American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 434: Gao Fei became the principal

Chatting with the aliens, Goofy walked to Pepper who was not far away with the wine glass in his hand. The golden liquid in the champagne glass in his hand was bubbling, it was freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with soda water.

Seeing Gao Fei approaching, Pepper quickly turned to meet him.

Goofy smiled lightly and asked, "Tony still missed the banquet, did he?"

Pepper sighed helplessly: "Please forgive him, you also know that this guy doesn't care about anything when he works... It seems that things with him and Dr. Banner are difficult to deal with, and they will be unable to get away for a while."

At this time, Pepper has already established a relationship with Tony Stark, and has even developed to the point of talking about marriage.

But Pepper has only seen Tony once this month (the last time Tony returned to New York to deliver the Psychic Scepter) since Dr. Banner's "third-party intervention".

"Of course I will forgive him. Anyway, he doesn't care much about the company now. It's enough for you to help me with campus site selection and employee recruitment. What do I need him for?" Gao Fei smiled lightly, "So As long as you don't run off with Dr. Banner."

Pepper smiled: "Dr. Banner is not so charming yet, let me give up the position of CEO of Stark Industries for him."

Afterwards, he said: "At present, I have found two alternative campuses for the school, one in Manhattan and one in Queens."

"Can you introduce me?" Gao Fei asked.

"Of course no problem." Pepper nodded, took out a mobile phone-sized micro-machine from his pocket, pressed the switch, and the micro-machine projected a clear three-dimensional image in front of the two of them. Corresponding to two different campuses.

"First up is the Manhattan campus..."

Pepper swiped the first set of three-dimensional images in the air with his fingertips, and with a little tap, the three-dimensional images were instantly enlarged.

"The Manhattan campus is located in the block diagonally opposite the Super Patrol Office. It has a great geographical advantage, but you also know the price of land in Manhattan. It is impossible for us to have a large campus here..."

"Actually if we want to build a school here, we can only lease a few existing buildings and convert them into student apartments and teaching buildings, but there are also two sports parks here that can be transformed into school playgrounds. "

Pepper Road.

Goofy frowned, it's not a good idea to build a school in the city center, especially a school for psychics.

The purpose of his establishment of this school is to guide the superpowers to use their abilities properly, and some superpowers' abilities are very destructive.

Like Skye, like Lincoln...

When they release their abilities, they will cause extensive damage to the surrounding area, and the Manhattan campus is surrounded by busy streets and overcrowded office buildings.

At that time, if a foreign student loses control, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Emmmm... Maybe it's not a good idea to choose the address in Manhattan, let's look at Queens again." Goofy said.

Pepper nodded. "Indeed, let's see Queens then."

With a swipe of his finger in the air, Pepper shut down the Manhattan campus, and then clicked on the second three-dimensional map, and the Queens campus appeared in front of the two of them.

"If the location of the school is set in Queens, then the area of ​​the campus can be as large as possible. The budget I set for the first super-energy academy in New York this time is about 12 million, which is enough money in Queens. Building a very large school..."

"Let's take a look at my vision first. The Super Energy Academy covers an area of ​​about 2,200 acres, including teaching areas, residential areas, experimental areas and a considerable activity area..."

"Within a large enough activity area, the superpowers who have just entered the school can freely release their abilities..."

"I think such a large area is enough for them to use their fists, and the surrounding environment is very empty. When students use their superpowers, they will not affect other citizens..."

"But the only disadvantage here is that the facilities are not very convenient. There are no business districts and hospitals around, but we can completely introduce supermarkets and hospitals on the campus. Presumably this will not be a problem."

The more Gao Fei looked, the more satisfied he was, how comfortable the campus model in Queens looked.

"In my opinion, we might as well choose Queens." Goofy said, "If the school is really built in Manhattan, then I will definitely be frequently complained by the citizens."

"Okay, then we will choose Queens." Pepper said, "I will complete the construction of the campus as soon as possible."

The two were chatting, and Steve walked over with a glass of wine and a smile.

"Is this the Super Academy?" Steve looked at the three-dimensional image held on Pepper's palm and said, "It looks magnificent."

"It's still just a prototype, and the campus has not yet started construction." Pepper said with a smile, "but basically it is certain that this is the Super Academy."

