American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 656: give you some pressure

In fact, Goofy didn't intend to let Strange deal with Dormammu at all, after all, as Goofy said - Strange is just a rookie now.

Don't say that Dormammu came too fast on this timeline, even if according to the original Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline, under the careful guidance of Gu Yi, he read "The Book of Weishandi" in Strange, and Having mastered the use of the Eye of Agamotto, Strange is still no match for Dormammu.

He can only use the last high-dimensional life form to not be bound by time, and use the time gem in the Eye of Agamotto to create a time loop to negotiate with Dormammu, and use a rather funny trick to stop Doma Mam's Invasion.

Of course, this is something only a well-developed Strange can do.

As for Strange on this timeline, it is completely impossible for him to develop as well as Doctor Strange in the original Marvel Cinematic Universe, so there is no doubt that this time against Dormammu will be a weakened one. version of Doctor Strange.

As for the reason why Goofy deliberately told him this, Goofy wanted to give Strange some motivation.

Just like when Strange was learning Suspended Rings, Master Gu Yi directly threw him into the Himalayas. Only in this critical situation can Strange quickly master space magic, because survival is the biggest motivation.

Now Goofy has learned from this, using Dormammu to create pressure on Strange.

Anyway, let it go first, and in the future, it will be up to you, Doctor Strange, to deal with Dormammu. The safety of the future earth is in your hands, and you can decide for yourself.

This trick also worked for Strange, although Strange could probably guess that Goofy just wanted to give him a little motivation, but he could see that Goofy really didn't have a good way to deal with higher-dimensional creatures. At this point He didn't lie.

Under such circumstances, Strange inevitably felt that he was under a lot of pressure, so as soon as he returned to Goofy's home in Brooklyn, he desperately began to study the occult works left by the ancient master.

Not only that, Strange even abandoned his pride and went to Gao Fei for advice modestly and politely.

"Gao Fei, the space magic you taught yourself last night... Could you please teach it to me?"

"I think your self-study sequence must be correct, so I'd like to follow your train of thought with you... er, study."

Gao Fei nodded gratified when he heard the words: "Of course you can, very good, you really didn't disappoint me."

After that, he spared no effort to impart all the knowledge he had learned to Strange, and patiently instructed Strange to consolidate his knowledge.

While Strange digested the content taught by Goofy, Goofy himself was not idle. He really did not lie before. He has not yet mastered the method to defeat Dormammu, but it is only temporary, in fact Goofy has long been concerned about the countermeasures for high-dimensional life forms.

On the Kree battleship "Dark Star" captured by Gao Fei, there is a huge database of Kree technology. He has long noticed that these data record that the Kree people have contacted with high-dimensional civilization, and the process of contact Naturally, friction is inevitable.

As for how the Kree people and the high-dimensional life forms friction and how to start the war, Gao Fei is still unclear, but it is certain that the Kree people did not fail at least, otherwise the Kree civilization would have been extinct long ago. There can be no Kree civilization in the universe.

From this point, Gao Fei concluded that the Kree people must have the technology that can compete with the high-dimensional civilization, so as long as you search in the Kerry database, you will be able to find the answer to the question.

"It's time to visit Tony."

Goofy muttered to himself, then turned to say hello to Strange,

"I'll go out first, and I'll be back in the evening. Call me if you have anything."

"Okay." Strange, who was immersed in the scroll, responded without raising his head.


After a minute.

Stark Industries is located in a secret factory outside California.

Goofy appeared on the chair in front of Tony Stark in a blink of an eye. Tony in a suit was so frightened that he almost changed into a steel battle suit and raised his hand to give Goofy an energy beam.

"Oh, God! Goofy, it's you..."

After seeing that it was his old friend Gao Fei who suddenly appeared, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh...damn, did Reed's teleportation machine send you here? This thing should have a reminder or something, like tell me before teleporting - 'Your friend Goofy will be there in three seconds', to Otherwise, motherfucker, I will really be scared to death by you."

However, Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "No, Tony, I came here by myself this time."

"Come here by yourself?" Tony was a little surprised. "You mean... without the help of external objects, move over directly? Like Gordon or Carrie's ability?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded proudly.

"Oh, tell me, when did you gain this ability again? Was it taught to you by Carrie? Considering that you should not be of Inhuman blood, you must not have acquired this ability by Terrigan..."

"Are you a mutant? Are your mutant genes activated?"

Goofy shook his head and said, "Neither, Tony, this is magic, space magic, a new skill I learned from Kama Taj."

"Magic? Kama Taj? Are you talking in your sleep?" Tony didn't believe it at all.

"Please, I didn't lie to you, Master Gu Yi, do you remember? My magic is similar to the magic she Goofy Road.

"Oh... By the way, Master Gu Yi... There really is such a thing as a mage in this world." Tony regained his memory and nodded, "Then your thing is really magic? Wait, what's the science? Based on it? I always feel that magic is a deceitful thing..."

Gao Fei shrugged and said, "Fortunately, Master Gu Yi is already dead, otherwise she would fight you because of what you said just now..."

"What? The Ancient One Mage is dead?" Tony Stark was shocked. "When did it happen? How did she die? Oh, what happened to New York all this time? I haven't been back for too long, All my thoughts are on researching the battleship. It seems that my news needs to be updated urgently, right? Goofy? Have I missed a lot of things..."

"That's it." Goofy nodded, "You missed a lot of content, by the way, by the way, I am now in charge of a new dimension - hell."

Tony Steck was speechless: "…"

"Tell me one thing and one thing, don't say it all at once, the amount of information is too large for me to digest..."

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