American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 578: Tony's Visitor

Three days passed.

Tony still couldn't think of a good solution to the resource problem.

Wakanda's vibranium is undoubtedly the best choice for building a space battleship, and there is no other substance on earth that can meet all Tony's needs except vibranium.

But Wakanda's attitude is very firm, they will never share Zhenjin and their own technology, which makes Tony Stark helpless, not only him, but even Ultron can't think of a good way.

Tony went to Brooklyn to find Goofy every night, and he tried to discuss a suitable solution with Goofy.

But the only way Goofy can think of is to negotiate with King Wakanda in person, maybe his eloquence can persuade King Wakanda to change his strategic course.

Although Goofy knows, this possibility is not high - the current king of Wakanda is still the stubborn Tchaka who firmly believes that seclusion is the best policy.

It might be better if the king became his son, the younger, more adventurous T'Challa.

But the real results will have to be tried to know.

After another discussion, a weary Tony Stark left Goofy's residence for the return trip to Manhattan.

Halfway through the journey, Tony's current girlfriend, Pepper Potts, called and said someone wanted to talk to him about Zhenjin.

"Is it Crowe? Ulysses Crowe?" Tony asked subconsciously.

After all, only Crowe is the only black businessman in the world who is selling vibration gold. In addition, the two have done transactions before. Klau has his contact information. In addition, Wakanda will definitely not sell vibration gold. Hearing someone talking to him about Zhenjin, Tony thought of Crow subconsciously.

"Claw?" Pepper also knew the notorious black businessman, who she knew was a hideous white man.

"No, not Crowe, the person looking for you is a black man and looks young, around thirty? Maybe not even thirty..." Pepper said.

"Black people?" Tony narrowed his eyes. "It can't be from Wakanda, can it?"

"It's not easy for me to ask directly, and the other party didn't reveal it." Pepper said, "He's in your office, but it's getting late, do you want to see him? Or are you going to see him tomorrow? "

"See him now," Tony decided. "If he can really help me get vibranium, the sooner I see him, the better."

"I see," Pepper said. "I'll get back to him now."

After half an hour.

Tony Stark met the mysterious visitor in his office.

After all, the other party clearly stated that he could help Tony Stark get Zhenjin, and he could be said to have come for Tony's needs.

This is a very strong black youth, his muscles even comparable to Steve Rogers before the fat.

But what caught Tony's attention the most were his eyes, which were empty, as if contempt for everything, as if they were the stare of death.

"You said you could help me get a lot of vibranium?" Tony asked calmly. "Note, I said 'a lot', you probably don't know how much vibranium I need?"

"How much do you need to build a space warship?" The black youth said calmly, "Build a space warship similar to the one you hide in Earth orbit?"

Hearing this, Tony Stark's expression changed indiscernibly, he deliberately turned his face in another direction to hide his surprise, and at the same time said in a still calm tone: "Oh, it seems You know a lot, what else do you know?"

"I also know that the vibranium you need is in Wakanda, but their king doesn't intend to give it to you," the black youth said.

"You're from Wakanda?" Tony asked involuntarily.

Because in his opinion, knowing so much about this matter, unless he is a native of Wakanda, he can do it. After all, Wakanda's protection of intelligence is very effective, otherwise this country cannot be in the world." Incognito" for so long.

But the black youth shook his head.

"No, I'm from Oakland, California, and my name is Eric."

"Really?" Tony Stark said in disbelief, "then how do you know about Wakanda?"

"I have my own sources, and obviously, my sources are reliable and timely," Eric said with a smile. "Mr. Stark, do you mind if I tell me what I think about Wakanda?"

"Of course I don't mind." Tony said, "Please speak."

"Wakanda is a short-sighted, self-serving country that is only concerned with being alone, but neglecting their responsibilities..."

Eric said in a deep voice,

"Since they have occupied the unique vibrating gold resources on earth, and have developed the highest civilization in human society based on vibrating gold resources, they should shoulder their responsibilities, defend and guide all mankind..."

"Now your plan is to build a cosmic team to protect the earth. Your purpose is to protect all human beings. Under this premise, Wakanda should share their technology and resources, and should live up to them from the earth, from the The benefits obtained from Zhenjin…”

"But Wakanda still chooses to stay on its own and only enjoy the benefits he gets from the vibrating gold resources, but is unwilling to take the corresponding responsibility. Such a country is simply a moth of the earth!"

Eric's remarks are incisive, and coincide with Tony Stark's insights.

"You're right!" Tony almost applauded Eric and nodded, "This is Wakanda's problem, this is the biggest difficulty right now..."

"The resources that can protect the earth are buried under their country, but they are unwilling to hand over these resources, but just want to take them as their own, this kind of behavior is simply unbearable!"

Eric's eyes flashed a hint of relief when he saw Tony's thoughts and he figured it out.

He's thankful for that, and glad he's found the right partner.

"Mr. Stark, you didn't disappoint me, you are a reasonable person." Eric said seriously.

Tony smiled bitterly and said: "But what's the use of knowing the truth? I can't start a war against Wakanda because of this matter - the plundering of resources is still an evil thing after all, at least in the current world. Other countries will Saying that we are protecting the earth as an excuse, the purpose is just to plunder Wakanda's vibranium resources."

"I came to you this time to solve this problem." Eric said with a smile.

It is confirmed that Tony and he have the same Then we can talk about serious business.

"Oh?" Tony asked Eric curiously, "How are you going to solve it?"

At this time, Eric stood up from the chair opposite Tony and said with a serious expression: "Now let me introduce myself again..."

"My real name is not Eric, my name is Njadaka, my father's name is Njob, he is the younger brother of the current king of Wakanda, Tchaka."

After speaking, Eric tugged at his lower lip, and saw a strange pink arc on his lower lip.

Tony Stark was taken aback by his peculiarity.

Eric immediately explained: "This is a unique feature of the Wakanda people, which can be used to verify the identity of the Wakanda people, and it is also the way I use to prove that I did not lie to you..."

"I am a member of the royal family of Wakanda. If the current king of Wakanda, Tchaka, dies, then I have the right to inherit."

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