American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 602: Great example!

Goofy's enemies have thousands of names for him, all of which express their hatred, disgust, and even fear for Goofy... But since Goofy came to the Marvel world to today, no one has ever called Goofy. Called the "evil guy".

Because of his own morality and the constraints of the superhero system, all of Goofy's actions in the Marvel world are just. Even if Goofy wants to kill, the superhero system must first determine whether he can kill.

Therefore, Gao Fei is simply a model of Wei Guangzheng, and the word "evil" has nothing to do with him.

His opponents like to call him a "nosy guy" or a "crazy cop", but no one ever calls him a "wicked guy," because even a criminal who hates Goofy can't get rid of him Picking out a single flaw in his resume, he was judged as an "evil guy".

And this time when Robbie Reyes angrily said Goofy was an "evil guy", Goofy was at a loss.

"Evil guy?" Goofy shrugged helplessly, "Tell me, Robbie, where am I evil?"

"You're still playing tricks with me?" Robbie Reyes roared angrily, "You **** thief!"

"A thief?" Goofy was stunned again, "What did I steal? The hearts of all New York girls?"

"Stop witting me, go to hell!"

Robbie, who was burning with raging fire on his head, swung the chain towards Gao Fei, and the chain flew towards Gao Fei's neck, but no matter how fast the Ghost Rider was, he could never reach the level of Gao Fei. Just need to speed up your speed to escape Robbie's entanglement.

Compared to Robbie's speed, Goofy was as fast as lightning. He came to Robbie's back with a flick of a flash, and escaped the chains of the Ghost Rider.

"Oh, Robbie..." Goofy said regretfully, but as soon as the words came out, he suddenly realized that things didn't seem that simple.

Robbie's chains suddenly speed up, actually keeping up with Goofy's rhythm!

While Goofy was moving at the speed of light, Ghost Rider's chains actually caught up with him at the same speed!

"Oops..." Goofy frowned, "The iron chain on this match head has magic! It can completely keep up with my speed!"

At this time, he recalled the scene when Robbie killed T'Chaka. T'Chaka's movement speed was also very fast, directly avoiding the first chain attack of the Ghost Rider, but immediately after the Ghost Rider's attack. The chain immediately increased its speed as if alive, and went straight around T'Chaka's neck.

At this moment, Ghost Rider's voice rang in Goofy's ear.

"No one can escape the chains of my soul, no one!"

At the same time as this sentence sounded, the ghost knight's soul chain had come to the edge of Goofy's neck, which made Goofy break out in a cold sweat, because if he was really tied to his neck by the ghost knight like Tchaka But it's too embarrassing.

Whether the Ghost Rider can kill him or not will not talk about it for the time being, it is really shameful to be choke-locked like this...

The current Gao Fei is no longer the New York policeman Gao Fei. He is the founder of the dignified Ultron, the principal of the Super Academy, and the former captain of the Super Patrol.

If you are locked in the head by this speeding skull in front of your friends, it will be too shameless!

Thinking of this, Gao Fei hurriedly entered the speed of light state and paused time.

"I don't believe that your Ghost Rider's chains can be faster than the speed of light!"

Facts have proved that it is indeed not faster than the speed of light. When Gao Fei entered the speed of light, the chain of the Ghost Rider really stopped.

At this time, Goofy easily grabbed the chain with his backhand, and then exited the speed of light form and returned to the normal world.

So Robbie Reyes' chain went wrong for the first time—the first time he failed to get around an enemy's neck since he became Ghost Rider.

" escaped!"

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Robbie looked at Gao Fei in shock, the flames burning on the skull seemed to jump in surprise.

However, the Soul Chain of the Ghost Rider does not need to be directly wrapped around the neck of the enemy, as long as it touches the body of the enemy. The Soul Chain is the medium through which the Ghost Rider communicates the enemy's soul. The soul is judged.

So as long as Goofy is still holding the Soul Chain, Ghost Rider can attack him.

