American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 523: Ant-Man is the key

When Goofy came up with this idea, everyone expressed great interest, because once such a machine is built, it will have a significance beyond helping Steve Rogers get back on his feet.

Reed Richards, who is keen on invention, took the lead: "I joined your plan, Goofy. I have wanted to build a time machine since middle school."

Tony Stark also stood up and said: "It sounds like this plan is very complicated. I'm worried that you won't be able to realize this plan without my help, so... I'll join in too."

Bruce Banner was with Tony Stark, and when he saw Tony joining the team, of course he also stood up.

"Officer Goofy, I hope I can help you a little..." Dr. Banner said shyly.

Goofy is very happy with this lineup, at least it's a lot stronger than the one in Endgame.

"Very well, it seems that our members have been determined at present... But in my vision, the most important point is the Pym particle invented by Dr. Hank Pym. I have to go to San Francisco first and communicate with him, Let's see if we can get his support." Goofy said.

"Hank Pym..."

At this time, Tony Stark narrowed his eyes and said,

"Why do I think this name sounds familiar? I think I've heard people talk about him..."

Goofy is well aware of this, Tony Stark should have heard of Hank Pym of course, in fact, Howard Stark and Hank Pym were in trouble because of his Pym particle very unpleasant.

But Goofy didn't remind Tony Stark of these past events. Anyway, he didn't have a good relationship with his father. He coughed and said to everyone: "Okay, I think that's the end of our discussion today, everyone. You can first study the state of time in the quantum realm, and I will contact Scott Lang."

After that, Goofy got up and went outside to call Scott Lang.

After the last joint mission, Scott Langtet left Gao Fei's contact information. At that time, Gao Fei thought that the two should not be in touch again in a short period of time. He didn't expect the slap in the face so suddenly.

The phone was dialed, and the prompt tone only rang twice before the second-generation Ant-Man was connected.

"My God! Officer Goofy? Is that you? Officer Goofy, my caller ID shows your name! You called me! You called me yourself? Really? Goofy Flying officer?"

Before Gao Fei could speak, the exaggerated voice of the second-generation Ant-Man came from the receiver.

"Uh... it's really me, I..." Before Goofy could speak, Ant-Man roared again.

"Shh! Shut me all up! I have an important call here, a very important call!" Scott Lang exclaimed.

Then he said to Gao Fei in another very polite tone: "Hello, Officer Gao Fei, oh, by the way, should I ask if this is a confidential phone call? Should I not reveal your identity? ?"

"This is not a confidential phone call." Goofy said helplessly, "You can reveal my identity, listen, Scott, I..."

Before Goofy could finish speaking, Scott Lang excitedly shouted at his brothers: "Hey! Tell you, this is Officer Goofy's call! That's right! Officer Goofy who founded Ultron! Call! A high-flying police officer in an alien spaceship!"

As soon as the dude heard that the call was not a confidential phone call, he was busy showing off, not listening to Gao Fei at all.

Gao Fei was so angry that the veins on his forehead protruded, and he wanted to drill down along the phone line and beat him up.

He didn't come back to answer the phone until after Ant-Man had finished showing off, and Goofy had been waiting for him for half a minute.

"Officer Goofy, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I have a few... friends who talk a lot, and they've been bothering me." Scott flew up.

Gao Fei was too lazy to care about these details with him, and he was eager to ask about things in the quantum field.

However, according to the etiquette, if he can't come up and go straight to the topic, he has to be polite with Scott Lang.

"How are you doing? How about your little girl, Casey?"

Scott gets excited when he talks about his little daughter, saying excitedly, "Oh, Casey, Casey is great! Officer Goofy, do you know how excited she was after seeing our last photo together? She Saying I'm her pride, I'm a great dad! God, she never said that, she's grown so big, and it's the first time I'm her pride..."

As he spoke, Scott's voice was full of tears.

Gao Fei was lost, so he quickly interrupted and entered the next session, otherwise he would not know how much this guy could say.

"That... Scott, I'm glad you got Kathy's approval. I'm sure you're a good dad. I want to ask how's Dr. Pym's side? Is Dr. Pym's daughter saved?" Goofy asked. .

