American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 559: mighty eagle

Egg is an old actor with acting skills, and his eloquent speech touched many people.

His innocent son, Peter Quill, naturally believed in him, and Groot, the silly white sweet tree, was also deeply moved.

In addition, Gamora and Tony, who had a delicate relationship with their father, were touched and thoughtful.

Only Gao Fei didn't buy it. He knew that Egg must have no good intentions, at least according to the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2".

At this moment, the blue light flashed in the distance, and Gordon of the Super Patrol used teleportation to bring the new captain of the patrol, Steve Rogers, and the core members Johnny and Skye to the scene.

"So many people greeted us?" Rocket looked into the distance with a smile, "It really makes me feel so honored."

However, Egg's reaction to Goofy's solemn "welcome ceremony" was different from Rocket's. He rolled his deep eyes with hypocritical light, and felt Goofy's suspicion of him in his heart.

"Oh! Friends of the Guardians of the Galaxy, welcome!"

The slightly plump Captain Steve stepped forward with a smile, and his double chin was especially evident after shaved off.

Star-Lord looked at the sound, looked at the rounded man with a smile, and asked with a frown, "Wait... Who are you? Do we... know each other?"


The question of Star-Lord made Steve feel very sad. He used to be a good partner who fought side by side. Has it all been forgotten in just a few months?

Or did Star-Lord encounter some accident during the space voyage that caused him to lose his memory?

"Quil, it's me! I'm Steve! Steve Rogers! Have you forgotten your partner who used to fly high?"

Steve pointed to his double chin and said it seriously.

Star-Lord laughed after hearing this.

"Steve? No way, you can't be Steve, I've seen Steve, he's a **** male god, with **** and thin waist, eight-pack abs... You? You're definitely not..."

However, halfway through the words, Star-Lord suddenly felt that the facial features of the fat man in front of him were indeed somewhat similar to Steve's. Apart from being far more "fuller" than Steve, his demeanor and voice were exactly the same as Steve's.

"and many more…"

Star-Lord was extremely surprised, and looked back at Gao Fei with questioning eyes.

Gao Fei sighed and nodded lightly.

Star-Lord's eyes were about to pop out.

"Are you really Steve? Steve Rogers? My God, what happened to you? Did you eat cream and chocolate every day while I was away from Earth?"

Hearing the question of Star-Lord's collapse, Steve was in a good mood.

"Please, Quill, I'm not as exaggerated as you say? I just put on a little weight, and I was depressed for a while, and I didn't deliberately control my diet..."

"And recently I have started to exercise again, and I have also controlled my diet. You can rest assured that I will soon be able to restore my original figure."

Steve said optimistically.

However, for Steve's optimism, the other members of the Super Patrol did not agree.

Skye quietly spread her hands, expressing that she was not very optimistic about Steve's weight loss plan.

Johnny, who originally looked like a twin brother to Steve, told Star-Lord by mouth that Steve had lost weight for two whole weeks, but it had no effect at all.

But in this way, Johnny is actually secretly happy - because no one has said that he looks the same as Steve since then. Although the facial features of the two are still similar, the difference in body shape is enough to explain the difference.

Before Star-Lord continued to discuss his figure, Steve quickly changed the subject, looked at the dignified white-haired old man next to him and said, "Oh, this gentleman is..."

Not only did Goofy instruct Steve to pay special attention to this old man before, but even Reed monitored Egg's powerful strength from his compound eyes.

Reed specifically reminded Steve to keep an eye out for the white-bearded old man, because his energy flow is far stronger than those of the superheroes currently operating on Earth, and the strength of this uninvited guest has never been stronger.

Egg was very patient with Steve's cross-examination.

"My name is Egg and I'm Peter Quill's father."

"Huh?" Steve expressed his shock, as Tony did. "You're… Quill's father? Sorry, that surprised me."

"Accidents are normal, after all, I missed all of Quill's childhood." Egg said in a tone of regret and remorse, "I'm not a qualified father."

But Star-Lord said that he had forgiven his father and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I know that you have your difficulties, and you are willing to come to earth with me to visit my mother's grave, which is enough for me. now..."

Star-Lord thought his father was an **** who abandoned his wife and son, but his mother kept telling him that his father was in trouble.

And Egg's current explanation confirmed his mother's words, and Egg did not intend to abandon their mother and son.

Knowing this, Star-Lord is very satisfied. As for whether his father Egg's words are true or false, Star-Lord has no plans to investigate.

He proudly said to Gao Fei, Steve and the others, "Actually, my father saved our lives, so I think he can make up for what he owes me..."

"He saved your life?" Steve asked curiously, "How?"

"Oh, this is a bit embarrassing to say. Before we came to Earth, we once made a deal with Ayesha, the High Priest of the High Star... Well, the High Star is a very hypocritical race in the universe. Creatures are pretentious and bossy..." Xingjue said.

"In short, a very annoying race!" Rocket said, "I really regret taking their business!"

Star-Lord glared at Rocket: "Isn't it because you deliberately stole their batteries and provoked them, which turned us against each other?"

Rocket laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha! I just want to make fun of these arrogant guys!"

Star-Lord said helplessly: "Yes, that's the way it is. The transaction between us was relatively smooth, but during the transaction, the Rockets were annoyed by their arrogant attitude and stole their battery after the transaction... The Supremes are furious, and the universe wants us..."

Rocket said: "Actually, they sent an entire fleet to pursue us, and they sent at least thousands of small warships! At that time, our situation was very dangerous, it was even more dangerous than when we fought against Ronan!"

"More dangerous than fighting Ronan?" Steve tilted his head and said, "Is this an exaggeration?"

"It's really not an exaggeration."

Gamora knew that Rocket and Star-Lord always like to add fuel to their conversation, so Gao Fei and the others may not believe it, and her words have always been reliable, so she still has to come forward to confirm,

"The Supreme Star's fleet is extremely powerful, and every battleship has the same firepower as ours. There are thousands of such battleships, and they follow us like mosquitoes waiting for blood."

Steve raised his eyebrows: "Since the supreme star's fleet is so fierce, how did you escape?"

At this time, Star-Lord proudly looked at and said with a smile: "Because Egg shot in time, he helped us resist the pursuing fleet. In fact, he just waved his hand lightly, and the fleet of Supreme Star people instantly Torn apart!"


Everyone was a little shocked, and they destroyed thousands of space battleships with a wave of their hands?

"Are you sure this isn't bragging?" Tony Stark looked at Egg, then turned to Star-Lord and asked.

"This does sound like bragging." Star-Lord said, "but I'm not bragging, the truth is that, with a slight wave of Egg, a cosmic fleet was destroyed."

The rocket quickly added: "To be exact, it was Egg who waved his hand and threw a dazzling golden light, and this golden light wiped out the fleet of the Supreme Stars."

Tony Stark was still a little disbelieving, looking back at Gamora.

It wasn't until Gamora nodded lightly that he realized that the old man named Egg in front of him was really an immeasurably powerful guy...

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