"Gao Fei, you are still too arrogant, I will burn you to ashes next!"

"Not only your body, but also your soul! I will burn your body and soul together! This time I will see if you can be resurrected!"

When Gao Fei heard this, he was suddenly a little interested.

"Huh? You mean... you can not only destroy my body, but also my soul?"

This made Gao Fei excited all of a sudden, and his memory returned to the state when he died for the first time in the Marvel world, or when he was on the verge of death for the first time.

At that time, he took a cannonball from the Iron Overlord Obadiah, and saw the figurative form of death on the brink of death—the death of one of the five gods in the universe.

At that time, it was reasonable to say that his body had been destroyed, but he did not directly return to the real world. The reason was probably that his soul still existed and was summoned by the goddess of death.

Now that Ghost Rider has sworn that he can destroy souls, does that mean he has the ability to break the curse of death?

Thinking of this, Gao Fei was actually a little excited!

Although he has not been killed for three or four years, it does not mean that he does not want to go home!

Thinking that the world of Marvel is now moving towards a peaceful world, Carrie has grown up ChéngRén, Ultron has managed America, Wakanda is about to be taken over by Ultron, and the Earth Self-Defense Fleet will also be established. now...

Isn't it a great opportunity to retire and return to the real world?

"Wait, Robbie, can you really destroy my soul? Because my soul is cursed now, and after the curse, I have an immortal body, but if you can destroy my soul, this curse is very It may be erased directly by you..." Gao Fei said happily.

Ghost Rider was confused by Goofy's excited look.

I'm going to burn you to death, are you happy?

What kind of neuropathy are you?

But no matter what, he had to kill Gao Fei, after all, in his eyes, Gao Fei was a heinous person.

"Since you're begging for death..." Robbie said coldly, staring at Gao Fei with his eyes filled with fire, and said sternly, "Then I will fulfill you!"

"Eye of Judgment!!"

At this moment, the flames in the evil spirit knight's pupils rushed towards Gao Fei's body like a snake, and finally got into Gao Fei's wide pupils.

At the same time, a voice sounded in Gao Fei's heart: Repent! Repent of your sins!

Gao Fei quickly nodded in cooperation: "I repent, I will repent..."

However, a few seconds passed Gao Fei's body did not change, and his inner voice disappeared.


After another two seconds, Gao Fei looked up at the Ghost Rider and asked suspiciously, "Your Eye of Judgment... is it malfunctioning?"

At this time, Ghost Rider was even more shocked than Goofy, because such a situation had never happened before.

When he judges the wicked, the Eye of Judgment will immediately burn the target to ashes.

"Could it be that the soul chain didn't wrap around his neck, so the Eye of Judgment didn't trigger?" - Robbie Reyes whispered in his heart, and then looked at Goofy's eyes again and roared, "Eye of Judgment!"

The same flames drilled into Gao Fei's pupils, and the same voice sounded in Gao Fei's heart.

"Repent! Repent of your sins!"

But Goofy was still unscathed, and Ghost Rider's flames did not burn.

Gao Fei was fascinated now, looked up at Robbie and asked, "Why doesn't your eye of judgment work? Are you short of fuel?"

"Also, why do you have to make me repent every time, what exactly do you want me to repent of? I have nothing to repent of!"

Seeing such a reaction, Robbie Reyes was completely at a loss.

No reason!

The two failed attempts to activate the Eye of Judgment, coupled with the fact that Goofy did hear the whispers of the Eye of Judgment—it only shows one thing, that Goofy really has nothing to repent of.

Only those who have no sin in their hearts can survive under the judgment of the Eye of Judgment.

But how is this possible?

Robbie knew that Gao Fei was the creator of sin and a heinous conspiracy!

Is his message wrong?

"Gao Fei!" Robbie looked up at Gao Fei, who was puzzled, and asked loudly, "Don't you have anything to regret?"

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