American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 505: Hank Pym (9/10)

The second day of the opening of the Age of Ultron.


In an old apartment in San Francisco.

Dr. Hank Pym sat quietly on the sofa to check the news about Ultron. He was very interested in the artificial intelligence that had just taken over the country.

In fact, Dr. Pym has also conceived of using artificial intelligence to rule the country a long time ago. His idea coincides with Gao Fei. Artificial intelligence is more rational and objective, and can abandon the human nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

As a tool of domination, artificial intelligence may be better than humans.

But because Dr. Pym's other great invention, the Pym particle, cost him too much time, he didn't have the extra energy to develop artificial intelligence. His plan was just an idea that could not be put into practice, and remained in the bud. stage.

The Pym particle is a magical substance that can shrink or enlarge objects by changing the distance between particles. Hank Pym's application of the Pym particle dates back decades. As early as the 1980s, he has With the help of Pym particles, he transformed himself into the size of an ant and became the first generation of Ant-Man.

At that time, Dr. Pym was also a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of the backbone of S.H.I.E.L.D.

His Pym particle caused a stir in S.H.I.E.L.D. and was closely watched by Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, and Steve Rogers' ex-girlfriend, Peggy Carter.

Howard Stark and Peggy Carter both proposed to jointly develop the Pym particle to maximize the function of this particle. Unfortunately, Hank Pym rejected the proposal of the two. He even rejected the Pym particle because of S.H.I.E.L.D. Due to the high concern, he voluntarily quit S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hank Pym was a suspicious man who trusted almost no one.

He always felt that Howard Stark was essentially a shameless businessman, trying to make money with his Pym particles.

Peggy Carter, on the other hand, is a ruthless war machine who uses Pym particles to create a super-powered army.

Hank Pym was determined not to give up his Pym particle, he would rather let this magical substance be put into a coffin with him, and even when he was at his most destitute, he never thought of taking this technology. Come out and make money.

At the same time, he also carefully protected this secret, never mentioning the existence of Pym particles after leaving S.H.I.E.L.D.

He knew that as soon as someone heard the wind, someone was bound to try to take away the Pym particle.

It's a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world, and the news finally leaked out.

While Pim Hank was working on the Ultron system, there was a knock on the living room door.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk…”

Dr. Pym glanced at the door's surveillance camera connected to his phone and saw that it was a student he didn't really like, the big bald Darren Krause.

"Oh, Klaus, what brought you here?"

Hank Pym walked to the door and reluctantly opened the door.

"Doctor, I'm here to chat with you..." Klaus said with a smile, "Are you convenient?"

"It's not very convenient, I'm a little sleepy." Dr. Pym said, "If you have something, tell me quickly, and leave quickly after you're done, don't delay my nap."

Klaus sneered, took out a photo from his pocket, and showed it to the doctor half-covered.

Dr. Pym glanced, his expression suddenly changed.

It was a picture of his daughter Hope being **** and thrown into the wilderness.

"Hope she..."

"Shh..." Darren Krause patted Pym on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Come with me, Doctor, I won't hurt you."

Hank Pym has no other way because Darren Krause has his lifeline.

Hope has been everything to him since his wife disappeared into the quantum realm.

So Dr. Pym, who has always been cautious, could only choose to take the risk and followed Darren Kraus to the suburbs.

Parked on the edge of a desolate road, Darren pulled Dr. Pym out of the car.

"Doctor, make sure you don't have a communication device on your body, because our next conversation will not only cause trouble for me, but also trouble for yourself."

Pym took out his phone and pressed the power button.

"Is that all right?"

However, Klaus grabbed the phone and threw it on the ground and smashed it.

"That's safe."

Pym's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

Darren Krause whispered: "Dr. Pym, I don't want to offend you, I offend Hope, you should know that I have always had a good impression of Hope, and I even hope that we can come together and start a family. …”

Dr. Pym rolled his eyes, trying not to vomit.

Darren didn't care about Dr. Pym's expression, but continued: "But these are extraordinary times, Dr. Pym, our country is in trouble!"

"Is the country in trouble?" Dr. Pym couldn't help rolling his eyes again, "God, what is the country in trouble! We are entering a new era ahead of other countries in the world, and human civilization is likely to develop by leaps and bounds from now on. , social efficiency will be raised to an unprecedented level, why are you telling me that the country is in trouble?! I think you have a brain!!”


Darren's brain was blanked by Dr. Pym, and he recalled that he was so mad at Dr. Pym every day when he was an apprentice.

But after taking a deep breath, Darren regained his calm immediately.

"Dr. Pym, let me guess, will you support Goofy and his artificial intelligence Ultron?"

"Of course I support it, because this is the right choice, this is a wise choice, if it weren't for my age, I would even want to develop a Ultron by myself." Dr. Pym said solemnly.

"What?" Darren was stunned for a while, and then immediately refuted righteously, "Dr. Pym, you are so disappointing to me, how can you think so? Ultron is a shameless aggressor, and Goofy is insidious. The careerists, they took power in our country, they hijacked America!"

"Dr. Pym, our country has fallen! As citizens of the United States, we should defend our country! Defend our territory!"

Dr. Pym looked up at Darren, then rolled his eyes involuntarily.

"Don't do this for me, Darren, you were cultivated by me, can I not know what kind of person you are? Don't say that there is no problem with the country now, even if it really encounters a national disaster, you will not do it. What a hero who protects the family and defends the country... You will only think hard to make money and make money, and you want to take this opportunity to benefit yourself!"

"Besides, the country is not falling, she is just taking a step forward in a better direction, idiot. Without change, there will be no progress, and human beings can only stand still or even go backwards! The opening of the Ultron Era has made human progress, And there is no need to pay the price of war, you have no idea how precious this is!"

Darren was pierced by Dr. Pym on the spot, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Sure enough, it's my teacher, and he really knows me well."

He had Pym's daughter Hope in his hands anyway, and he didn't care about a showdown with the old guy Pym.

"Since you've seen me through, I won't sell anything. Doctor, Ultron has just seized power, and the domestic situation is in chaos. I think this is a good opportunity. We can't help but take the opportunity to do something..."

"Doctor, I have long known that you have Pym particles in your hands, this is a powerful baby... Let's work together! With my plan and your Pym particles, we are enough to make a big name in this turbulent era. !"

Darren Krause said excitedly.

"Darren, you're playing with fire." Dr. Pym said solemnly, "You overestimate yourself, and at the same time you underestimate Goofy and Ultron. I don't agree with your idea."

"You don't agree?" Darren sneered, "Sorry, Dr. Pym, you have no right to disagree. I'm not here to discuss with you today, I'm here to order you! Hand over the Pym particles, or I will I will return your daughter piece by piece to you in pieces!"



Hank Pym returned to his apartment He finally had no choice but to hand over his Pym particle.

But Pym felt he had to make up for his mistakes, and he couldn't let Darren Krauss mess with the Pym particle.

What's more, he had to rescue his daughter.

Looking back at the safe in the living room where the original Ant-Man suit was hidden, Pym took a deep breath.

He's too old to be able to charge again.

He has to pick a suitable successor.

Or, it doesn't need to be a successor.

Just find a temporary worker with good qualifications.

At this moment, his eyes stayed on a newspaper, which read: "The high-IQ criminal gang stole the vision company, and the world's most stringent defense system has been completely broken through!"


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