American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 457: challenge the spider

Young Professor X is also a black-bellied bad boy.

He was thinking about finding something for Peter Parker.

Although Raven's incident was not enough to make Charles hate Peter Parker, he also couldn't let his "cousin" be wronged in vain.

Running for student council president was just an opportunity for him to vent, but it wasn't a deliberate attempt to make things difficult for Peter Parker.

After all, because of his recommendation, Peter Parker has another chance to become the student council president.

After listening to Charles' words, Eric also smiled sincerely.

"Old man, it's still your insidious kid!" Eric squinted at Charles, thinking quietly in his heart.

"That's right, Charles is right. Peter Parker is a freshman representative and has fought side by side with Principal Goofy. If you really want to elect the student council president, who is more qualified than Peter Parker?"

Eric fanned the flames.

The Inhumans didn't know the little Jiujiu in the hearts of these two mutants, and thought they sincerely thought Peter Parker was excellent.

After all, the Inhumans elected an Inhuman as the president, and their selfishness was already on the bright side.

But the mutants are relatively noble. They did not recommend the mutants, but instead recommended Peter Parker as a third party.

"Hurricane" Johnson thought for a while, then looked back at his "staff" Joshua.

Joshua spread his hands helplessly and said, "Johnson, if you still want to compete for this president, I think it's time for you to talk to Peter Parker. Compared with you, his approval rate will indeed be higher. higher."

"Oh, okay..." Johnson had no choice but to nod, then turned and walked towards Peter Parker.

Seeing that his conspiracy succeeded, Charles took a sip of his drink with a smile.

Eric patted Charles on the shoulder and said gloatingly, "Why don't you go to see the fun? You scheming guy."

"Who's scheming?" Charles didn't admit it, but put on an innocent gesture, "I just really admire Peter."

"Hmph, you can fool everyone, but you can't fool me." Eric snorted coldly, revealing Charles' true face mercilessly.

In fact, Eric was not the only one who saw through Charles' intentions, but Ruiwen also guessed his thoughts.

"Charles, I said Peter didn't bully me, why did you do that?"

She pressed Charles' shoulders and asked in a low voice.

"I said, I just admire Peter Parker and simply want him to be the student council president."

Charles sly sophistry,

"Otherwise why do you think I would do this, for you?"

"I..." Rui Wen obviously couldn't say anything to Charles, and immediately lost after a battle of words.

Charles smiled, got up and walked to Peter Parker's table.

"Come on, let's see who will be the last student council president."

Eric's eyes are full of light. Like Charles, he has his own small calculations in his heart, but he is different from Charles, because the two of them are not thinking the same thing.

At this time, Peter Parker was still immersed in the guilt just now, and he knew that his nonsense had hurt poor Raven to some extent.

Harry, on the other hand, only talked about a few recent Osborne Group projects, and his strategic vision became more and more unique.

As for Carrie, she is immersed in the world of food. Because the person in charge of preparing today's student association is Aunt Wang, so Carrie communicated with Aunt Wang in advance. Today, Aunt Wang prepared all of Carrie's favorite food. snack.

The three were busy in their own way, until the appearance of the Inhumans interrupted their rhythm.

"Hi Peter Parker, I'm Johnson, nice to meet you..."

"Hurricane" Johnson greeted with a smile.

"Oh, hello, I'm Peter, and it's nice to meet you, Johnson." Peter Parker said quickly and cautiously.

After Raven's misunderstanding incident, Peter Parker learned a profound lesson. Now he deliberately slows down his speech, and tries to make sure that every word he says is thought through.

And Harry and Carrie also greeted the Inhumans and introduced each other. They all looked at the Inhumans curiously, because seeing the menacing appearance of these Inhumans seemed to have some special purpose.

After a few simple greetings, Johnson began to lose his temper and went straight to the subject, because the mutants came over, which made the atmosphere of the scene very tense.

"I think you should know about the establishment of the student union..." Johnson said straight to the point.

Before Johnson could finish, Peter nodded and said, "Oh, of course, Aunt May talked to me about this last night, and I agree with her proposal..."

The initiator of the student union, May Parker, is Peter's guardian. The two of them get along day and night. Of course Peter knows about the proposal of the student union.

However, after hearing this, Johnson mistakenly thought that Peter was deliberately emphasizing that he was the associate of the vice-principal, which made him a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, he really hoped to get the position of student council president, so he started to be a little aggressive.

"Okay, Peter, I know about the relationship between Vice Principal Parker and you. You don't need to emphasize this anymore... Now that this is the case, I think we have to take advantage of the opportunity of the sorority to elect a student council president."

"Now I have the support of the entire Inhumans. The students of the Inhumans all want me to serve as the president of the student council. I also believe that I have the ability to do this job well, and I have the ability to serve all students..."

"But some of your classmates seem to support you, Peter, because you're a freshman representative, and you're very popular among students. After all, you've saved New York, saved the world, and fought alongside Principal Goofy..."

"Of course, your guardian is the vice-principal, which may be one reason, huh..."

"So I think now, we should have a fair competition to see who should be the student council president this time."

Johnson said aggressively.

After Johnson finished speaking, the spider was stunned.

What the **** is this?

What student council president?

I never wanted to be the student council president!

He smiled and said, "Johnson, are we going to compete for the chairman? It's not necessary..."

Johnson said: "What? Are you going to give up the candidacy of the student council president? If so, I have no problem, Peter, do you really want to abstain?"

Peter really wanted to abstain from power. He was never interested in power. He just wanted to fight silently on the front line of chivalry and righteousness. Holding power was not his specialty.

But just as he was about to abstain, Harry stood up to stop him.

"Fool, don't you really plan to abstain?"

"Johnson is too much. He is blatantly provoking you. Don't you want to give him some color?"

Peter smiled and said in a low voice, "Forget it, Harry, everyone is a classmate, he doesn't have any ill will, and it can be seen that he really wants to be the president of the student council, so let him give this position."

Harry shook his head firmly and said, "No, Peter, he offended you just now, you can't just swallow it."

"Accept his challenge, no matter how he wants to campaign, let's stay with us to the end!"

Peter was still hesitating. "Is that necessary, Harry?"

"Of course there is!" Harry nodded. "Peter, this is a world where the weak eat the strong. You have to show some blood. If you start with a little thing, you will endure for the rest of your life! Gradually you will be eaten away by carnivores. clean!"

"The society is like this, and the school is like this. You can't bow to that alien, or you will be suppressed by him for the rest of your student life!"

"Peter, stand up, compete with him, and let him see your abilities!"

"If you don't accept his challenge, then I will teach him a lesson for you!"

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