American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 543: Alien Symbiote

Eddie Bullock's interview with Mr. Drake did not go well, which was also what he expected. He came here today and didn't intend to snoop out any secrets from Drake's mouth and let a criminal confess his guilt. It's simply impossible.

Eddie knew that he had to do it himself if he wanted to find out the truth, so he didn't just leave after breaking up with Drake.

With the temporary access card exchanged from the front desk on the first floor, Eddie can freely enter and exit most floors of the Life Foundation. Before he came, he had investigated the building of the Life Foundation and knew that the laboratory was in the basement of this building. .

Taking the elevator all the way down, Eddie quickly came to the corridor outside the laboratory. However, a protective door between the laboratory and the corridor blocked his way. His temporary access card was not qualified to open this door.

"**! The security system here is quite strict..."

Eddie muttered depressedly, and began to miss the days when he and Gao Fei investigated together.

The way Gao Fei enters any place is to directly slam the door open, no access card is needed at all, and the security door is useless in front of him.


With a sigh, Eddie was not discouraged, he simply waited quietly in the corridor, someone always came out from here.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground came from the laboratory. Eddie hurriedly tidied up his clothes and pretended to be a pure reporter.

Soon, a beautiful female doctor of Jewish descent with glasses pushed out the door, opened the door and saw Eddie in the corridor, she was a little surprised.

"Huh? You are..."

Eddie coughed and pretended to be calm and said, "Oh, hello doctor, I am a reporter who made an appointment to interview Mr. Drake today. Mr. Drake wants me to report on his laboratory, so let me advance Come here and wait for him..."

"But Mr. Drake seems to be late. Can I advance to the lab?"

Eddie pointed to the laboratory and asked.

The pretty female doctor glanced at the press card on Eddie's chest, and then at his temporary access card. She was about to agree, but after thinking about it, she felt that something was not right.

"Mr. Drake asked you to report on his lab? Is he sure he wants the contents to be reported?" the female doctor asked rhetorically.

Eddie shrugged and covered up: "I don't know about that, but he did ask me to wait for him in the lab, sorry, I think you can ask him directly later."

Having said that, Eddie was going to bypass the female doctor and go directly into the laboratory. After all, the security door of the laboratory had not been closed at this time.

It's a pity that the female doctor's attitude was stronger than Eddie imagined. She grabbed Eddie's arm and said solemnly: "Sorry, Mr. Reporter, the things in the laboratory are very confidential. I think I asked Drake before I asked. Before Mr., no one can rush in..."

Hearing this, Eddie frowned helplessly and sighed: "I really don't want to do this..."

As he said that, he turned around and shook off the female doctor's hand, then wrapped his arms around her neck and restrained her tightly.

"Listen..." Eddie took a look at the female doctor while glancing at her name tag, "...Dr. Dora, listen, Dr. Dora, I don't want to hurt you, but I must go to the lab to see... "

"I know what your boss is doing now. He used homeless people to conduct human experiments and killed a lot of people. I will never allow such evil deeds to happen right before my eyes..."

"So I'm sorry, I have to knock you out and borrow your card for use..."

"That... I don't usually hurt women, but there's really nothing I can do today. I'm sorry to you again, Dr. Dora."

After Eddie rambled about these words, Dr. Dora was almost stunned by him. However, Eddie still had leeway for women, and restrained Dora's arm with a proper amount of restraint.

Just such a measure made it difficult for Dr. Dora to breathe, but not to faint due to hypoxia-this created a very embarrassing situation: Eddie still couldn't knock Dr. Dora unconscious for two full minutes.

In the end, the two of them were a little helpless. Dr. Dora struggled to pass the access card on his chest to Eddie, and tried his best to squeeze out a sentence: "I can't give you the access card! Can you stop me? …”

In fact, Eddie's arms are already sore, and he is really tired to continue to hold on, but instead of letting go of Dr. Dora directly, he threatened: "I can let you go, but you promise you can't escape. , can't call anyone..."

Dr. Dora said desperately: "I... promise..."

Seeing that Dr. Dora cooperated, Eddie finally let go of his arm.

And after the two people separated, they all began to pant heavily - one was because they were strangled to lack oxygen, and the other was because they were too tired...


Dr. Dora's face turned purple, and after taking a few deep breaths, she regained her strength.

"Reporter friend, this is your first... first time to strangle someone. If you tried harder just now, I might have fainted, but you... huh... huh... But you have to leave me some space and let me I can always… breathe in oxygen, so that you can’t stun me even if you’re stretched forever…”

Eddie looked embarrassed and coughed: "Cough, I... I just saw that you were a woman and didn't kill you."

After he finished speaking, he was going to use Dr. Dora's key card to swipe into the laboratory. He didn't have time to tangle with Dr. Dora here.

Unfortunately, before Eddie could act, Dr. Dora grabbed him and said, "Wait a minute."

"What? Do you regret it?" Eddie pretended to be ruthless and bluffed Dr. Dora, "If you dare to call someone, I won't be merciful this time!"

Dr. Dora smiled and said, "No, you misunderstood. I heard from you just now that you came here to expose Drake's evil experiments? You came in to bring justice to the homeless people who were killed. Yes, isn't it?"

"Yes," Eddie said. "What?"

Dr. Dora whispered: "That's right, I actually discovered Drake's evil plan a long time ago. He told us at first that he was only using a new anti-cancer drug in Experiment 1, but then I found out that was not the case! Drake brought back a symbiote from aliens!"

"What?" Eddie whispered in shock, "Tell me more."

Dr. Dora said: "Do you remember the news that the Life Foundation rocket fell a few months ago? That accident was caused by this alien symbiont... Drake found these symbionts from outer space~www. ~ and brought them back to San Francisco..."

"This kind of symbionts must be parasitic in the body of the organisms to survive, and Drake found a variety of creatures for them to match, and later I found out that Drake's ultimate plan is to let these alien symbionts parasitize human beings. physically!"

Eddie frowned when he heard goose bumps popping out: "Is this guy sick?! Isn't this looking for parasites for himself? I'm not comfortable with finding myself?"

Dora said: "No, the experiment shows that these alien symbiotes will cover his host like a biological armor. If they are combined with humans, then humans will become more powerful..."

"I see..." Eddie said, "This is Drake's purpose? Use these alien symbiotes to enhance his own physique? But he never thought that in case these alien symbiotes would devour his consciousness and put the Did he become a puppet?"

"Yes, now Drake has been blinded by this kind of strengthening himself. Not only did he not think about the consequences of doing so, he also killed many innocent homeless people..."

Dr Dora said,

"Friends from reporters, if you want to report this incident and expose this incident, I will help you, you can go in now, there is no one in the laboratory for the time being, I will stay here to take care of you, remember, definitely Take some more evidence!"

Eddie was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he did not expect that Dr. Dora was a person who did not destroy his conscience.

"Okay, I'll go in now!" Eddie nodded towards Dr. Dora, "I'll leave it to you here!"

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the laboratory.

Dr. Dora stared nervously at the elevator, escorting Eddie.

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