American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 529: Break into the quantum realm

At first, Scott Lang thought everyone was joking with him. After all, among these people on the scene, no one can compare to Hank Pym in terms of experience, no one can compare to Goofy in terms of combat effectiveness, and no one can compare to strangeness. ghost girl...

Nothing could rank him Scott Lang.

However, half a minute later, Scott was surprised to find that everyone's eyes were still on him.

"Wait a minute..."

Scott Lang asked desperately,

"Don't you really want me to enter the quantum realm?"

Hank Pym said: "Scott, among us, you are the only one who has entered the quantum realm and came out of the quantum realm smoothly. I believe that no one is more suitable than you."

Scott retorted weakly: "But didn't you say that the quantum realm is very dangerous, full of unknown rays and radiation? I was lucky to come back alive last time. What if I die in it this time? manage?"

After that, Scott looked at Goofy and the ghost girl and said, "Officer Goofy is immortal... I don't think this ability will be lost in the quantum realm, right? He should also be immortal in the quantum realm..."

"The ghost girl is also immortal, plus she was radiated by quantum energy... I think it's safer for her to go in than me..."

Dr. Pym said with a look of disgust: "Oh, Scott, I feel ashamed for you, you coward!"

Scott Lang didn't feel ashamed, but said plausibly: "Please, I still have a daughter, I don't want my daughter to have no father."

Goofy didn't want to go in seeing Scott's life and death, so he simply decided to go on his own.

Anyway, what Scott Lang said was right, Goofy and Ghost Girl were both immortal in the crowd. It was really unreasonable to let ordinary people like Scott take the lead instead of doing experiments with such physiques.

"Forget it, let me go."

Gao Fei stepped forward and said.

Scott finally breathed a sigh of relief, patted Goofy's shoulder and said, "Officer Goofy, great job! This is our American hero!"

Gao Fei said with a smile: "Don't put a high hat on me, just make sure I come out safely, I don't want to be trapped in the quantum realm forever."

"Understood." Scott said with a smile. "Make sure you are safe!"

After confirming the candidates, Gao Fei began to wear clothes, which is different from the movie "Ant-Man 2" who drove a car into the quantum realm directly. The characteristic battle suit is nothing more.

After getting dressed, Gao Fei gestured towards everyone and was ready to rush into the quantum realm.

Hank Pym grabbed Goofy's hand nervously and said sincerely, "Goofy, it's up to you..."

Gao Fei patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, I will bring your wife and daughter out smoothly."

The ghost girl also came to cheer for Gao Fei. After all, whether Gao Fei succeeded or not determined whether this strange disease on her body could be cured.

"Officer Goofy, come on..." The ghost girl whispered.

Goofy nodded at her, then gestured towards Scott Lang.

Scott pressed the switch of the quantum channel, and the entire channel began to store energy.

"Countdown to five!"






hum! !

The quantum channel was opened, and the whole laboratory was raging.

Gao Fei resolutely plunged into the quantum channel and shouted loudly: "Go!!"

The quantum channel is actually not long, and the length of the entire instrument is only about three meters, but Gao Fei felt that he had walked for five minutes over the three meters.

His body first shrank rapidly under the action of Pym particles, and then gradually began to subatomic. At the same time, the quantum channel continued to expand in front of him, until he couldn't tell where the original quantum channel was.

The world began to become as wonderful as a kaleidoscope, with tiny particles appearing in front of them.

At first, these particles were only the size of sesame seeds, but gradually they began to expand into balls, then became as large as mountains, and finally expanded to the size of a planet...

And as the reality in front of him was completely distorted, Goofy finally realized one thing—he had come to the quantum realm.

"Oh... amazing! Is this the quantum realm?"

Gao Fei exclaimed involuntarily.

At this moment, Dr. Pym's voice came from his communicator: "Goofy, are you in? Are you in?"

"I'm in." Gao Fei said, and after speaking, he always felt that this sentence was a bit dirty.

"How does it feel inside?" Dr. Pym asked again.

"'s hard to describe, it's completely different from any world I've seen." Goofy said.

"Try to find Hope and Janet!" Dr. Pym said impatiently.

"I know." Goofy nodded, preparing for his first adventure.

But the space in this quantum field is really too big, as vast as a brand new universe. Even if Gao Fei can travel at a speed close to the speed of light, it is still an impossible task to search the entire quantum field.

It is no exaggeration to say that it may be easier to find a needle in a haystack than to find Hope and Janet in the quantum realm.

At this time, Dr. Pym's voice came from the communicator again.

"Gao Fei, how is your progress now? Can you walk normally in the quantum realm?"

"Have you found Hope and Janet?"

"Have you heard from them?"

Goofy said depressedly: "Don't rush! Dr. Pym, I'm working hard!"

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Looking around, the surrounding environment is blurry. Wandering in such a space, Goofy may get lost without going very far. Going directly to Hope or Janet is simply useless, and it is impossible to complete.

But Goofy quickly came up with a solution. He really couldn't locate Hope and Janet directly, but he could find them in other ways.

The whispers of the old gods.

If the whispers of the ancient gods also take effect in the quantum realm, then Goofy can directly control Janet, and then use Janet's own ability to find Hope and leave the quantum realm.

According to the plot in "Ant-Man 2", Janet has been wandering in the quantum realm for nearly two decades, she has absorbed a lot of quantum energy, and has some very powerful abilities.

She can influence others through quantum entanglement and is very familiar with the environment of the quantum realm.

