Hank complains, but his thoughts are consistent with Goofy's. As a police officer, it is his duty to punish crimes.

So Hank did not shirk his responsibility, and took the task decisively.

"Okay, we can talk about this together during the night patrol." Hank said helplessly.

Gao Fei didn't want Hank to get involved too much: "Don't worry, Hank, I can handle the current clues alone."

"Don't you plan to fight alone, kid?" Hank asked cautiously, "Don't be so reckless, do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, Hank, I will act cautiously." Gao Fei said with a smile, and then hung up the phone quickly.

Gao Fei didn't intend to be cautious, and he was over.


When I got home from get off work in the evening, Aunt Wang and Jie Qian came to visit with big and small bags of ingredients. Gao Fei saved Jie Qian's life at NYU. Aunt Wang was so grateful that she couldn't tell.

Gao Fei has always been very welcoming to Aunt Wang, because Aunt Wang is simply the embodiment of food. Compared with those Chinese restaurants in Brooklyn that have been influenced by local tastes, the Chinese food cooked by Aunt Wang is more authentic.

The three of them were busy in the kitchen, getting together four dishes and one soup for dinner. The frying and frying in Chinese food brought fireworks to Gao Fei's cold-listed small apartment. On an ordinary winter night, there were New Year's Eve.

By the time dinner was served, a thick layer of water mist had condensed on the windows of the apartment. Through the mist to see the night in Brooklyn, there was only a halo like an oil painting.

The three sat on the dining table, and Gao Fei unceremoniously picked up a piece of braised pork and started eating.

Auntie Wang looked at Gao Fei with a smile, and whispered, "Eat slowly, don't burn it, why is this child like he hasn't eaten in a day, don't swallow your chopsticks..."

Jie Qian eats more gracefully, nibbling at the green vegetables in the bowl, while Aunt Wang is not in a hurry to move her chopsticks, she patronizes and talks.

"Today's events are really thrilling, how can children be so vicious these days! Isn't it because they were caught cheating in exams, they actually shot the teacher to death with a gun, and even killed their classmates... How can you say the world has such a heart? Ruthless people?" Aunt Wang rambled on, "And this gun...it's too dangerous, if I say it's better to ban all guns, it's safer!"

Cheng Jieqian does not agree with Aunt Wang's point of view: "Mom, what does this have to do with the ban on guns? If this person is determined to take revenge on society, he will use a knife, an axe, a hammer... Whether it is to kill or kill, it does not necessarily have to be used. Guns. What’s more, the guns used by the gangsters in this attack are prohibited guns, and automatic rifles are not allowed in New York.”

"Oh, which side are you on? Why are you refuting your mother?" Aunt Wang glanced at Jiexian dissatisfiedly, "I said that guns were banned for your own good! Think about how dangerous it is today, You almost got shot to death!"

Cheng Jieqian knew she couldn't reason with Aunt Wang, so she lowered her head and went to eat silently.

At this time, Aunt Wang turned to Gao Fei again, and her attitude became much gentler.

"Gao Fei, thank you so much today, I've heard what Jie Qian said, if it wasn't for your class, all the students would die!"

Gao Fei hurriedly smiled and said, "Auntie, you're welcome."

Auntie Wang smiled ambiguous, full of meaning: "I also heard Jie Qian say that you were not in the teaching building originally, but as soon as you heard that Jie Qian was caught by the gangsters, you rushed in without saying a word!"

Hearing this, Gao Fei almost choked in his throat with a mouthful of braised pork.

This thing can't go through, right?

But Auntie Wang became more and more excited as she spoke, looking at Jie Qian sideways and saying, "I don't know how you young people think about this, but if I was young, if any young man would do it for me If something like this happens, then I have to promise myself!"

The braised pork that Gao Fei had just swallowed almost choked back, so he quickly grabbed the water glass and poured himself water.

Cheng Jieqian couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and complained to Aunt Wang in disgust: "Mom, can you do it? Say everything out there, aren't you afraid of other people's jokes!"

"What's the matter? People Gao Fei don't even want to save your life, so don't let me say a few words of conscience! Jie Qian, do you know how to repay your kindness? People Gao Fei are sincere to you. Did you feed the dogs? Can't you show some respect to others?" Auntie Wang retorted quickly.

Cheng Jieqian collapsed. She had already expressed it on the way back. Do you want to express it again now? More importantly - do you want to express it on the spot in front of you, Ms. Wang? This is very perverted - is it good or bad!

Seeing that the situation in front of him was getting more and more tense, Gao Fei quickly came out to control the scene.

"Cough, it doesn't matter Aunt Wang, Jie Qian has already expressed it."

"Really?" Aunt Wang got excited when she heard it, and quickly asked gossip, "How do you express it?"

Cheng Jieqian's face turned green: "Wang Xiaoli! You are really my mother!"

Aunt Wang ignored her at all, and continued to question Gao Fei with a smile: "Tell me, how did this girl express it?"

Gao Fei said bluntly: "Kiss me." While saying that, he pointed to her cheek~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Cheng Jieqian could not wait to find a crack to burrow in.

"Gao Fei, you big pig's hoof, can you tell my mother this kind of thing?!"

However, Auntie Wang was in a good mood and laughed: "It's almost the same, it's a bit of an expression."

Speaking of this, Aunt Wang changed her words: "But this just means that the kindness of saving lives is not so easy to repay."

Cheng Jieqian's face turned dark: "Wang Xiaoli, what do you want!"

Unexpectedly, without waiting for Aunt Wang's advice, Gao Fei suddenly whispered, "Actually, if you want to repay me, it's easy. I have a ready-made method."

Aunt Wang quickly asked curiously, "What method?"

Cheng Jieqian said depressedly, "Gao Fei, you'd better not come up with any bad ideas!"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Don't worry, it's not a bad idea, just a trivial matter."

Aunt Wang agreed happily: "No problem! Gao Fei, since you are willing to go through fire and water for Jie Qian, Jie Qian will definitely do the same to you, right, Jie Qian?"

Without waiting for Jie Qian to answer, Gao Fei shook his head and said, "No, Aunt Wang, what I need this time is not Jie Qian, but you."

"Huh?" Aunt Wang was caught off guard, and then her face flushed, "Gao Fei, what do you want to do..."

Gao Fei was fascinated at the time, Aunt Wang, what are you thinking about? !

Cheng Jieqian also looked vigilant: "Gao Fei, what do you want to do to my mother?"

Gao Fei is about to flip the table, you mother and daughter are thinking about some R-rated plots in your mind every day! !

What an ethics drama!

Will it be harmonious?

With a cough, Gao Fei quickly brought the topic to the right track: "Cough, Aunt Wang, I need you to be a special agent once."

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