American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 645: Open the Path of the Mage

Although Strange who woke up returned to Kama Taj, he did not return to his own body. He still maintained a state of out-of-body soul, and his soul was separated from his body.

"Mage... hello..."

After walking around in **** and having a cordial meeting with Gao Fei, Strange greeted the Supreme Mage awkwardly. He had begun to regret his attitude towards the Ancient One Mage just now.

"Should you say something to me?" Mage Gu Yi asked indifferently, looking at Strange's soul floating next to his body.

"Oh, that's true." Strange realized that today was his "apology day" and that he owed many apologies.

"I'm so sorry for my previous offense, it was all my ignorance. I went to **** again, and met the other souls of hell, and the master of hell, Goofy..."

"I now finally believe that there is **** in this world, and that Goofy is the ruler of hell."

"Before, I was sitting in the well and watching the sky, and I became arrogant."

Master Gu Yi was quite satisfied with Strange's self-examination, and then began to explain the infinity of the universe to Strange.

"We are in a huge multiverse, and many parallel time-spaces that are essentially disjoint but actually interact with each other make up the current multiverse..."

"As mages, we can use spells, contracts, and spiritual power to transfer energy between different parallel time and space. This is the source of our abilities."

Strange listened carefully to Master Gu Yi's explanation, and then asked: "Then ask the Master, as long as I use the power of other time and space, can I repair my hands?"

Seeing that Strange was still clinging to his hands, Mage Gu Yi shook his head slightly disappointed.

"Strange, I think you have to figure out one thing, whether you came to Kama Taj to study the occult, or just to heal your hands."

"If you're here to study the occult, then I can tell you that there's a good chance you'll heal your hands and even make them as good as ever..."

"But if you're here just to heal your hands, then I think you're likely to come back disappointed. Not only can the hands be healed, but even the occult won't have a chance to spy..."

"do you understand?"

Strange is a very savvy person, and after listening to the ancient one, he understood everything.

"I understand."

"Then I beg the mage to teach me the knowledge of mysticism."

Only then did Master Gu Yi nodded gratified, and it seemed that this successor was accepted.

"Very good, I'll let Mordo arrange for you to stay here, make a good adjustment tonight, and start the introductory study tomorrow."

Strange obediently folded his hands and saluted: "Thank you, Mage."


Night falls.

Gao Fei, who was immersed in the **** dimension to count his soul, also put down the soul scepter in his hand and withdrew from the **** dimension.

Back in the study at Canassi's house, Gao Fei took a sip from the juice on the writing desk. This afternoon's work has been fruitful.

After sorting out the slightly messy thoughts, Gao Fei turned his attention to the heavy tome on the desk.

"The Book of the Dark God", once let Leopold Fitz, a new generation of genius researcher of S.H.I.E.L.D., read a magical book that almost exploded his brain.

"It's time to read, otherwise I really don't know how to use the soul power that Mephisto left me..."

Goofy muttered to himself, then reached out and brought the tome over.

During this period of time, the superhero system has upgraded his "explorer template" to 80%, and this level of brain has already broken through the limits of human beings.

If anyone could now penetrate Goofy's skull and see his brain, he would be shocked by the shape of Goofy's brain.

That is no longer what a natural life should look like, but a complex interactive structure similar to polygonal crystals.

"let's start."

Gao Fei smiled slightly at the Book of Darkness, opened its heavy cover, and then revealed the first pure white and clean page, which had no information of any kind—whether it was text or images.

But this was only temporary, and soon Gao Fei saw rows of densely packed small words jumping out of the white paper. Of course, Gao Fei knew these words. Memories also aroused Gao Fei's yearning and nostalgia for his hometown.

They are square characters outlined with a single stroke.


late at night.

Kama Taj.

Mordo arranged for Strange to stay in the room and helped him prepare the daily necessities.

He then threw Strange a delicate gold ring before leaving, which caught Strange's attention.

"what is this?"

"Is it similar to an access card or something? Or is it a symbol of Karma Taj's status as a disciple?"

Mo Du smiled: "Oh, don't get me wrong, it's just a magic weapon."

"Artifact?" Strange needs a term to explain What is an instrument? "

"It's an auxiliary tool that can help you cast spells. When your spells are cast on them, the power will be multiplied." Mordo said, "This ring is called the hanging ring, it is the simplest magic weapon, we mages use It does space magic, and it can take us anywhere we want to go."

Having said that, Mordo cast the ring in his hand and opened an aperture similar to the size of an ordinary gate in front of him.

On the other side of the aperture, is Kama Taj's library.

"Oh, Mordo, what are you doing here so late?" asked the librarian of the library, an elderly female mage dissatisfied.

"Sorry, Jasmine, I'm just showing my new friends about space magic." Mordo said, "Oh, yes, if possible, I'd like to borrow a book on the use of hanging rings."

"Books used in the suspension of precepts? Do you still need to explain how to use such a simple magic weapon?" Librarian Jasmine complained viciously, and then reluctantly got up and went to the bookshelf to find books.

Strange, who was sitting on the bed in his bedroom, was stunned by this scene, and the space magic of the hanging ring made him even more fond of him.

"Isn't this... any door?"

Strange exclaimed, the halo in front of him reminded him of a prop from a popular island cartoon.

"You can say that." Moro nodded with a smile.

At this time, the librarian Jasmine had already handed over a quaint old book.

"Here, "The Use of Suspended Rings", there really is this book..."

"But judging from its content and difficulty, it could be a children's book."

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