Hearing Robbie Reyes say he's been here, both Goofy and the Ancient One had smiles on their faces.

Having at least one of your teammates who've been there as a guide can make the thrilling ride a little easier, or at least less dangerous.

"So where is this place? Which dimension is this?" Goofy asked.

Robbie pondered for a moment and replied, "If I'm right, this should be... hell."

"Hell?" Gao Fei expressed surprise, and Master Gu Yi tilted his head to show his doubts.

"Why do you say this is hell?" Gu Yi asked.

Robbie replied, "Because you don't forget, I died once. And after my death, I came to such a place, such a dimension..."

"At that time, I was shot to protect my younger brother and died. I already clearly felt my physical death. I even remembered that I was dying..."

"And then I don't know how long...but I'm sure it was a long time before I came here, I came to this place."

Robbie said clearly,

"The reason why I say this is because I am sure that I was completely dead at the time. This is definitely not an illusion or an imaginary in my brain. Later, my brother said the same after I was resurrected, so I came here. The place must be hell..."

Gao Fei pointed to the surrounding environment and asked, "Are you sure it's the same temperature and space? Are you sure everything is the same as the last time you saw it?"

"Yes." Robbie nodded, "Although my state was a little dazed last time, and my mind was not very clear, the more I stayed here, the more I felt that this place was the same as where I was last time... "

"This is hell, the place where people's souls come after they die." Robbie said firmly.

However, his words made Gao Fei shake his head again and again.

After death, people may not necessarily go to hell, and may also go to other sand sculpture places - such as being summoned to a strange planet by the death of one of the five creation gods, and inexplicably put on an undead Buff.

Master Gu Yi paid more attention to what happened after Robbie came here last time.

"So Robbie, that's where you became the Ghost Rider, right?"

"Yes." Robbie nodded and replied, "After my soul came to hell, I thought at first that this was my life of death, and I will be here in the future, until the next reincarnation..."

"But after a while, I suddenly saw a person, an old man, an old gentleman who looked very graceful." Robbie said.

"If I'm not mistaken, this old gentleman has signed a contract with you to sell his soul." Goofy said, he had probably guessed the identity of this old gentleman.

"Oh, yes, that's true." Robbie nodded and admitted, "He told me that if there was a way to bring me back to the world, let me punish the cruel ones who killed me, and tried to bully and even kill me. If my brother is a street bastard, would I be willing to use my soul to sign a contract with him..."

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi's eyes lit up.

"This is black magic, this is the black magic recorded in the "Book of the Dark God", Robbie, the person who signed the contract with you also read the "Book of the Dark God", I think he may be the one hiding behind behind the scenes."

"What?" Robbie was a little surprised, but then suddenly realized, "It was him?"

"But why would he do it?"

Master Gu Yi first thought about what the man behind the scenes had done, and then analyzed the black magic that he signed with Robbie, and then suddenly realized:

"I think I know... The man behind the scenes, like Dormammu, also obtained black magic from the Book of the Dark God, and inherited the power of the evil **** Sithorn, but he and Dormammu improved their abilities The way is different, he gains power by establishing a soul contract with humans..."

"This kind of black magic relies on the human soul, especially on the powerful human soul... And the greater a person's ability and power in the real world, the stronger his soul accordingly..."

"In the age of America, humans ruled over humans, and the rulers of humans were the main source of energy for the man behind the scenes, because their power was strong enough, and the soul was strong enough..."

"But when the Ultron robot came to power, artificial AI took over the world, and America no longer had a ruler..."

"In the long run, artificial intelligence will play more and more social division of labor, and the human soul will become weaker and weaker. If this development continues, the power of the man behind the scenes will be completely exhausted. This may be what he is most afraid to face. matter."

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When Master Gu Yi analyzed this, a burst of applause suddenly came from the thick fog not far behind her.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Then a man's elegant voice sounded.

"The analysis is very exciting. It is worthy of being a supreme mage. Your judgment is completely correct. This plan against Ultron was indeed deployed by me."

The smog gradually dissipated, and an elegant man in a suit and a gentleman's top hat walked out slowly, and when he saw him, Robbie called out his name nervously.


"Hello, Robbie, my child, I'm very glad that you still remember my name." Mephisto, who was in the image of an old gentleman, smiled and nodded, politely.

"Of course I remember your name, we signed an agreement after all." Robbie said solemnly, and after the greeting, he accused ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But you used me, and you signed an agreement with me just to deal with Ultron! "

"Oh, no, my child." Mephisto shook his head gently, "I signed an agreement with you not just to deal with Ultron, you are very valuable to me, believe me, I didn't lie to you..."

"But you used me to instigate the war between Wakanda and Ultron!" The Ghost Rider became angry, the original human head instantly burned, and the flesh and hair were completely burned to ashes, leaving only one A hideous skull.

The soul chain in his hand keeps turning, and it may be released at any time.

Seeing Ghost Rider's reaction, Mephisto just laughed disdainfully.

"Robbie, my child, you are my knight, and I gave you your abilities, why? Do you still want to be my enemy?"

"He's not alone." At this time, Master Gu Yi stepped forward and waved the folding fan in his hand. "And us."

"You?" Mephisto glanced at Master Gu Yi, then glanced at Gao Fei who was standing not far away, then shook his head indifferently and said, "Sorry, you may be very powerful in your world, both are A superhero who can stand alone..."

"But when you come to me, even if you are added together, you are not my opponent..."

"This is hell, this is my domain, you can't beat me, believe me."

"Shut up! You liar!" The Ghost Rider couldn't control his anger at first, and the chain in his hand swung straight towards Mephisto.


The soul chain was instantly hung on Mephisto's neck, and Robbie grabbed the rope with a backhand.

But Mephisto just flicked his hand, and Robbie's indestructible soul chain suddenly fell like ashes...

The magic weapon turned into dust, and Robbie lost too fast.

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