American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 550: Venom's Dinner

On the other side of San Francisco.

Eddie's apartment.

He is sitting on the sofa eating potato chips.

"It's so unpalatable!"

"It's too unpalatable... Can something like this be called food?"

"Oh! Don't eat it! Eddie, I'm going to throw up if you eat it!"

"Ouch! Vomit vomit!!"

The voice of Venom kept beeping in his head, making Eddie's head go big.

And I don't know if the taste of venom has affected his taste, but the potato chips that are usually very exciting actually become really bad. It tastes like wax, no, it tastes like Shi!

"Oh, what do you want? Do you only like to eat people?" Eddie threw down the potato chips angrily and said, lying on the sofa, "I don't think we should eat anything, we'll starve to death! "

"What?" Venom was shocked by Eddie's death. "Hey! Don't be so childish, you're so irresponsible! If you don't get us something decent to eat, I'll be fine. Take over the body, I promise, I will not let us go hungry when I control the body!"

"You can no longer control my body!" Eddie said, "I said, I won't let you eat people again..."

The two of them were quarreling with each other, when a deafening sound suddenly came from the apartment next door.

Eddie frowned subconsciously, the sound he was accustomed to.

His neighbor is a sloppy guy who likes to turn the stereo on to the loudest every night, and it stays on all night and doesn't stop until the next morning.

Eddie has always wanted to have a theory with him, but every time he sees this neighbor, he will shy away...

After all, people with dragons and thorns on their bodies look like social people, and Eddie doesn't want to make things too big.

But this evening, Eddie felt that his state was a little strange. He seemed to be particularly unable to bear the music next door. At first, it was just some drum beats, but after adding other instruments, Eddie's head was almost shaken off.

"What the hell? What's going on? This dude is a little sick of the song that he listened to today!!"

Eddie held his head and said in pain.

At the same time, there was a roar in his mind.


"Good Nima is ugly!!"

"Eddie! What's the matter with your neighbor? Let him turn off that **** sound!!"

Eddie suddenly realized that it was Venom that repelled this kind of music.

"You don't like listening to music?" Eddie whispered.

"What? Music? You call this music? This Nima is definitely noise!!"

"Of course I don't like listening to noise, it's just horrible..."

This time Eddie agreed with Venom for the first time. He felt that he might really not survive tonight if he listened to it.

"No, I really have to go and talk to him..."

Eddie angrily walked out of the door and walked to the door of the neighbor's house.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Knocked on the door.

Neighbors did not respond.

"Oh shit…"

bang bang bang!

Eddie smashed the door with his fist, finally smashing the neighbor out this time.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The neighbor's eldest brother looked at Eddie arrogantly, the tendons on his body protruding arrogantly.

"Your music..." Eddie pointed to the stereo in his home. "The sound is so loud that it interferes with my rest. Can you... Could you be quieter?"

Eddie glanced at his elder brother's flowery arm and tendon, and asked cautiously.

Unexpectedly, the neighbor's eldest brother smiled provocatively, shook his tendons and said, "No!"

After that, I plan to close the door.

However, Eddie didn't know where a nameless fire came from. He suddenly stepped forward and jammed the door frame. He stared at the neighbor's elder brother and said word by word: "I said... turn down the volume... turn down!!"

The neighbor brother took a look, yo! This kid looks cowardly, I didn't expect it to be a little bloody!

He was feeling that the night was long and he didn't want to sleep, and Eddie just relieved his boredom.

The eldest brother sneered and released the apartment door, turned and walked into the living room, turned the **** of the stereo, and increased the volume a bit.

The restless melody shook the whole building, and Eddie felt like his head was about to explode.

To make matters worse, Venom, high-frequency noise is his Achilles heel.

"Damn it! Eddie! Hurry up and smash that stereo! I'll do it if you don't do it!"

"It happened that I didn't eat tonight. I think this guy's tendon meat is delicious!"

Eddie shook his head quickly.

"Calm down, don't do it, let me come!"

If Venom gnawed his neighbor's head, Eddie wouldn't be able to get along in this building.

In order to avoid Venom's action, Eddie rushed towards the sound in three and two steps.

"Shut this **** thing off!"

The neighbor brother took a look, good guy! Dare to break into a private house? !

He grabbed a chair suddenly and swung it towards Eddie.

"court death!"

Eddie and Venom were already dizzy and dizzy due to the music, and their ability to react has declined. In addition, the neighbor's eldest brother is physically strong, obviously a trainer, and the chair was thrown directly on Eddie's body. , smashed him directly to the ground.

Eddie, who fell to the ground, accidentally knocked over a cabinet next to the living room. After the cabinet fell over, several bags of white powder were spilled.

Seeing this scene, Eddie was shocked on the spot.

"Good boy! Do you still do this kind of business?"

The neighbor's elder brother saw that his secret was broken by Eddie, and a killing intent flashed on his face: "Since you have seen it, I can't keep you!"

With that he turned around and went under the sofa, pulled out a gun, put on the silencer, and was ready to attack Eddie.

Eddie didn't care about the pistol, the most important thing for him was the sound!

While the big brother was playing with the pistol, Eddie kicked the stereo to smash the sound, and the restless music stopped abruptly, and the whole world was clean.

However, at the same time, the neighbor's eldest brother also installed a pistol. He pointed it at Eddie without hesitation, and pulled the trigger to fire directly.


Eddie was desperate.


But at this critical moment, the venom in Eddie's body quickly appeared, and the dark black viscous liquid seeped out of Eddie's body, and then covered Eddie's body in an instant.

Eddie, who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, suddenly turned into a burly and strong black monster, with a **** mouth full of fangs, and a smooth tongue constantly provoking.

The neighbor's eldest brother was dumbfounded.

"Fuck? What the **** is this Nima?"

"We are Venom!!"

Venom roared arrogantly,

"And it's Venom who hasn't eaten dinner yet!!"

After finishing speaking, Venom jumped directly towards the neighbor's eldest brother and grabbed his neck.

At this time, the bodies of the two people have been completely taken over by venom, and Eddie has no choice at all.

Even if he doesn't want the venom to eat people, it's not something he can say.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

The eldest neighbor roared in despair, but unfortunately it didn't help.


The venom opened its mouth and swallowed it directly.

This time he did not choose to bite off his head, but directly swallowed the whole person.

He was so hungry.

Too hungry to chew slowly.

So the neighbor's eldest brother's tendon meat satisfied Venom's appetite, and Venom ate it to his heart's content.


After dinner, Venom burped smiled and said to Eddie: "See? This is the real dinner!"

However, after turning around, Venom suddenly saw a person standing at the door.

A very familiar person.

The Asian guy I used to see in the bar.

He actually came!

"Damn it..."

Venom broke out in a cold sweat instantly,

"I was caught on the spot for doing bad things..."

"Will this dude kill me?"

"But thankfully, I'm at least on my way to filling my stomach..."

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