American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 464: After hanging up

The different-dimensional space that suddenly appeared like broken glass gradually shrank, and the area gradually shrank from the size of an Imax movie giant screen to the size of a 21-inch color TV, and it continued to shrink.

Obviously, it was Carrie's super energy that prevented the spread of the other-dimensional space, no matter how the other-dimensional space was opened, but Carrie did seem to have knocked it back.

And the little girl's energy radiation is not over yet, she slammed her fists forward, roaring: "Go back!!"

The earth-shattering energy beams continuously bombarded the different-dimensional space, which completely disappeared the last bit of the different-dimensional space...

The classmates are already dumbfounded...

Carrie, what kind of magic operation is this?

By now, Charles Xavier has probably figured out what's going on.

"I think Carrie has just stopped a dimensional invasion, and our world has been infiltrated by another dimension." Charles said in a deep voice.

"Infiltration of different dimensions? What does that mean?" Eric couldn't understand Charles' words a little, and this guy likes to say some strange words.

Charles explained patiently: "The dimensional invasion is the attempt of another dimensional world to merge with our world, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying or devouring our world... They are essentially the same as the aliens who invaded the earth on a warship, only They appeared in our world directly ignoring time and space, which is somewhat similar to the previous celestial bodies."

Eric finally understood what Charles meant, and summed it up accurately: "The situation is dangerous anyway, and our world was almost destroyed."

Rui Wen looked at Carrie, who had just put away her double star form, and said, "But Carrie stepped forward and stopped all this..."

"Yes," Charles nodded. "It was Carrie who stopped this. Principal Goofy's daughter, like her father, saved the world..."

Eric sighed with mixed feelings: "So, the position of student council president should be hers."

Charles patted Eric on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Yes, I don't think anyone has a higher approval rating than Carrie right now."

This is indeed the case. After Carrie showed herself how to fight another world that attempted to invade their hometown, the freshmen were instantly conquered by her. The whole baseball field was filled with cheers and shouts from everyone, they were all shouting Carrie. name.




Carrie smiled and turned, enjoying her own moment.

She knew she deserved all the cheers.


And this moment.

In a single-family house in Canarsie, Brooklyn.

Gao Fei really gained another wave of Worship Points from the freshmen, but this time the Worship Points were even more exaggerated than the last time.

Last time he got about 3,000 points, but this time he got almost 5,000 points!

It is impossible for the worship value of the students to almost double for no reason. Gao Fei was sure that what happened in the school on this timeline must be different from the previous timeline.

It was not until Carrie returned home from the freshman sorority that Gao Fei had a chance to find out about the school.

He asked Carrie side-by-side what happened today that impressed her.

The little girl didn't hide her father's intentions, and frankly told everything that happened in the school today - including Ruiwen coming to chat with the little spider, the inhumans and mutants competing for the student council president, "Hurricane" Johnson challenging the little spider, Harry fights for Peter Parker against Johnson, Eric scheming to take advantage of the fisherman...

It wasn't until the end, when Carrie said that the school had suddenly encountered a different-dimensional invasion, and that she had stopped all of this, Gao Fei suddenly realized.

The 5,000-point worship value originally came from here!

This thing is indeed worth 5,000 worship points!

After thinking about it again, Gao Fei was terrified of thinking about it - he only gained 3,000 worship points before crossing, which means that the last time the school did not have a different dimension invasion, but only a wonderful thing happened. The dimensional invasion thing...

Inferring what Carrie said about the school, Goofy speculated that 80% of the time, after Eric defeated Harry, Carrie stood up and killed Eric in seconds, which brought 3,000 Worship Points.

The other-dimensional invasion worth 5,000 Worship Points only appeared after Gao Fei's crossing, and it didn't exist at all!

This made Gao Fei can't help but guess - whether his crossing caused the invasion of different dimensions!

"Carrie, you can describe that extra-dimensional invasion to Dad again..." Goofy said nervously.

Carrie nodded: "Actually, it's not that scary, but at first the world behind me seemed to be all broken, just like the real world reflected by a broken mirror, each fragment is a whole world. The small reflections of the shards...then the area gets bigger and bigger, and the gaps between each fragment gradually expand..."

"Later I found out that the reflections in those fragments were not our world, but another world. There seemed to be no high-rise buildings in that world, but some caves and ravines... There are many figures there, which is somewhat similar to us..."

"And then, I heard the strange screams of the world, it was scary, and it was especially harsh, and then a **** hand stretched out and shot directly in front of me!"

"I was startled at the time, but I won't be afraid soon. I thought that since you dare to scare me, I will beat you back!"

"And then I'll fight, fight, fight... I beat the **** hand back... I also beat the other dimension and disappeared..."

