was to arrest you and sell it to Gao Tianzun as a gladiator. You will surely be able to sell it for a good price!"

Goofy didn't expect Valkyrie to be so frank, and he really said what he said in his heart, but he actually expected this a long time ago, so there are not too many surprises.

Seeing Gao Fei's reaction, Valkyrie nodded lightly and said, "You have already guessed my intentions. You know that I came to you with bad intentions. You are not only powerful, but also very intelligent..."

"Huh... so thrilling, thanks to me not trying to capture you, or maybe I'd be dead by now."

Gao Fei laughed: "No, I'm not such a cruel person. Besides, I have always been pity for Xiangxiyu. Even if you wanted to capture me, I wouldn't kill you. At most, I will beat you with a hemiplegia."


"thank you…"

Afterwards, Valkyrie pointed to his sofa and said politely, "Please sit down, I have already revealed all my cards to you, so obviously, I will not play your mind again."

Gao Fei did not agree with Valkyrie's statement, but smiled and said: "Valkyrie, my friend, if you really don't plan to hit me, you won't invite me to your house. sit down..."

"You don't have any feelings between men and women for me, right? I noticed your eyes on the buttocks of the female **** workers at the bar, so there is no doubt that you have no feelings for me. interest."

Valkyrie was stunned when she heard the words, but she didn't expect that she couldn't hide any secrets in front of Goofy.

"You see it all? I admire your insight."

Gao Fei smiled: "Thank you for your compliment, then can you tell me now, what is your purpose for inviting me here?"

Valkyrie nodded and said, "Okay, then let's continue talking..."

"Obviously, it's impossible for me to hunt you down and sell you to Gao Tianzun as a gladiator. My ability cannot catch you at all. I know this well..."

"But I don't want to let go of your potential stock. With your ability, you can definitely become the champion of the Saka Star Gladiator Tournament this season, I really think so!"

"You must know that if I can recommend a champion player to Gao Tianzun, Gao Tianzun will give me a very generous reward, not only I can benefit, Gao Fei, my dear friend, you will also gain fame and fortune!"

Hearing this, Goofy probably understood what Valkyrie meant.

"So you mean, you want to recommend me to become a professional gladiator? To participate in Gao Tianzun's Saka Star Gladiator Tournament?"

"That's it!" Valkyrie said excitedly, "I can be your agent, go to Gao Tianzun to recommend you, and then you can sign with Gao Tianzun and become a free gladiator who doesn't need to be imprisoned..."

"My relationship with Gao Tianzun is very good. I can vouch for you, so that Gao Tianzun doesn't have to imprison you, and you can earn some income through gladiatorial fighting..."

"If I'm not mistaken, you don't have any Saka star currency on you, right? And your spaceship is broken again, you can't do without Saka star..."

"You have to live here, right? You have to make money to feed your stomach, right? Take a step back and say, even if you don't want to develop in Saka star for a long time, then you always need some currency to buy spaceships, get out of here?"

Goofy listened to Valkyrie silently, but shook his head slightly in his heart: No, I don't really need it.

But at the moment, becoming a gladiator and participating in the Saka star gladiatorial match seems to be the gentlest way to contact Thor and rescue him from Saka star.

In addition, Goofy has his own plans, and it seems to be an interesting thing to become a battle star in Saka star.

After all, his superhero system relies on worship values ​​to upgrade, and the worship values ​​on Earth are almost saturated.

After Gao Fei saved the earth and the world again and again, all human beings knew the existence of this hero, but such influence not only did not increase Gao Fei's worship value and day, but also reached an embarrassing bottleneck , Goofy's worship value is getting less and less, and in the end there is almost nothing left.

When everyone knew that Gao Fei was a superhero and that he was saving the world every day, when Gao Fei protected the earth again and again and made everyone accustomed to this kind of thing, everyone gradually took Gao Fei's behavior as a matter of course. Things, they think that saving the earth is Gao Fei's mission, and it is Gao Fei's work, and he should save the earth.

In this way, everyone no longer had the initial admiration and affection for Gao Fei, and began to turn a blind eye to Gao Fei's contribution.

Has Gao Fei changed?

Is Gao Fei no longer as passionate, self-sacrificing, and responsible as he used to be?

Of course not What Goofy has done in recent years has contributed far more to humanity than what he did when he was a small Brooklyn cop.

The burden on Gao Fei's shoulders was getting heavier and heavier.

It's just that people have become numb, have become accustomed to it, that's all.

The reality is cruel, but it is the reality.

Gao Fei will not complain about anything, nor will he blame the masses, because he knows that this is human nature.

He chose to accept the reality, and then went to find other ways.

The strange Saka star seems to be a good way for Goofy to gain new worship value.

This green leek has never been cut before.

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