American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 531: Get Pym Particles

The question that Hope asked was actually a question that Janet was concerned about. Their mother and daughter had just come out of the quantum realm, and they didn't understand why a big man who had saved the world many times and had just turned the country upside down would run to the San Francisco came to help small families like them.

Facing Hope's question, Gao Fei chose to answer frankly.

"Actually, I need Dr. Pym's Pym particle, and in exchange, I want to help Dr. Pym save you from the quantum realm." Goofy said.

"I see..." Hope suddenly realized, then looked at Dr. Pym and said, "I didn't expect you to give up your Pym particle for our mother and daughter. I thought the Pym particle was your real lifeblood. ."

Dr. Pym had turned against almost all of his friends over the Pym particle, which is why Hope said that.

Dr. Pym took Hope's hand and said, "As long as you can come back to me, I'm willing to hand over the Pym particles."

"Oh, please, Dr. Pym, I'm not using your Pym particle to do anything bad." Goofy said, "Don't say that I'm a bad guy who is blackmailing you. In fact, I want to use the quantum field. Create a time machine based on the principle that time in the Middle Ages contradicts the laws of time in the real world."

"Really?" Dr. Pym became interested as soon as he heard it. "It's a good idea. Goofy, to thank you for saving my wife and daughter, I can also help you build this time machine."

"That's great." Goofy nodded. "Actually, I not only need your Pym particle, but also the quantum channel I created..."

"Then let's continue working together?" Dr. Pym said with a smile.

Goofy nodded: "Of course there is no problem. By the way, Dr. Pym, I have a few friends in New York. They are all the most talented talents in the world. I think if we work with them, our progress can be faster. Hurry up..."

"Okay, who are they?" Dr. Pym asked.

"There's Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Bruce..."

Before Goofy could finish speaking, Dr. Pym suddenly interrupted sensitively: "Wait, what did you say? What Stark?"

"Tony Stark." Goofy said.

Hearing this name, Dr. Pym's face changed suddenly, the old guy turned around with a stern face, and handed a box of Pym particles on the experimental bench to Gao Fei: "Pym particles for you, quantum channel for you It can also be transported away, I don’t think we will cooperate, you and Stark will cooperate!”

Hearing this, Gao Fei shrugged helplessly.

He knew that Dr. Pym still had a grudge against Stark, and when he was at S.H.I.E.L.D. he had thought that Howard Stark wanted to steal his Pym particles.

That's why Dr. Pym once swore, "Never trust anyone with the last name Stark!"

Not only that, but he vowed never to cooperate with the Stark family again.

Janet knew the ins and outs of this matter, she came over and explained to Goofy apologetically: "I'm sorry, Goofy, my lover is a stubborn and suspicious person, between him and Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark There were some misunderstandings, so it was impossible for them to cooperate."

Gao Fei nodded and said, "It's okay, no need to apologize, I understand."

Janet smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I know that with Howard's talent and status back then, there was no need to covet Pym particles, but Hank... Well, forget it, he is a cautious person."

Gao Fei smiled: "I see, you don't have to blame yourself."

After finishing speaking, he said to Hank Pym: "Dr. Pym, I just take away the Pym particle, and I can recreate a quantum channel in New York."

Dr. Pym's mood still hasn't stabilized, but he still has no hostility towards Goofy. He took a deep breath and nodded towards Goofy: "Okay, I wish you a smooth journey!"

Scott and Ghost Girl also said to Goofy: "I wish you a smooth journey."

After getting the Pym particle, Goofy quickly returned to New York. Tony Stark and the others were anxiously waiting for the news of Goofy. After all, Steve's body was already getting bloated.

Back in Manhattan, Gao Fei had a meeting with his partners for the first time. The first thing he needed to do was to hand over the blueprint of the quantum channel to Tony Stark, and let him be responsible for rebuilding a quantum channel in New York.

"Oh, Goofy, you're finally back." Reed said with a sad face, "Steve's body has gotten more out of shape, and he's obsessed with cupcakes these days. Those things are a calorie bomb. …”

"Also, he's eating more, Officer Goofy," Skye said. "I went to see him yesterday and found that he eats three full 16-inch pizzas for one meal. I wanted to advise him to control it. Eating and drinking, I didn't expect Officer Steve to say with plausibility... His appetite improved because he got out of the pain of bereavement, and if I stopped him from eating, it would be equivalent to preventing him from getting out of the haze..."

Gao Fei was speechless: "This guy is really helpless..."

Then he pointed to the Pym particle: "But fortunately, I have obtained the Pym particle. Next, I will analyze the principle of making a time machine. When Tony rebuilds the quantum channel, I think we will soon be able to realize time and space. Through the mobile phone, remember "→" in one second to provide you with wonderful novels to read.

Before Goofy could finish speaking, Tony Stark asked Jarvis to show Goofy an electronic drawing.

"I have designed the drawings of the time machine, you can look at it now."

"So fast?" Gao Fei asked while looking at Tony's blueprint in surprise.

"Of course, it's a trivial matter for me." Tony smiled casually, and Dr. Reed and Dr. Banner next to him quickly raised their hands: "And our credit."

"That's great." Gao Fei nodded. He finally understood how important it was for his teammates to be strong.

"Then we'll start building this time machine right away. I think we'll be able to help Steve really get out of the haze soon. After all, we can't live up to his chest muscles and upturned hips!"

Speaking of which, Gao Fei suddenly realized that not only Steve has regrets, but many people also have regrets.

Tony, for example, was hit hard by the sudden death of his parents.

He had always thought his parents died in a car accident, but a few days ago he learned that his parents had actually died at the hands of the Winter Soldier.

Goofy walked over to Tony and asked with a laugh, "By the way, Tony, if the time machine is really built, do you need to go back in time to do something? Like..."

"For example, saving my parents, isn't it?" Tony instantly understood Goofy's intention, and shook his head with a smile, "No need, Goofy, the past is over, and it's useless to revise it again and again... Besides, I'm not that hypocritical, if I die, I die, it's nothing."

"Okay..." Goofy saw that Tony didn't have this will, so he stopped forcing it.

Just after Goofy turned and left, Tony looked at the time machine's blueprint and sighed softly. Rich Chinese

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