American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 648: Supreme Mage Successor

Since the last time he played against Mephisto in the **** dimension, Casillas had doubts about the ancient one, in fact, this suspicion did not start from Mephisto's instigation, he started a long time ago. I suspect the ancient master.

The lifespan of the ancient master far exceeds that of human beings, which is impossible for white magic to achieve. A great master may live a hundred years, but it is impossible to achieve immortality.

There is only one kind of being that can transcend the shackles of time and reach eternity within the category known to earth mages at present - that is Dormammu who is in charge of the dark dimension.

So there is no doubt that the source of the ancient one's immortality is Dormammu.

Master Gu Yi made a contract with the master of the dark dimension without the knowledge of his apprentices, in exchange for endless life, which made Casillas very dissatisfied.

What about jointly defending against the invasion of the dark dimension?

Dormammu is said to be the evil ancient **** trying to devour the earth?

Why did you, Master Gu Yi, have no idea about him behind the scenes, and you have obtained eternal life from him?

Maybe it was the anger after being deceived, maybe it was just pure jealousy, Casillas' resentment against the Ancient One Mage grew deeper and deeper, until it became irreconcilable.

For all this, Mordo saw it.

Although he couldn't agree with Master Gu Yi's approach, and he was also condemning Gu Yi's unprincipled and bottom-line behavior, he was not as paranoid as Casillas, let alone turned against Gu Yi.

Now that I heard Casillas take advantage of the problem and held Gu Yi accountable for Strange's affairs again, he smiled comfortingly, patted Casillas on the shoulder and said, "No need, Casillas, You really don't need to..."

"I know it's absurd for a mage to give a new guy full access to the library, but she must have her reasons for doing it."

Casillas raised his eyebrows and looked at Mordo, and smiled contemptuously.

"Is that your excuse for comforting yourself?"

"She must have her own reasons for doing this?"

"Like she made a pact with Dormammu and received eternal life from him?"

"It's all because Master Gu Yi has her own reason?"

Modu didn't know how to refute what Casillas said, and he also admitted that Casillas' accusation against the ancient one was well-founded.

"So what can we do? To force the mage to kick this new friend out?"

"Or should we use the topic to play it, and also take care of Master Gu Yi to ask for permission to read the Book of Emperor Weishan?" Mo Du asked helplessly.

"Perhaps Gu Yi has too much power, and her power is unsupervised..."

"The lack of power to supervise will inevitably lead to corruption. I think you must understand this truth."

Casillas said in a deep voice, then turned to the direction of the ancient master's tea room,

"She must be still in the tea room now, isn't she?"

Mordo hesitated and asked cautiously, "Casillas, what do you want... to do?"

"Nothing." Casillas said calmly, "I just want to talk to her, about Dormammu, about the new doctor..."

"Gu Yi has made too many mistakes during this time, and I think it's time to correct her."

Having said this, Casillas turned to Mordo and invited him.

"Modu, do you want to come with me?"

"Me?" Moro hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't care."

Casillas was not surprised by Mordo's refusal, he nodded, and then walked to Gu Yi's tea room without looking back.

"Since you're not here, please don't meddle in your business."


in the tea room.

Master Gu Yi sat cross-legged on the futon and gently opened the front of his jacket.

I saw a black shadow appearing on her chest, and the shadow was spreading all over her body.

"Sure enough, it's too late..."

Gu Yi shook his head helplessly, and immediately tidied up the placket carefully.

Because she already knew that the uninvited guest happened to arrive at the door of the tea room and was about to push the door in.


The wooden door hinge of the tea room made a small sound, and Casillas pushed the door and walked in without knocking beforehand.

"Casillas..." Gu Yi frowned in dissatisfaction, "When did you come in without saying hello?"

Casillas turned to look at Gu Yi, his expression full of dissatisfaction and resentment.

"I just entered the tea room without saying hello, what's the point?"

he asked in a low voice,

"Compared to the mage, you secretly communicate with Dormammu without saying hello, my behavior is not worth mentioning at all, right?"

Master Gu Yi was not surprised by Casillas' accountability, she had already guessed that Casillas would ask such a question.

"I didn't tell you about this, because I was worried that you wouldn't be able to accept it..."

Master Gu Yi calmly answered,

"As you know, Dormammu is the controller of the dark dimension. His strength is very powerful. Even if I take all the mages on the earth to go out with me, it is not Dormammu's opponent at all..."

"So to fight against this enemy whose strength is far superior to ours, we cannot use a head-to-head approach. We can only negotiate with him and mediate with him to find a way to avoid war and stop his aggression..."

"This is how I protect Earth from Dormammu, you understand?"

Casillas was not persuaded by Master Gu Yi's brief explanation, and his questioning continued.

"And what about your eternal life? What does that have to do with protecting the Earth?"

Master Gu Yi replied calmly: "That's because I can't easily die until I find the next Supreme Master. Once I die, the magic side of the earth will lose its guardian..."

"Establishing a contract with Dormammu to obtain temporary immortality is also one of the necessary means to protect the earth. After I find the next Supreme Mage, I will naturally cut off the contract with Dormammu and end my life."

"Actually, I have found my next heir, and I will end my contract with Dormammu soon, so please rest assured."

After hearing this, Casillas immediately realized who the "next Supreme Mage" was referring to, which made him shocked and angry, and the fire of jealousy was burning.

He originally wondered why Gu Yi opened up all the permissions of the library for a new the doctor with both hands disabled received unprecedented attention when he came to Kama Taj.

Now the truth is revealed, it turns out that Strange is the successor appointed by Master Gu Yi.

"The next Supreme Mage..." Casillas sneered, "You should be talking about the doctor from New York?"

"Oh, it's him." Master Gu Yi did not deny it, "He has great potential, and he will be even better than me in the future."

This sentence made Casillas furious, and he couldn't accept Gu Yi's decision.

"But I am your most proud disciple. You once said that my aptitude is the best among your many disciples!"

"You?" Gu Yi shook his head apologetically, "I remember when I said this, it should have been fifteen years ago... At that time you were indeed the most talented among my disciples, but I said Strange was not included in this sentence."

"If you count him..."

"Shut up!" As soon as Gu finished speaking, Casillas interrupted her angrily, "Stop your humiliation to me! You hypocritical woman! You are not worthy of being a Supreme Mage at all, since you and Dormammu colluded, since you humbled yourself begging for eternal life from the dark dimension of Dormammu, you don't deserve to be the Supreme Mage!"

"You are not qualified to become a Supreme Mage!"

"You are naturally not qualified to appoint a new Supreme Mage!"

"And I, Casillas, today must represent all the mages on earth who have worked hard to resist invasions from other dimensions, and deprive you of your qualifications as a supreme magist!"

"Gu Yi, from now on, I am the Supreme Mage!"

Speaking of this, Casillas pulled out the dagger from his waist, turned on the space magic, and rushed towards the ancient master at high speed!

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