American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 583: Ghost Rider Appears

In the blink of an eye, the old black panther Tchaka was burnt out under the fiery flames, and Eric was left with only a pair of vibranium battle suits helplessly falling to the ground.

Eric was deeply shocked by this, and he was unable to speak for a long time. Although he knew that his companion was very powerful, he did not expect him to be so powerful.

Although King T'Chaka was old, he was a super soldier who had taken heart-shaped grass and wore a black panther suit, but under the fire of the white guy, T'Chaka was almost powerless to resist.

The fire of this match head boy can burn through the Zhenjin battle suit!

Eric couldn't believe it!


The white guy Robbie quickly returned to his normal appearance, and the fire on his body completely disappeared.

Eric couldn't hold back his curiosity and said in a low voice, "But... how is this possible? Black Panther has taken heart-shaped grass, and he is wearing a battle suit made of vibranium. Vibranium can absorb all forms of energy. , why isn't your flame absorbed by the vibranium?"

Robbie glanced back at Eric and said with a blank face, "There is a price to pay for inquiring about my secrets."


Eric was taken aback.

Although he has killed many people in his life, he has always felt that he is a living **** of death, but he has to admit that the match-headed guy in front of him gives him a chill.

Hearing Robbie's threat, Eric was a little uneasy, and for a moment, he actually regretted asking him this question.

Unexpectedly, Robbie smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "Don't be so nervous, I'm just joking."

"Oh! Haha..." Eric laughed awkwardly, but his back was already wet with cold sweat.

What he didn't expect was that Robbie answered the question he asked frankly and pointed back to the vibrating gold suit on the ground, Robbie said: "This suit is really strong, I want to burn it through. It's not an easy task..."

"But you still did it, didn't you? Your flames burned through the Zhenjin suit." Eric said.

Robbie, however, shook his head.

"No, you're wrong, my flame didn't burn through the Zhenjin suit." He slowly revealed the truth, "The Zhenjin suit is very strong, and my flame can't do that."

"But..." Eric said, "but you burned T'Chaka to death!"

"Because the flames were burning from within his body, not from my chains as you can see."

Robbie Road,

"I will turn the guilt in other people's hearts into flames, and then let these flames devour their souls... The sins they have committed themselves will one day turn into flames and devour them!"

"So...that's the case." Eric finally came to a realization, and at the same time was in awe of Robbie.

Because everyone will inevitably have guilt in their hearts, and everyone has committed sins more or less. Once the fire in the heart is awakened by Robbie, the final end will be a pile of ashes...

"I think we have to go, the bomb is about to blow up!" Eric said in a deep voice.

Robbie nodded, then asked, "Eric, why did this explosion happen so coincidentally? Are you sure you didn't arrange the explosion?"

"Of course." Eric nodded quickly, "I just want to assassinate T'Chaka and avenge my father. I'm not a terrorist and harmonious person, why do you want to bring so many people to be buried with me?"

"As for this explosion... I think it's because I wasn't the only one who assassinated T'Chaka. Ultron is coveting Wakanda's vibranium recently, and I think they have enough reasons to assassinate T'Chaka."

After listening to Eric's explanation, Robbie nodded slightly.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

But he was quick to add.

"I hope you don't lie to me, Eric, because you should know what it's like to lie to me, right?"

Eric stared at the chain around Robbie's waist and swallowed involuntarily.

"Of course I know, Robbie, of course I know..."

After saying this, Eric picked up the panther suit on the ground and left the scene with Robbie.

an hour later.

Manhattan, New York.

Ultron urgently summoned Goofy, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards.

"Is there any good news? Did you discover a replacement metal for vibranium in space? Or did you directly discover a cosmic fleet specially tailored for Earth for me?"

Tony's recent research and development progress has been hindered, and the whole person is not very beautiful. When he opens his mouth, he is yin and yang strange, holding a gun with a stick.

Fortunately, Ultron is an emotionless artificial intelligence robot, otherwise it will definitely be fired by Tony.

Gao Fei knew that such an urgent meeting would not be good news. Eighty percent of it was some difficult emergency.

"What happened? Ultron? Why did you suddenly call everyone here."

"King Tchaka of Wakanda was attacked, just an hour ago, here is the scene of the scene..."

While talking, Ultron played an air projection, which captured the scene of a meeting in an African city.

The venue was heavily guarded, and Gao Fei also keenly saw the prince T'Challa of Wakanda and their bald female captain... Gao Fei remembered that it was Okoye or Aucma or something...

At this moment, a group of robots like Iron Man suddenly flew in the distance. These robots were very familiar, and Gao Fei recognized them at a glance.

Ultron Robot!

Ultron's unique management tool!

"It's Ultron robots!" Reed said in shock, "They're Ultron robots!"

"Nonsense, of course we know these are Ultron robots." Tony said angrily, "but the question is why are they there?"

Speaking of Tony looked at Ultron: "Oh, Ultron, you naughty girl, shouldn't you claim to give up Zhenjin on the surface, but actually assassinate Tchaka?"

"Of course I didn't do that. These Ultron robots were not sent by me."

Ultron shook his head, then zoomed in on the camera, pulled out an Ultron robot in the picture, and began to zoom in on its image bit by bit.

At the same time, Ultron called out the genuine Ultron robot from the database, enlarged it little by little in the same proportion, and compared it with the "Ultron robot" in the picture.

Comparing the two, the difference becomes very significant.

Although the "Ultron Robot" that attacked Tchaka has been done very realistically, there are obvious flaws in many details. It does not need too professional analysis to judge that they are fake goods. I am afraid that someone deliberately planted the blame.

"How about King Wakanda now?" Gao Fei was not in a hurry to find out who faked the Ultron robot. He was more concerned about whether the old black panther was killed.

Ultron could not respond.

"There is no definite news yet, and T'chaka's life and death are unknown."

Reed said worriedly: "Then what are we going to do now? Are we going to help at the scene? Our teleportation machine can arrive at the scene as soon as possible."

"Of course not." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "Although we don't know who planned this, the other party's purpose is obviously to frame us. The Ultron robot has raised our suspicion to a high enough level. If we show up at the scene again, it will simply be convicted of T'Chaka's murder."

Reed was patronizing saving people, but he didn't expect this, and was woken up by Gao Fei's words, he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I was careless..."

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