American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 537: Brush an elite monster

At this time, Bucky Barnes had multiple fractures on his body. Except for the most seriously injured arm, other parts were also scarred. Let alone killing the Red Skull, the leader of Hydra, he might not even be able to stand up. .

But for the sake of Steve, he still gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up, as long as he still had a breath, he must protect his once thin and small good friend.

Seeing this, Steve's eyes are wet, he's become more sentimental since he's gotten fat, maybe because of the hormones.

"Oh... Bucky, you really don't have to do this for me, really... even if I've been frozen for 70 years, I'm still going through it, and I'm still alive and well in 70 years, aren't I?" Steve whispered.

"Live well?" Bucky glanced back at Steve and sighed, "Steve, stop kidding yourself, look at how you look now, you call that living well?"


Steve was speechless, there was something wrong with his current state.

At this point Tony explained, "Hey Bucky, Steve is what you are in 70 years. You're Hydra's murderer in 70 years, and in the course of a crime. He was strangled to death by law enforcement officers on the spot, and Steve couldn't stand such stimulation, so he started to overeat and became what he is now..."

"As for being buried for 70 years and missing Peggy Carter and things like that, it really didn't make him too decadent. He survived, really."

Goofy nodded and said, "Yeah, Steve is stronger than you think."

Not only did he not give up because of missing Peggy Carter, but he also kissed her niece in a maddening manner... But because of Steve's face, Goofy will not reveal this secret history.

"In short, Steve is doing well, I don't think you need to get rid of the Red Skull for him, and you can't beat the Red Skull in your current situation." Gao Fei shrugged.

Although the three people at the scene persuaded Bucky not to do it, Bucky refused to listen.

He grabbed the fat version of Steve's hand tightly and said stubbornly: "Steve, you in this world have lost me, lost his friendship, and I don't want him to lose love in the future... You are an honest, Kind man, I really can't accept you paying such a high price..."

"If I knew that you would hit an iceberg in the near future and be frozen for seventy years, it would be impossible for me to go to the future in a down-to-earth way..."

"Steve, you know me, I won't leave you alone and run away."

Steve patted Bucky's palm, of course he knew how much Bucky felt for him.

From childhood to adulthood, he was frequently beaten because of his thin body. Every time, Baki came out to protect him, and always ensured that he was completely safe before leaving.

But killing the Red Skull is not an easy task, Bucky can't do it now, unless the three of them are forced to change history and kill the Red Skull for Bucky.

"How about we... go and make the Red Skull?" Steve looked up at Goofy and Tony, and asked weakly.

Tony rolled his eyes immediately after listening.

"I think you're crazy! Our crossing has opened a parallel world, and no one knows how much impact we will have on this world. Taking a Bucky away is chaotic enough, and you still want to kill it. Red Skull?"

Gao Fei also nodded and said, "Yes, Steve, killing the Red Skull will have a greater impact on this world. We don't know what this parallel world will look like in the future..."

"But Steve can at least get together with Peggy, right?" Bucky insisted, this was his only request.

Steve was persuaded by Bucky, looked at Goofy pitifully and said, "Goofy, I don't expect Tony to support me, but can you agree to my request? Otherwise Bucky won't come with us... "

Goofy shrugged helplessly: "Sorry, Steve, I think I need to be more rational..."

However, before he finished speaking, a task suddenly popped up in the background of the system.

"The Terminator template gives the mission: Defeat the Red Skull! Mission reward: 15,000 worship points."

As soon as he saw this prompt, Gao Fei immediately changed his mind, changed the topic, and continued:

"...But although reason is very important, it's good to be emotional occasionally. Since our time-travel has opened a parallel world, and since we are here to make up for our regrets, why don't we make up for these regrets completely?"

Upon hearing this, Bucky and Steve both laughed, but Tony was dumbfounded on the spot and stared at Goofy in a stunned manner.

"Goofy...what did you say? What do you mean?"

Gao Fei spread his hands: "Tony, since we're all here, we might as well go straight to Hydra's nest and kill the Red Skull. In this way, Bucky can walk safely, and Steve also makes up for it. Sorry, isn't it?"

Tony said: "Steve is so happy, he has Peggy Carter on this timeline, and he has a good friend Bucky on our timeline... But how do we affect this parallel world? Do? Will we make any bad changes by killing the Red Skull?"

"There must be changes. If we take Bucky away, it will already bring changes to this parallel world, but this change is not necessarily a change in the bad direction, it may become better." Goofy said with relief.

Steve also nodded and said, "That's right, Tony, think about it, we killed an evil Hydra leader after all, and the world will definitely be a better place!"

Although Tony disapproved of the plan to kill the Red Skull, two of the three expressed support, and he didn't want to agree.

"It seems that I have no other choice." Tony shrugged. "Then let's find a place to settle this burden with a broken arm, and then take the time to deal with the Red Skull."


a few hours later.

Inside a secret base of Hydra.

Beneath a huge black plane, the Red Skull was admiring his masterpiece with confidence.

"Tomorrow I will let the whole world enter a new era, and I will be the master of all human beings..."

As he was daydreaming, a Hydra agent hurried up to him.

"Sir, Dr. Zola's train was attacked and he was captured by the Confederates."

"What?" The Red Skull was furious when he heard the words, and turned his head to ask, "Dr. Zola's train has the most advanced weapons in the Who can capture him?"

"Yes..." the Hydra agent whispered, "It's the Roaring Commando, the Roaring Commando led by Captain America…"

"Captain America?"

Red Skull has heard this name more than once, and he clenched his fists fiercely,

"It's another good thing that he broke me, and I will make him pay the price sooner or later!"

"When the time comes, I will let him understand that he is just a pebble in my path..."

"The pebble may stink, but I can kick him away with just a little kick!"

However, before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from behind the aircraft.

"Really? Are you sure I'm just a pebble?"

The Red Skull was startled when he heard the words, and looked at the sound, only to see a chubby, chubby bearded man in a red and white uniform and holding a round five-star shield came out from behind the aircraft.

He came out with two other men in the same uniform, a burly Asian man and a short man with a capitalist-style beard.

The combination of the three was a bit nondescript, and Red Skull couldn't help squinting at them.

"Who are you?" Red Skull demanded.

The fat bearded man who spoke at the beginning waved his shield.

"Why did you talk about me just now, but you can't recognize me now?"

He smiled and said,

"I'm the pebble in your mouth, Steve Rogers, and I'm Captain America!"

However, as soon as these words were spoken, Red Skull laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"Killing me…"

"Friend, if you really want to pretend to be Captain America, please lose some weight first, okay?"

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