If Janet can be kept under control, Goofy's efficiency will increase significantly.

"Try it now..." Gao Fei whispered.

But Dr. Pym on the communicator was still chattering.

"Goofy, how's the situation? Is there any progress? Need our help?"

Goofy said impatiently: "Be quiet first, Doctor, I'm looking for your wife, don't interrupt my thoughts, OK?"

"Well... well..." Dr. Pym compromised, "please continue, I won't bother you any more."

Gao Fei finally stopped and activated his magic "Whisper of the Ancient God".

At the same time he began to use this skill to search for targets in the quantum realm, and soon he found Janet and Hope.

"Great! The whispers of the ancient gods are also applicable in the quantum realm!!"

Goofy was overjoyed and quickly chose to control Janet.

So Dr. Pym's wife, Janet, who was unfortunately trapped in the quantum realm more than ten years ago, and who has been living here until now, suddenly lost herself and lost consciousness.

But for her who has lived in the quantum realm for so long, it is no surprise that such a strange thing is happening.

After Goofy took control of Janet's body, she began to gradually develop her body's abilities.

Soon he used Janet's body to achieve quantum entanglement with Hope.

At this time, Hope was shivering in the corner of the Quantum Realm wearing her Wasp uniform, and Goofy immediately located her position.

"I'm here!"

Goofy, possessing Janet, moved quickly towards Hope, and there were many imperceptible wormholes in the quantum realm.

And the overly frightened Hope was on the verge of collapse, when she suddenly saw a white-haired humanoid monster flying towards her, which made her very terrified!

"Who are you?! You give me... get away! Be careful I'll kill you!"

Hope dragged his tired body to his feet and yelled at Janet, who was possessed by Goofy.

Goofy quickly raised his hands and lifted his helmet.

"Hope, don't be impulsive, it's me, it's me!"

Hope was taken aback when he saw Janet's face, then suddenly recognized her.

"This... this is impossible!!"

Although Janet has grown a lot older, her general facial features have not changed. After meeting again, Hope recognized her at a glance.

She is the mother that Hope thinks about day and night, and she is the mother who appears in Hope's dreams countless times!

"Mom! Is that you? Mom!"

"Is it really you? Mom?"

"You're not dead?!"

Hope shouted excitedly, and at the same time rushed towards Janet, she hugged Janet tightly, and cried with snot and tears.

However, Gao Fei is now very embarrassed.

He wanted to clarify as soon as possible that he was not Janet, he was just occupying Janet's body.

But considering that Hope is very emotional now, he also feels that it is a bit inhumane to interrupt Hope and Janet's precious reunion time.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei could only reluctantly stretch out his hand to hug Hope tightly, pat her back like a mother from time to time, and stroke her hair.

He could only play as Janet as he could to make this mother-daughter reunion perfect.

But soon Hope found the problem, she raised her head, looked at Janet (actually Goofy) with those big tearful eyes, and asked gently: "Mom, how do you know I'm Huo Fei? Pop? I mean… how old was I when you left me, I must be very different now than I was when I was a kid?"

"Why did you recognize me right away? Is it because of my Wasp suit?"

"Or is it because of some special bond between us mother and daughter?"

Hearing this, Gao Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, finally to clarify the facts.

"Cough, since you asked..."

Goofy Road,

"It's a bit embarrassing to say, but I'm actually not your mother."

"What?!" Hope was startled, and quickly broke away from Gao Fei's arms vigilantly, took two steps back and asked, "Then what kind of monster are you? Are you my illusion?"

Gao Fei quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no... My body is Janet's body, and your mother is still alive, she will be reunited with you immediately, but I temporarily controlled your mother's body and asked her to bring me to find her. you…"

"What a mess! You'd better explain it to me!" Hope asked tangled.

Goofy said, "That's right, my name is Goofy, and I'm a friend of Dr. Pym and Scott."

"Goofy?" Hope said This is a special name, the same name as the New York hero Goofy. "

"I'm actually..." Gao Fei just wanted to explain his identity, but after thinking about it, he should not make any extras. The more he explained his identity, the more chaotic it became. At this time, it can be concise and concise.

"Cough, yes, I have the same name as New York hero Goofy. That, it's like this, Dr. Pym and I have developed a quantum channel, which can connect the quantum field and the real world, and I also have a super power that can control others. body... I entered the quantum realm through the quantum channel, and I controlled your mother's body to come to you, and now I'm going to take you and your mother back to the real world, understand?" Gao Fei said.

Hope understood after listening, she nodded gratefully: "I understand, thank you, Goofy."

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Very good, then let's go back now."

Having said that, he took Hope to find his own body through the wormhole, and then escaped from Janet's body, and the three finally successfully met.

And this time Janet really saw her daughter, she almost didn't recognize it.

"Mom, it's me! I'm Hope!"

Since Hope had wasted too much emotion on Gao Fei before, her mood was a little calmer now.

Instead, Janet reunited with her daughter after a long absence, hugging Hope tightly and sobbing softly.

Goofy silently used the communicator to contact Dr. Pym.

"Dr. Pym, Dr. Pym, I've found your wife and daughter, and I can take us out."

Since this time point is much earlier than the time point of the movie "Ant-Man 2", of course, Thanos has no chance to snap his fingers to turn Dr. Pym into ashes.

Everything was normal outside, and Goofy and Dr. Pym's wife and daughter successfully returned to the real world through the quantum tunnel.

. vertex

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