American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 557: The Guardians of the Galaxy are back

The Guardians of the Galaxy are old friends of Goofy, and Ultron also knew them by reading the previous materials, but Tony Stark is not too familiar with these people, and he has even forgotten that there are people in the Guardians of the Galaxy. who.

After all, Tony and Dr. Banner were still hiding in California to study Ultron when they intercepted the Cree last time, and they missed this great battle.

Soon the Guardians of the Galaxy ships entered Earth's atmosphere, and it looked like they were about to land on the outskirts of New York.

The American defense system was completely unable to capture these tech-savvy alien ships, so whether they were cosmic bounty hunters or the Guardians of the Galaxy, they could come and go freely on Earth.

But since Ultron took over the country, she has upgraded its defenses twice, so most alien ships (or, at least, the Guardians of the Galaxy) will be caught when they try to enter the atmosphere, and Ultron also Passenger information in the spacecraft can be scanned directly.

Soon, the passenger information on the ship was sent to Goofy, Ultron and Tony Stark.

The first is a pair of living treasures in the cockpit.

Star-Lord, a half-blood with half the blood of the earth, the other half of his body comes from an ancient race, and contains very powerful power, but Star-Lord has not fully developed this part of the power.

Seeing Ultron's analysis, combined with the photo of Star Lord above, Tony frowned and said, "Oh, this guy with such an earth-like appearance is actually a half-blood? He is only half of the blood of the earth? It seems that the blood of our earth is really powerful..."

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "It is true."

Next up is Rocket, a modified raccoon-like creature with a mediocre body structure but an exceptionally developed brain.

"It seems that the IQ of this plush toy should not be low." Tony Stark said while looking at the screen.

Goofy nodded and admitted, "Indeed."

Next is the cabin.

The next passenger to be found was Gamora.

The adopted daughter of Thanos, whose body has been transformed into a semi-mechanized structure, her physique is quite good, and her fighting power is amazing.

After that is Groot, a rare species of tree man in the universe, with very good fighting ability and powerful regeneration ability.

These are old friends of Goofy who have visited Earth once, not only that, but they also formed the Earth Guard with the superheroes on Earth and made outstanding contributions in the last battle against Ronan .

But these people are not all, this time Star-Lord obviously brought more people.

Soon Ultron gave an introduction to the fifth person.

A burly, hideous-looking gray-skinned alien with a strange red pattern tattooed on his body.

Ultron couldn't give his name, but Goofy knew who he was.

"Destroyer" Drax is a reckless man with good fighting ability. He has a very simple way of thinking. He likes to speak straight and does not know how to be flexible.

In short, this stuff is a joke.

Then there is the sixth person.

A slender green-skinned girl with two insect-like antennae growing on her forehead.

Mantis Girl - She is also a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, her special ability is to sense the emotions of others.

"Oh, this girl's form is really..." Tony frowned at the mantis **** the screen, shook his head and said, "I originally thought I could accept any style of beauty, but now it seems that I still overestimate my own taste. , I express unacceptable beauty of this style..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Can't you stand the tentacles on her forehead?"

"Her eyes are also a little too big, which makes me feel a little... scary." Tony said frankly.

And just when Gao Fei thought that this was all the visitors, another person appeared on Ultron's screen.

The appearance of this person made Gao Fei very surprised, because Gao Fei did not expect that there were people on the spacecraft.

The six people who just appeared are already the entire lineup of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Unless Thor and Blue Sister Nebula join in, there will be no other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

But it was obvious that there were other people on the ship.

This is an old man with white hair. His appearance is very graceful and luxurious. At first glance, he looks like an elderly king or the leader of a certain tribe.

"Huh? There's an old Earth man on their spaceship!" Tony Stark said, staring at the person on the screen.

At this time, Ultron gave a description.

"This passenger's energy flow is very strong. He should be the most powerful person in the spaceship. I can't estimate his exact strength. I have never been in contact with an individual of this level..."

"What?" Tony Stark expressed shock. "You mean this guy is very strong, stronger than anyone you've ever met?"

"I'm afraid this is the case." Ao Mei nodded and admitted.

Tony looked back at Goofy in disbelief, and confirmed to Ultron again: "You mean...he is stronger than Goofy?"

