American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 637: Strange's car accident

Manga Survival Guide Text Volume 637, Strange's car accident Until the back of Master Gu Yi disappeared in the darkness of the office, Goofy didn't have time to say a word to her again, if it wasn't for him still holding the In the words of this heavy "Dark God Book", Goofy would even mistakenly think that everything that happened just now was a dream.

"The best Supreme Mage in the world, a legend among the Supreme Mage..."

Gao Fei repeated Gu Yi’s content in a low voice,

"Doctor Strange? Looks like he's about to experience the biggest turning point in his life."

Carefully put the "Dark God Book" in his hand, and Gao Fei turned back to his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

A few minutes later, a red thick fog suddenly filled Gao Fei's surroundings, and then his body was wrapped in the thick fog and disappeared in this real world.

Goofy entered the soul world - the **** dimension of Mephisto.

After a period of adjustment, he can freely travel between the dimensions of reality and hell.

With a wave of his hand, the blue soul scepter rose from a nearby piece of scorched earth and flew to Gao Fei's hand with dark dirt.

Gao Fei took the soul scepter and shook it gently. The thick fog around **** dissipated a little, giving him a clear vision. In this area, many swaying souls aimlessly. wandering.

"I have to figure out how to make good use of this legacy that Lao Mo left me..."

Gao Fei said to himself,

"What's the use of these lonely ghosts? They can't just travel in hell, can they?"

"Also, do all the people on earth go to **** when they die? Or is it just a random part of them that goes to hell?"

Just as Gao Fei was studying it carefully, he suddenly heard a roar not far away.

I saw a cool and windy Lamborghini galloping from the thick fog, but a violent collision occurred during the acceleration process, the body was cut off, rolled in the air, lifted high, and fell to the ground...

Immediately afterwards, the Lamborghini gradually dissipated in the thick red fog, turning into a cloud of blue smoke and disappearing into hell, but the driver of the car, an elegant, tall, middle-aged man with a horse-faced face Instead of disappearing, he fell to the ground and struggled.

"Um...damn, I..."

"help me…"

"I don't want to die yet, I can't die, I..."

"help me…"

Gao Fei was startled, but immediately recognized the long-faced man.

Stephen Strange.

The best neurosurgeons in New York and even the world.

Some people say that his hands are more precise than the most delicate instruments, and they are simply perfect tools forged by God.

But now Dr. Strange's hands have been twisted into weird arcs because of the car accident, and apparently suffered a very serious break...

There is no doubt that Dr. Strange's career has been ruined since then, and not only that, he may also take his life.

"It seems that Strange's car accident was really serious enough, and he fell directly from the real world into hell..." Goofy complained silently, and walked towards Strange.

He knew that Strange in front of him should be his soul, and he was already out of body at this time, but Goofy doubted whether he could communicate with himself, and he tried to call Strange in a low voice.

"Hey, Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange?"

Amazingly, Goofy can actually communicate with Strange's soul.

After Goofy called his name twice, Strange reacted visibly.

He struggled to get up, but his body seemed to be crushed by fragments of the real-world Lamborghini and unable to move.

The fixation of the body leads to the fixation of his soul, and he cannot look up to see Goofy.

"Help me... whoever it is, please help me..." Strange whispered weakly, "I don't want to die yet, I can't die, I am... I am Doctor Strange, I am the world The best neurosurgeon, I can't die!"

Gao Fei couldn't help but feel a black line - he was about to die, but he still didn't forget to show his identity, and he was indeed a Doctor Strange who could not be set by a narcissist.

At this time Strange struggled again and said, "Please, save me, I have to live, I have to live..."

Goofy couldn't rescue Strange directly, because he only saw Strange's soul now, and he was not at the scene of the accident.

He could only make sure that Hell would not receive Strange's soul, but he could not let Strange's body be rescued.

"Listen, Doctor Strange, no one can save you right now, only you can save you..."

"Stay awake, wait for rescue, and don't let yourself pass out, understand?"

"Do you know your current location? I can help you contact rescue."

Strange didn't know the current situation, he didn't know that he was out of body, he thought Goofy was by his side, but he chose not to save him.

"Why don't you...don't save me directly? Please, give me a hand, give me a hand..."

Gao Fei shook his head helplessly: "I can't pull I can only push you."

Having said that, he nudged Strange's soul lightly, pushing his soul out of hell.

Strange's curled body instantly disappeared into the thick red fog, and disappeared in an instant.


Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly exited the **** dimension.

He had to check the news online to make sure Dr. Strange survived the tragic car accident.


Because Stephen Strange is a well-known surgical expert in the country, his car accident quickly attracted the attention of many media.

Fortunately, Dr. Strange was discovered the first time he was in the car accident, and his Lamborghini had an automatic alarm system.

The nearby hospital directly used a helicopter to rescue Strange and sent him to the operating table as soon as possible, but his injury was so serious that the car accident damaged his nervous system.

Only one neurosurgeon in the world can handle this level of trauma.

Ironically, the neurosurgeon was himself.

Therefore, the hospital can only send other doctors to deal with Dr. Strange's injury, which will obviously leave a legacy for this excellent surgeon.

Nine hours later, Strange's condition finally returned to stability.

After learning that Strange had saved his life, Goofy was relieved.

He turned off the TV that was broadcasting the news, and went back to the study to study the difficult and obscure Book of the Dark God, but before his **** was warmed up in the chair, the phone rang abruptly.

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