"Huh?" Scott was silent for a moment after hearing the question, as if it was a bit difficult to answer.

Goofy vaguely sensed something was wrong and asked in a low voice, "Scott, what happened? What happened to Dr. Pym's daughter?"

Scott hesitated for a moment, and then responded: "This... Hope's situation is not very good, we are trying to figure out a way."

"What?" Goofy frowned, "Isn't Hope rescued? But Darren Krause has been arrested, and his organization has been investigated. Isn't Hope inside?"

"Uh... it's more complicated than you think," Scott said falteringly, "All I can say is that Darren Krause is such a madman, he's treating Hope like this, thanks to the two of them. Still a colleague, Darren is said to have pursued Hope..."

"What happened to Hope?!" Gao Fei finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Can you speak directly to the point!"

Scott was taken aback by Goofy's sudden majesty, and quickly replied: "I said the point, this is the point... Dr. Pym and I later found out that Darren used his wasp suit to reduce Hope to a Atomic state, throw her into the quantum realm... Unless we also enter the quantum realm, we can't rescue Hope..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was shocked. It turned out that Hope was thrown into the quantum field. I thought Hope was killed by Darren."

After all, Scott's statement just now was too suggestive, and I really thought Hope had been murdered.

But since Hope was put into the quantum realm, it meant that she was still alive, and it was only a matter of time before Goofy and Scott Lang entered the quantum realm, and it was only a matter of time before Hope was rescued.

"What's the progress on your side? Is there a way for Dr. Pym to enter the quantum realm?" Goofy asked.

"He hasn't found a suitable way yet...but I went in by accident a few days ago." Scott Lang said proudly, "When my body was subatomic and entered the quantum realm, I thought I was going to get out. Come on, I've made up my mind at the time, the big deal is to be in the quantum realm with Hope and Jenny (Hank Pym's wife, who strayed into the quantum realm decades ago on a mission until now) and I'm not ashamed We lived together without shame, but then I was anxious and put a magnifying dart in the controller, and I came back successfully!"

Gao Fei said: "In other words, people who actually enter the quantum realm can return to the real world, right?"

"That's right, but it's a little difficult." Stoke Landau, "Only someone like me with both courage and wisdom can do this."

Gao Fei was too lazy to roll his eyes, he couldn't see anyway.

"So when do you expect to be able to rescue Hope?" Goofy asked.

"This..." Scott Lang hesitated for a long time, and finally said hesitantly, "I can't guarantee this."

Gao Fei said: "That's good, I'll help you in the past. I'll go to San Francisco for a few days to think about things in the quantum field with you."

"Really?!" Scott Lang was so excited that he almost jumped up when he heard the news, as if his favorite singer was coming to his city for a concert.

"You're coming to San Francisco? You're coming to me? That means I can take my friends to see you, and my daughter Kathy can see you, doesn't it?" asked excitedly.

"In theory, that's true." Goofy smiled, "But I think our main job is to rescue Hope."

"Okay, okay, no problem," Scott said. "Rescue Hope from the quantum realm, I know what we do, I know…"

"But since you are here, Officer Goofy, as a local, I will definitely entertain you."

"San Francisco has a lot of attractions and food. It used to be the most prosperous city in the west. If you come here, then (the following 5,000 words are omitted)..."

Goofy bit the bullet and listened to Scott Lang's description of San Francisco before saying, "I'll probably be there tonight, give me an OK, no problem! You'll be seated What about that flight? I'll pick you up at the airport!" Scott Lang said excitedly.

"Thank you, no need." Gao Fei said with a smile, "I will appear directly at your door."

"Oh, this is it...this is..." Scott Lang said, "Then you must pay attention to safety, because the place I rent is a little...a little rough, the environment here is not very good, the light at my door is broken, It was dark at night."

Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Thank you for your reminder, my night vision is very good."

So Gao Fei finally hung up the phone.

At night, he teleported directly from New York to San Francisco with the help of Inhuman Gordon.

He went straight to the apartment where Ant-Man Scott Lang was currently staying, and what Ant-Man said was true.

It's really a shabby place, and the lights at the door are really broken...


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