Gao Fei's cold sweat broke out from what Carrie said, this other-dimensional space is clearly what he transmigrated to wear!

Thanks to Carrie guarding the place where the other-dimensional space appeared, he directly called the invasion of the other-dimensional space back. If this other-dimensional space invaded from other places, wouldn't New York be finished again?

But think about it again, the last time I used the experience card, Goofy's crossing did not cause an invasion from a different dimension! Does this thing still have a chance to trigger?

Or is everything because he thinks too much, and there is no necessary connection between the invasion of different dimensions and time travel?

Gao Fei felt that his IQ might not be enough, and it was necessary to ask for a helper, and it was impossible for him to fall asleep steadily until this matter was completely clarified.

So Goofy arranged for Carrie to wash up and sleep, and then said hello to Skye.

"Skye, I have something to do with Mr. Richards. Please watch Carrie at night."

Skye hurriedly asked with concern: "What happened, Officer Goofy? Do you need my help?"

"It's nothing, it's trivial." Gao Fei smiled and shook his head.

"Well, you pay attention to safety." Skye nodded and sent Goofy out of the house.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Goofy drove to Reed Richards' Baxter Building. Although it was approaching the early morning, Reed obviously had no intention of resting.

As soon as Gao Fei got off the elevator, he saw Susan, Reed's virtuous helper, and the invisible woman was too sleepy to open her eyes.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, why didn't you say you were coming over today? I was just about to go home to sleep, did you have anything to do with Reed?"

"Yes, there is a small matter to discuss with Reed, is he there?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

"Of course, he just came back from space an hour ago, he went to the dark star to copy the information of the Kree Empire, it seems that this time he got a lot, the whole person is very excited... I think he must not be able to sleep tonight. Now, the two of you can just stay up late and talk for a long time..."

Susan Road,

"You go sit first, Officer Goofy, and I'll get you two cups of coffee."

Gao Fei quickly nodded his thanks: "Thank you, Susan."

After all, Goofy walked straight to Reed's office.

Susan is right, the current God Gunde is indeed very excited. Goofy saw Reed jumping up and down in the office through the glass door of the office, running to the computer and typing on the keyboard to check the information, and then jumping up and running to the office. Observing the sample in front of the test bench…

Looking at him, he didn't look like someone who worked for more than ten hours in a row, but instead looked like a bear child who had been beaten with blood.

"Hey Reed, are you on (Harmony) drugs?"

Gao Fei pushed the door in and asked with a smile.

"Oh! Goofy!"

Reed looked back to see Gao Fei, and said with a sincere smile,

"Of course not, I'm not that kind of person, but I'm really excited right now, I'm excited!"

"Yes, you don't need to stress, I can see it." Goofy said, dumbfounded, "It seems that the research on the Dark Asterisk has been successful?"

"Of course, it's very successful. The Dark Star has a very detailed overview of the historical development of the Kree Empire, technological research, etc... By studying the Dark Star, I can systematically understand the Kree civilization..." Reed said with a smile.

Then Susan came in with two cups of coffee and handed them to Goofy and Reed.

"You two talk first, I'll go I'm already sleepy, good night, two workaholics."

After saying that, Susan left the laboratory without looking back.

Reed was still very excited. He said excitedly: "The technological civilization of the Cree people is indeed very developed. This is an extremely magnificent empire! I think we can learn a lot from the civilization of the Cree people, and the earth needs to learn. Too much…"

"By the way, Goofy, the Kree Empire is not just a civilization on a planet, they rule a galaxy! The Kree have multiplied their descendants to all the planets in a galaxy, which makes them powerful Capital…"

"In addition, these planets seem to be independent of each other, but they are highly unified. They are not divided into different countries like the earth. They accept unified rule - this is also one of the reasons why Kerry is strong and stable. Only to ensure that they can continue to expand outward, they did not spend all their energy on internal struggles..."

"And the most amazing thing is... Goofy, do you know what the most amazing thing is?"

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Reed, like a child, asked Gao Fei with a beaming expression.

Gao Fei was speechless, he just wanted to complain - isn't it you who is the most amazing? Mr Fantastic! !

But he didn't want to displease Reid, and asked cooperatively, "What's the most amazing thing?"

Reed said excitedly: "The most amazing thing is that the ruling class of the Kree Empire is not a government. There is no government in the Kree civilization, let alone imperial power. What maintains the operation of the Kree Empire is a huge and advanced artificial intelligence... "

"His name is Supreme Wisdom, and it's a ruling tool that doesn't have any supervisory overtones. It's responsible for keeping the Kree society safe, efficient, and orderly. It's amazing, isn't it?"

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