Steve nodded approvingly, then patted his old partner Goofy on the shoulder.

"In the future, you will not only be a police officer Gao Fei, but you will have another title, and you will be honored as the principal of Gao Fei. Congratulations."

Goofy was stunned by what Steve said.

In fact, it was only at this moment that he realized that he had an identity as a principal, and this identity brought him not only glory, but more responsibility and obligation.

"Damn, I've been applying for a super academy for the past few days, and I forgot that I was causing trouble for myself..." Gao Fei said depressedly, "A super patrol team is enough for me to be tired, and now I have to take care of it again. Super Academy."

"Don't panic, old man, I will help you." Steve patted Goofy on the shoulder.

"Of course, Steve." Goofy grabbed Steve's arm, as if he was afraid of escaping, "You definitely won't be able to run, when the Super Academy starts, you must come to be a lecturer for the students... I I will arrange three classes for you a week, no, at least five classes, and you are responsible for teaching them about ideology and morality..."

"God! Please forgive me! Five lessons? Why didn't you just kill me?" Steve said with a headache, "Goofy, I support you with all my heart, but you treat me like this?"

Gao Fei laughed: "You said you wanted to help me, why? Now you want to go back on it?"

Steve hurried to Larryd as a shield.

"Reed, Goofy asked you to come over, as if to discuss hiring you as a lecturer or something..."

"Huh?" Reed was not very disgusted with being a teacher, and said with a smile, "Okay, I just want to nurture these children who have just acquired supernatural powers."

After that, Reed walked straight towards Gao Fei, joking as he walked: "Gao Fei, are you sure you only want me to be a lecturer? I thought you would hire me as a vice-principal or something..."

Goofy was eager to get rid of this tricky job, and shrugged: "Really? If you want, I can give you the position of the principal."

Reed shook his head quickly: "Of course I don't want to, don't forget that I have to study the Kree battleship Dark Star, and at the same time have to monitor the compound eyes, I have enough work, I really can't add more. "

"You are quite self-aware." Gao Fei said depressedly, "I should learn from you..."

Reed smiled encouragingly: "It's okay, Goofy, we'll all help you."

And Gao Fei decided to take the initiative to take advantage of the banquet, and quickly used everyone who could use it.

Within the next hour, Gao Fei was recruiting everywhere.

Glancing at Aunt May, Gao Fei decided to start digging from her first.

"Ms. Parker, I know that you have been doing well at Dawn School, and Carrie is also thankful for your care... I wonder if you have ever thought about accepting some new challenges in your career, such as... jumping to our super academy?"

Aunt Mei was taken aback: "Huh? Officer Gao Fei, didn't the school just get approved, the campus hasn't been built yet, so you started digging?"

Gao Fei laughed: "Be prepared for a rainy day..."

Aunt May: "Then I'll think about it."

Just after Gao Fei finished talking with Aunt Mei, he quickly ran to Aunt Wang's side.

"Auntie Wang, Auntie Wang, how's the business of your supermarket recently?"

Auntie Wang was taken aback by Gao Fei's question: "Business has always been like this, so let's make do with a living... What's wrong with Gao Fei? Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Gao Fei said: "That...I'm not going to open a school, there are no facilities around the campus, and students can't even buy daily necessities. Auntie Wang, why don't you come to our school to open a supermarket and directly monopolize the market~www.wuxiamtl .com~ definitely makes more money than your current supermarket!"

Auntie Wang's eyes suddenly lit up, grabbed Gao Fei's arm and said affectionately, "Oh yo! Auntie didn't feel sorry for you in vain!"

Then he whispered: "Gao Fei, Jie Qian will graduate from graduate school this year. Since you are going to be the principal, can you just arrange a job for her!"

Cheng Jieqian looked disgusted next to her: "Mom, what are you doing? Don't you think I can't find a job?"

"I didn't say that!" Aunt Wang hurriedly shook her head, "But Gao Fei's school has to recruit people anyway, and their school's treatment must be good, and the fat water doesn't flow to outsiders, so it's safe for you to help Gao Fei. , isn't it Gao Fei?"

Gao Fei smiled and nodded, "That's true."

Then he turned to Jie Qian and asked, "Jie Qian, are you willing?"

Cheng Jieqian thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Well... Anyway, they all work for others. Instead of working for others, it is better to work for you."


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