American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 451: Super Academy is about to start (Thursday/Seventh)

The battle for Sokovia soon came to an end, and Baron Strucker's body was taken by Nick Fury to the luck of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the database of Sokovia Castle, there is a lot of information about Hydra, most of which are Baron Strucker's research on mutants.

Since S.H.I.E.L.D. was in charge of dealing with Strucker's follow-up matters, Goofy was also happy to distance himself from it. He took his partner and students back to New York first, and he had other things to deal with.

The campus of the Super Academy has been gradually completed, and young superpowers finally have an environment for growth and learning.

In addition to the young talents of the younger generation, Charles Xavier and Eric Lanschel, the mutant twins Pietro and Wanda were also recruited by Goofy to the Super Academy.

In this way, the number of mutants and the number of aliens in this new class actually have a tendency to compete with each other, and it is no longer like the majority of them were occupied by aliens at the beginning.

In addition to the aliens and mutants who urgently need to be brought into the right track, Goofy has also absorbed a group of superpowers who originally lived in New York.

The little spider Peter Parker is one of them, and the embarrassing thing is that it was the vice-principal of the Superpower Academy who recommended him to transfer to the Super Academy, as well as Peter Parker's guardian, Aunt May.

Before, Peter Parker always thought that he had successfully deceived the sky and properly concealed his "Spider-Man" identity, and went out every night to fight for justice without being discovered by Aunt May.

But it turned out that he underestimated Aunt Mei's strength too much. Aunt Mei had already investigated him clearly, so Aunt Mei had just moved to the Super Power Academy, and she had a showdown with Peter Parker immediately after getting home.

That day, the sly Aunt May pretended to help Peter do laundry, and "unintentionally" pulled out several sets of Spider-Man suits from Peter's closet. After Peter left school, Aunt May was sitting in the living room waiting for him.

Peter struggled a bit at first, falsely claiming it was just a knockoff he bought to imitate Spider-Man, but when Aunt May flipped the switch on her suit, Tony Stark's multi-function counterbalance and radio contact came into operation. After that, Peter Parker was speechless.

It is impossible for imitations to be so delicate, and this suit is obviously valuable.

What's more, some of these uniforms are already scarred, and they have obviously experienced confrontation with live ammunition.

The hard evidence is overwhelming, Peter Parker can no longer fool around, and has to apologetically admit that he is Spider-Man, because he was mutated after being bitten by an experimental spider from the Osborne Group.

Aunt May chased after the victory, using Peter's guilt to deceive her to pressure Peter, and successfully persuaded him to transfer to Goofy's super power academy.

Since then, Peter's Aunt May has become his Deputy Principal, and Peter has to live under enormous pressure every day.

And Peter's good friend, Harry Osborn, is very interesting. After learning that Peter Parker was going to transfer schools, he took the initiative to contact Gao Fei. classmate.

Goofy did not reject Harry. After all, technological weapons are also a form of superpower. Whether it is Tony Stark or Harry Osborn, they are actually regarded as superpowers.

In addition, Harry promised Gao Fei that he would submit a large sponsorship fee to the Super Academy. Gao Fei felt that he should not deprive Harry of his kindness to contribute to the society, so he had to accept the huge amount of money reluctantly, and Accept Harry.

In this way, Peter and Harry can continue to be classmates at the Super Academy.

In addition to these two young superpowers, Gao Fei also wanted to recruit another young superpower.

She is Gao Fei's daughter Carrie, and it just so happens that the little girl has reached the age of entering school.

Originally, Gao Fei wanted Carrie to disguise herself as an ordinary person, enter ordinary middle school, high school, and university like a normal child, and try to hide her strengths to prevent her from becoming an outlier.

But now Goofy realized that his previous thinking was too idealistic, because the world itself had become abnormal, and it would be a huge mistake to keep Carrie normal in this abnormal world.

If the world is still as before, without superpowers and aliens, then Carrie, as a little loli with powerful superpowers, will indeed become an anomaly and be pointed at by others.

But now the streets are full of superhumans, and aliens come to visit the earth at every turn. Under such circumstances, it is logical for Carrie to reveal her identity.

What's more, Goofy opened a special school for superpowers, where Carrie would live and study with her own kind.

The discrimination and exclusion that Goofy was worried about before will no longer exist, and Carrie can truly integrate into her own group.

Compared with Goofy's previous assumptions, this kind of life may really suit Carrie.

Of course, he had to ask Carrie's opinion before making a decision.

At home in the evening, Carrie was sitting on the sofa watching TV. She heard that after graduating from elementary school and entering junior high school, her schoolwork would become heavy, and she had to join various clubs, so she had no time to watch TV, so little girl Especially cherish the carefree TV watching time of the last few months.

Gao Fei said hello to Carrie first, and waited until she watched the cartoon before walking over and picking up the remote control to mute the TV. He looked at Carrie and said, "Carrie, I want to talk to you."

Hearing this, the smile on Carrie's little face gradually solidified, and the cornflakes in her mouth did not dare to continue chewing.

"Father Goofy, what mistake did I make?"

The little girl thought hard while worrying. It seems that she hasn't played any pranks recently?

Seeing Carrie's terrified face, Gao Fei was both distressed and funny.

"You haven't made any mistakes. Dad didn't come to criticize you. You're about to go to school soon. It's time to think about choosing a school."

Carrie breathed a sigh of relief, and began crunching the cornflakes again.

"Scared me, scared me"

The little girl muttered while chewing, ignoring her girly image at all.

"Carrie, you know that Dad opened a super school, right? It's a school for super powers." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Carrie nodded hurriedly: "I know!"

He also gave a very perfunctory thumbs up and praised: "Dad is amazing!"

The little girl pondered in her heart: Haven't you been opening schools for almost a month? Why do I only remember to show it off to me now? Adults' thoughts are so complicated, I don't understand too much

Gao Fei's face was speechless, this girl actually mistakenly thought that her father was pretending to be coercive. She really didn't understand you, a low-key, humble and connotative father.

"Cough cough, girl, you misunderstood what I meant, I thought, you are going to study soon, and I just opened a super academy, so"

Carrie suddenly realized: "I see, you not only want to be my father, but also my principal!"

Gao Fei was taken aback for a moment, the little girl's ability to summarize is extraordinary!

"Uh, you can say that." Goofy scratched the back of his head and said, "What do you think?"

Carrie thought about it.

"Well, you will be my principal from now on. Can I arrive late and leave early, ask for leave if I want, and eat three lunches a day?"

The little girl blinked her big eyes and looked at Gao Fei longingly.

Gao Fei shook his head: "Carrie, a competent principal would not give special care to his family."

"Then you will be an incompetent principal? You are already a competent police officer anyway." Carrie said coquettishly.

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's little head, and said helplessly: "If I take special care of you, the other students will They will say that you are a related household, and they will treat you in the same way. Pointing behind the back"

"They dare!" Carrie shook her little fist. "I punch a long-tongued monster!"

Gao Fei shrugged, and had no choice but to throw the blame: "To be honest, this principal of mine just has a false name, and the one in charge of the academy is the vice principal, Aunt Mei, so what I said doesn't count."

Carrie felt disappointed.

"Hmph, then I'll go and have **** with Aunt May another day."

Gao Fei knew that Aunt Mei was better at dealing with children, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay, go and negotiate with Aunt Mei."

At the same time he realizes that Carrie seems to have agreed to enroll in the Psychic Academy.

"Carrie, so you agree to come to the Super Academy?" Goofy asked.

"Of course." Carrie nodded earnestly and said, "Of course my daughter has to go to support the school opened by her father, otherwise it's too much to say."

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