American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 659: Contact Dormammu

But Goofy soon realized that he was too happy, because the principle of dimensional collapse is very well understood - it is an indiscriminate blow to take advantage of the instability of the higher dimensional world - but trying to trigger dimensional collapse does not It's not easy, the premise of triggering dimensional collapse is that Goofy must collapse a certain dimension in the high-dimensional world.

Although there are many dimensions in the high-dimensional world, Gao Fei does not understand them, because due to the limitations of his own low-dimensional world, Gao Fei cannot guess the dimensions in the high-dimensional world at all.

The three coordinates that define three-dimensionality are definitely not independent dimensions of the high-dimensional world, because they all belong to the spatial dimension in general.

And if according to Dr. Banner's assumption, Dormammu is a six-dimensional creature, Goofy can't even tell which six-dimensional he is, let alone find a way to destroy one of them.

"I think our problem now is how to cause the dimensional collapse of the higher-dimensional world, which triggers the dimensional collapse." Goofy pointed out the problem to Tony and Banner.

"Uh... This is indeed the most difficult problem at present, because we don't know enough about the high-dimensional world. It is really difficult to attack them across dimensions and destroy a certain dimension of their world." Banner The doctor nodded.

Tony continued to sift through the Cree database.

"Does the Kree have an introduction to this part of the relevant content?"

"I think it's useless, Tony." Goofy shook his head and said, "The high-dimensional creatures encountered by the Kree are not Dormammu, and each high-dimensional world is different, and the dimensions that make up these high-dimensional worlds should be It's random, not identical, so even if the Kree recorded the dimensional conditions of the higher-dimensional beings they encountered, it wouldn't be of any reference value for our fight against Dormammu."

"Oh, damn..." Tony said gloomily, "Then our situation is not optimistic now, is it?"

"Probably... yes." Goofy nodded. "But don't worry, we'll always find a way."


At this moment.

In an unknown valley in the west.

Casillas was wearing a long robe and looked solemnly at a complex patterned formation under his feet.

A group of young mages surrounded him. They were all followers recruited by Casillas. After learning that the ancient one had secretly made a contract with Dormammu and obtained eternal life, they turned their back on the original one. Faith, made the same decision as Casillas.

Since the Ancient One served Dormammu, they should also serve Dormammu.

Gu Yi served Dormammu in exchange for three hundred years of life, and they have to exchange for more!

"Okay, I think I can start the dark ritual now..."

Casillas turned to the believers behind him and said,

"We are about to meet the master who is truly worthy of our service - the master of darkness, the great Dormammu!"

"But before that, I need your dedication and sacrifice. In order to achieve eternity, are you willing to sacrifice?"

After hearing this, several believers looked at each other, each with different expressions on their faces.

Some people are scared, some people are nervous, some people are excited, and some people are nervous.

"I am willing! I am willing to be the most loyal believer of Master Dormammu!" One of the female mage stepped forward excitedly, "As long as I can obtain eternal life, I am willing to do anything!"

"very good."

Casillas nodded with satisfaction, and then grabbed the female believer in his hands.

When the dagger swung, a long and narrow wound was cut on the female believer's forearm, and blood flowed out, gradually flowing into the magic circle under Casillas' feet.

But the blood volume of the female believer alone is obviously not enough. The blood from the wound on her arm can only fill one-tenth of the huge circle.

"What are you waiting for?"

Casillas looked up at the others at the scene and asked in a deep voice,

"You keep saying that you want to serve Dormammu, the Lord of Darkness, but you won't even shed this blood?"

This sentence immediately caused a strong response among his followers, and everyone took out their daggers to cut the skin and feed the dark circle in front of them with blood.

Casillas stared at the magic circle in front of him with resolute eyes, expressionless face, and drooping corners of his mouth, waiting patiently for the magic circle to be filled with blood.

After about ten minutes, the blood of everyone finally gradually flowed to every corner of the circle. At this time, the corners of Casillas' drooping and dry mouth rose slightly. He stared at the circle and recited a mysterious passage. complex spells.

After the incantation was over, the magic circle suddenly lit up with a dark brilliance. The other disciples were bandaging their wounds while staring intently at the magic circle in front of them, with greedy and excited expressions in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the magic circle on the rock sank suddenly, as if the blood of the believers in the magic circle had corroded the rock. The height of the sinking was about two meters, and the ground where the magic circle was located suddenly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the rocks around the circle changed their properties completely, and they began to twist, flip, and even dislocate irregularly.

The believers standing nearby only focus on small-scale changes, which is not enough for them to see any clues, but the believers standing in the distance can see that the collapsed circle has turned into a **** patch. Pot monster mouth!

Soon, this hideous **** monster opened his mouth.

His voice was low and hoarse, but he spoke a human language that every believer could understand.

"Who is calling me? Is that you? Gu Yi..."

Hearing this voice, Casillas instantly became solemn, his back was straight, and the whole person became excited, his dry lips kept shaking until he answered excitedly.

"No, the respected master of the dark dimension, the great Dormammu... It is not the Ancient One who is calling you, but me, the current Supreme Mage on Earth, and your faithful believer - Casillas."

After hearing the news, Dormammu laughed dryly.

"Hehe... The Supreme Mage on Earth? My most loyal believer? I have to say, your Supreme Mage is different from other Supreme Mage..."

Casillaston felt terrified, clenched his fist with one hand and put it on his left shoulder, bowed his head and said, "Great Dormammu, please don't doubt my admiration and loyalty to you, I know that only you can give me and other mortals eternal life. , so we will serve you wholeheartedly..."

" long for eternal life?" Dormammu asked rhetorically.

"Yes, great Dormammu, please grant us eternal life..." Casillas demanded impatiently.

"It's not difficult... I can help you break free from the shackles of time." Dormammu happily agreed to Casillas' request, "But the ancient one, the Supreme Mage on Earth that I communicated with before once said —The creatures of your world should not fight against time, but obey it..."

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are your laws, you should respect it!"

Hearing this, Casillas scoffed.

"Humph! Gu Yi! This hypocritical and insidious woman..."

"She kept saying that we should obey but she herself begged from you for three hundred years of life! What she said was just nonsense, and we will never be deceived by her again!"

"Great Dormammu, please let us serve you! We are willing to give everything for you in exchange for eternal existence!"

Hearing Casillas' heartfelt confession, Dormammu applauded with satisfaction: "Very well, since you are sincerely begging, of course I will give you this opportunity."

After that he began to arrange work for Casillas.

"Destroy the three temples on earth, and I will come to earth soon."

"At that time, I will break the **** of time to you and give you eternity!"

Hearing Dormammu's reassurance, Casillas and his followers all smiled.

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity!!" Casillas bowed deeply and shouted excitedly.

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