Because in Tony's current cognition, Goofy is the strongest. If anyone has to say who is stronger than Goofy, it may only be Goofy's daughter Carrie.

But Ultron actually thought that the ordinary old man on the spaceship was stronger than Gao Fei, which really subverted Tony's cognition.

Facing Tony's questioning, Ultron could only answer truthfully.

"Yes, Stark, he's stronger than my dad, and my dad is really strong, but he's not quite up to the level of this passenger."

Tony looked at Gao Fei and said, "Oh, Gao Fei, aren't you angry that your daughter, Ultron, openly said that you are not as good as other men?"

Goofy shrugged: "Ultron won't lie, she's just stating the truth, if she says this guy is better than me, then it's just the truth."

In fact, it is not necessary for Ultron to say that Gao Fei also knows the strength of this old man. He is the famous Egg.

He drifted in this universe for millions of years, gradually converging from a small particle into a planet, and learned to control atoms and molecules to change his form, and even conjured up the form of any kind of creature.

Egg has become a god-like existence. He can even control the order of a single universe. Compared with him, the current Goofy's strength is indeed much inferior.

Seeing that Gao Fei also agreed with Ultron's judgment, Tony shook his head in disappointment and said, "Oh, Gao Fei, I thought I would never meet someone stronger than you in my life."

Gao Fei smiled and patted Tony on the shoulder: "Don't be naive, Tony, the universe is so vast, there are people who are stronger than me, you will meet sooner or later."

Tony pouted, then tilted his head to look at Egg on the screen.

"But what does this powerful old man come to Earth for? Is he our friend? If he's not a friend, I think we'd better not let this dangerous person land?"

Gao Fei showed a wry smile: "But Tony, don't forget, this guy is stronger than all of us on earth, even if we need to stop him from coming to earth, I don't think we have the ability..."

Ao Mei also nodded helplessly: "Yes, Stark, we have absolutely no way to stop him at present, he is too powerful for us."

"Then we can only pray that he is a friend and not an enemy." Tony shrugged, "but it looks like he should be our friend, after all, he came with the Guardians of the Galaxy, doesn't he?"

Goofy is deeply concerned, because Egg is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Although Goofy can't understand why Star-Lord and the others are mixing with Egg now, Goofy knows that Egg needs to devour life on other planets to consolidate his power.

He first established feelings with female creatures on other planets, planted seeds, gave birth to children, and then used his children as a bond to devour the life force of the planet.

Star-Lord is the child born by Egg and the women of the earth, and it is also the link that he devoured the earth. As long as he is still alive, he will devour the earth sooner or later.

Considering this, Goofy must be prepared to deal with Egg.

"Tony, what's going on with the Dark Star now?" Goofy asked.

"Dark Asterisk? Still parked in Earth orbit. What? You're suddenly interested in this behemoth?" Tony asked.

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "No, I'm thinking that if this powerful old man comes to Earth, we must prepare in advance. If this guy is not a friend, we can't wait to be beaten, right?"

Tony was in a cold sweat by Goofy's words.

"What? Don't you think he's not a good person? To be honest, I think so too. The old man's eyes make me feel a little gloomy..." Tony rambled.

Goofy interrupted him quickly: "Seriously, Tony, what's going on with the Dark Star now? Can we use this battleship?"

"Use? You mean to shoot this old man with it?" Tony shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. During this time, Reed and I just used it as a library, and we were studying the Kree technology in it. , but we have not repaired the battleship, which means that the battleship cannot be put into use for a short time..."

"So how about starting maintenance now? When will it be used?" Gao Fei asked Tony looked back at Ao Mei: "Ultron, I'll leave this kind of arithmetical problem to you. ."

"Okay." Ultron thought seriously and quickly gave the answer.

"One year and three months."

Goofy almost vomited blood.

"More than a year?!"

"Yes, Dad." Ultron replied calmly, "and there are no major resources for the maintenance of the Dark Star in the United States. Most of these resources are buried in Wakanda."

"This is very tricky..." Gao Fei said depressedly, "Our biggest killer won't be useful in a short time, I have to think of other ways to deal with this white-bearded old man..."

Just as he was thinking about it, Ultron reminded: "Dad, they have already landed."

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