American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 588: talk broke

After calming down, Black Panther's apology to Goofy was quite sincere, and the proud king lowered his unruly head and sincerely hoped for Goofy's forgiveness.

Gao Fei looked at T'Challa calmly, and said indifferently: "If you apologize for attacking me, then there is absolutely no need for this, because young king, you do not pose any threat to me..."

"As for your stupid use of me and even Ultron as the murderer of Tchaka, there is nothing to apologize for, I think many years later, when you recall this past, the sense of shame will be I will punish you very well..."

"You'll be ashamed of your stupid judgment, and you'll be ashamed of your recklessness and rashness."

Gao Fei's words made T'Challa feel ashamed, and the atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward. After a long time, T'Challa exhaled a long breath and nodded, "You are right."

"I have let down my people, and my late father, I am a failed king."

Facing T'Challa's self-examination, Goofy nodded in approval.

"Fortunately, you have just become a king, and you still have a lot of time to correct yourself. As long as you don't go too far on the wrong path, you are not completely helpless." Gao Fei said.

T'Challa nodded earnestly, and then took advantage of the situation to say, "Goofy, I shouldn't have bothered you any more. After all, my presumptuous visit is not polite... But I think since I'm here, let's have a good chat."

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, but T'Challa understood the truth of "when it comes, let it go".

But all of this was within his expectations, and he knew that he would not leave here until T'Challa figured out the cause of his father's death.

"Oh? What's there to talk about between us? I think Wakanda has already rejected the invitation of our Ultron to try to cooperate?" Goofy asked deliberately. A few days ago, Wakanda refused Ultron and them. When it comes to jointly developing Zhenjin resources, it is very decisive.

Ultron also nodded and said, "Yes, King T'Challa, Wakanda rejected me quite simply some time ago."

T'Challa was a little embarrassed, the change in things was so subtle.

Not long ago, Wakanda rejected Ultron's cooperation application, but soon after he was eager to get Ultron's help.

But fortunately, the calmed down T'Challa's IQ also rose steadily, and he immediately found a reasonable angle to negotiate with Ultron and Gao Fei.

"Ultron, Goofy, I think my father's death is not only a matter of our Wakanda, but also a matter of your Ultron."

T'Challa Road,

"Since the mastermind behind his assassination intends to instigate the relationship between our two countries, it means that he not only came to Wakanda, but also attempted to destroy Ultron."

Gao Fei smiled, nodded and said, "You're right in your analysis. I didn't expect you to make rapid progress. In such a short period of time, you've changed from a reckless man who assassinated me to an analyst who can reason logically."

T'Challa couldn't tell whether Goofy was flattering him or mocking him for a while, he nodded calmly, and then pleaded again: "So Goofy, I think we should work together to find out who killed my father. The real murderer..."

Goofy did not immediately respond to T'Challa, but responded to T'Challa with a brief silence.

T'Challa pleaded again in a low voice: "Goofy, think about it, our cooperation will benefit both parties without harm."

However, Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "T'Challa, what was your attitude in Wakanda when we asked you to cooperate? Our application for developing Zhenjin was originally to protect the earth. The two sides and the people of the world are also beneficial and harmless, but how did you respond to us?"

"You proudly rejected us a few days ago, but now you let us cooperate with you... T'Challa, is our Ultron country so despicable in your eyes?"


Hearing this, T'Challa probably already understood what Goofy meant.

Perhaps now only by handing over the vibrating gold can we exchange for the cooperation between the two parties.

"So... do you still want to get our Wakanda's vibranium resources?" T'Challa asked in a deep voice, "Only if I hand over vibranium, you will cooperate with me to find out the murderer of my father, right? ?"

Gao Fei shook his head: "I didn't say that, I never take advantage of people's danger."

"But that's what you mean..." T'Challa said, "Hand over your Zhenjin resources is your condition, isn't it?"

Gao Fei shrugged: "I won't use this to coerce you to hand over the Zhenjin, I just think that Wakanda has no sincerity in cooperation..."

"In fact, even if Wakanda decides to give up Zhenjin now, the cooperation between us may not be pleasant, because Wakanda is too selfish, and only when disaster befalls you will you find a way to Solve, such a country is disgusting..."

"Just because you are unwilling to stand up and help others, when you encounter difficulties, no one is willing to stand up and help you."

Speaking of this, the negotiations between the two sides have reached a deadlock.

T'Challa couldn't tolerate Goofy's criticism of Wakanda because, in his view, his country was flawless.

"Hehe, I think you said these words just because we didn't want to give you the Zhenjin. All your prejudice against Wakanda is because you can't get the Zhenjin!" T'Challa said in a deep voice.

"I can't get Zhenjin?" Gao Fei smiled disdainfully, sliding the mouse to display a picture on the computer, and the picture showed Eric when T'chaka was assassinated.

"Look at this man, T'Challa, do you know who he is? He is your brother, one of the legitimate heirs of Wakanda..."

"He once came to me and tried to cooperate with me. He only needs me to cooperate with him to kill your father, and he will beat you in the contest of kings. Then he will be the new king of Wakanda. Panther people..."

"T'Challa, you should know that killing your father or killing you is an easy task for me, right?"

"And the condition that your cousin offered me was Wakanda's vibranium..."

"But I didn't do it, and Ultron didn't do it either. We all feel that this is not a glorious thing. We don't want to kill a king who has no crime for Zhenjin resources..."

"While we desperately need vibranium resources to protect the planet..."

"Do you still think I'm biased against Wakanda?"

Gao Fei asked sharply.

"This..." T'Challa was speechless This was the countless times he was speechless this night.

In front of Gao Fei, he felt that he was as insignificant as a speck of dust, whether in terms of force, vision, or morality.

"Sorry, I think I should say goodbye..."

The new king of Wakanda, who didn't know what to say for a long time, nodded to Goofy and Ultron, and then simply fled from Goofy's house.

It wasn't until T'Challa disappeared on the lawn outside Goofy's gate that Ultron asked in a low voice, "Dad, why don't you cooperate with T'Challa? This may be our last chance to obtain Zhenjin resources."

Gao Fei smiled: "If you cooperate with him now, even if you can get Zhenjin resources, it's not what he gave it with sincerity. Besides, others will say that our Ultron Kingdom is taking advantage of the danger..."

"I want him to hand over the Zhenjin resources to us willingly, and I want him to know that handing over the Zhenjin resources is not to satisfy the desire of a certain country, but to protect the whole world."

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