American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 668: Asgard old friend

After fully reading the "Book of Emperor Weishan" and "Book of Dark Gods", Gao Fei's esoteric skills have been greatly improved, and after his esoteric attainments have improved, he discovered a lot of content that he couldn't understand before. All can be explained using occultism.

In particular, some phenomena of Asgard in the Nine Realms - including Rainbow Bridge, Thor's Hammer, Eye of Heimdall, etc., are often more reasonable to explain from the perspective of mysticism.

This kind of coincidental discovery also gave Gao Fei the motivation to continue to study the occult, and he began to read "The Book of Weishan Emperor" and "The Book of the Dark God" more seriously.

While he was concentrating on studying, a familiar guy suddenly appeared from the window.

"Dad, something happened."

Ultron's metal body that could change shape at any time got in through the window of Gao Fei's study, almost scare Gao Fei, who was seriously studying the mysticism.

"Oh... I... Ultron." Gao Fei scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Why did you suddenly... come here suddenly? What happened? Huh?"

Seeing Gao Fei's panicked look, Ultron nodded apologetically and apologized: "Sorry, Dad, did my sudden appearance scare you?"

Gao Fei was still stubborn: "scare me? It doesn't exist, I'm not so easily scared, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ultron did not entangle with Gao Fei in this regard, but continued to report the situation: "Dad, Mr. Richards' compound eye was abnormal today, and an old friend from Asgard suddenly visited Earth."

"What? An old friend of Asgard?" Goofy frowned, and at the same time felt a little guilty - could it be that my research on Asgard's black technology was discovered by Odin? Or is it that Heimdall saw my behavior and sent someone to sanction me urgently?

Taking a deep breath, Gao Fei pretended to be calm and comforted himself: Don't panic! As long as Odin doesn't come in person, we don't worry about anyone coming!

At the same time, he asked Ultron: "Ao Mei, who is this old friend of Asgard? Thor?"

Speaking of Asgard, there is only Thor who comes to the earth for a while if there is something wrong. Other Asgardians don't seem to love the earth as much as Thor.

But after Gao Fei asked, Ultron shook his head slightly.

"No, Dad, it's not Thor this time."

"There are relevant video materials here, I think you may wish to take a look at this directly."

Speaking of which, Ultron directly connected to the computer in Gao Fei's study, and played a piece of video data she captured on the computer screen.

I saw that the image data showed a street in New York. In the distance of the street was an ordinary nursing home. Suddenly, a bright and colorful light shot from the sky, and then it reflected a maple tree in front of the nursing home. under the tree.

The birds on the maple tree screamed and flew away, and many leaves were also destroyed by the light. After that, a figure gradually emerged in the light. This figure is the "old friend of Asgard" who visited the earth this time. .

Goofy recognized the guy's identity when he saw the thin, graceful figure.

Asgard's **** of tricks, the self-proclaimed "the greatest mage of the Nine Realms", Asgard's adopted son, Thor's younger brother - Loki, he suddenly appeared on the earth.

"Good you Loki..." Goofy frowned, "I didn't expect you to dare to come back."

At this time, Ultron said: "Dad, my database shows that this man named Loki came to Earth a few years ago, when he murdered dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and created a large-scale explosion in New York. Chaos, was caught by you and taken to Ravencraft Prison, right?"

"Yes." Gao Fei nodded lightly.

"And then Asgard negotiated with Earth in an attempt to repatriate Loki. S.H.I.E.L.D. was guaranteed by Nick Fury, but an accident occurred during the repatriation process, which led to Nick Fury's trial..."

"It wasn't until the celestial bodies converged and the dark elves invaded Earth, when you offered to pardon the super criminals in Ravencraft and call them to fight the dark elves together, and Loki was able to get out of prison and join the superheroes Fight side by side against the dark elves..."

"But after the dark elves were defeated, the guy suddenly disappeared."

Gao Fei nodded lightly: "Yes, that's true. But at that time, Loki's charges were also pardoned, so I didn't continue to investigate this matter..."

"But what I didn't expect is that he is now back on Earth."

And Ultron said with a smile: "But Dad, please rest assured, even if Loki returns to Earth, he can't pose a threat to Earth..."

"I have already analyzed Loki's strength, and his overall strength assessment can't even rank among the superpowers on Earth, not to mention the experienced super warriors, even those young ones in your superpower academy. The students can easily overpower him."

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha... Aomei, if Loki heard what you said, the kid would probably be mad."

But at this time, Ultron suddenly added: "But although Loki poses no threat to the earth, the person beside him is very noteworthy... So far, regardless of the high-dimensional creature Dormam, the one who appeared on the earth Among the creatures, perhaps only Star-Lord's father, Egg, can match him."


Goofy was stunned when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that there was another person who came to earth with Loki.

This guy is a bloated, white-haired old man, blind in one eye, and a determined look on his face.

Goofy recognized his identity the moment he saw him.

The guardian of the Nine Realms, the father of the gods, the king of Asgard - Odin.

He is also the father of Thor and Loki.

"This fellow Loki... what did you bring Odin to Earth for?"

Gao Fei is What kind of medicine is this guy selling in the gourd?

Before Goofy could react, Loki in the video had already led Odin to the nursing home across the street.

"Damn... This guy doesn't want to throw his father into a nursing home, right? What an unfilial son... But considering that he is adopted, his behavior doesn't seem to be too much..."

"But why send a nursing home to Earth? No nursing home in Asgard?"

"Where is this guy Thor now? Does he know that his brother is going to send his father to a nursing home?"

"No, throwing Odin into Earth's nursing home will definitely cause an accident, I have to go and see."

Gao Fei closed the "Book of Emperor Weishan" in his hand with a depressed face, and placed a magic circle to seal the book.

"Ultron, I'm going to see these two Asgardians. Please evacuate the nearby vehicles and citizens." Gao Fei instructed.

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