American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 430: Generous loot!

After the war, the Earth Guards returned to Earth with the help of Yondu.

In addition to defeating the Kree commander Ronan and his "Dark Star", this time Gao Fei and others also brought back a large amount of valuable scientific and technological information from the "Dark Star".

It is undeniable that the technological level of the Kree civilization is far ahead of the earth, and the earth still has a long way to go to catch up with the development of the Kree civilization.

The "Dark Asterisk" is the key for Earth's civilization to go to the universe, from which humans can explore the next step in Earth's evolution.

After the Earthguards returned to New York, Goofy finally met Tony Stark, who had disappeared for many days.

He and his good friend Bruce Banner appeared at the Baxter Building, and the two were finally able to temporarily put aside their planned artificial intelligence project.

Tony Stark is back in New York this time for two reasons.

The first reason is that he learned that the Earth Guard successfully captured the Kree battleship "Dark Star", and obtained a lot of Kree civilization technology from it, which made him adore it;

As for the second reason, Gao Fei once promised Yongdu that once he helped the Earth Guard to block Ronan successfully, he would give him the psychic scepter. At present, the psychic scepter is just kept by Tony Stark, and he came here to transfer the psychic scepter to Goofy.

Finally saw the old friend again, and both Goofy and Reed were very critical of him.

"Oh, Tony, you are really busy, it's really not easy to meet you. I thought we could only be netizens from now on." Reed said sharply.

"Haha..." Tony laughed dryly and hugged Reed's shoulders. "Don't be so exaggerated, Reed, I'm just doing a little research with Dr. Banner."

"I knew that Dr. Banner would kidnap you, I shouldn't have sent him to you in the first place." Gao Fei said regretfully, "I should have rejected your proposal."

Standing behind Stark, Bruce Banner quickly and sincerely admitted his mistake: "Sorry, Officer Goofy, I didn't mean to..."

Goofy hurriedly smiled and waved his hand: "It's not your fault, Dr. Banner, it's Tony who can't stand the temptation."

"Don't talk nonsense." Tony Stark couldn't help laughing, "Dr. Banner and I are busy with serious business, and we haven't done anything shameful..."

Bruce Banner also quickly clarified himself: "Yes, there is nothing between me and Mr. Stark..."

"Since there is nothing to hide, why go to California? Are the office conditions in New York bad?" Reed asked.

"Uh... Mainly because Dr. Banner has some bad memories in New York, and his mood is more stable in California." Stark said with a hand spread.

Bruce Banner also nodded and said, "Yes, I actually dragged down Mr. Stark."

At this time, Reed asked curiously: "By the way, what is the artificial intelligence you two researched about? Why did you suddenly think of studying this thing?"

"Uh... Mainly because the earth has encountered too many invasions during this time. I think it is not enough to rely on our protection. There are many threats that occur without anyone being aware of it. If one day, we ignore a certain Threat, then the earth is really in danger..."

Tony Stark said.

"So you are building a firewall for the earth?" Reed instantly understood what Stark meant.

"Yes, so to speak." Stark nodded.

Bruce Banner has a more vivid statement: "Mr. Stark built a suit of Iron Man for himself, which protected him very well, and now he wants to create such a suit for the whole earth. Clothes, make the earth as indestructible as he is."

"This idea is good, I think I can give you some advice when I have time." Reed said.

Both Stark and Banner welcomed it.

"Of course it's the best."

"Mr. Richards is always welcome..."

Then Tony Stark immediately began to inquire about Kerry technology: "By the way, I heard that you captured a space battleship this time? And it records a lot of technology of the Kree race... This battleship is the same as that of the dark elves before. What's different about the battleship? What's your plan next?"

Goofy strode towards Yondu and them while Reed answered Tony Stark's question.

Yondu cooperated to complete the task assigned by Gao Fei, and now it is time to pay him.

"Thank you for your help, Yondu." Goofy patted the predator on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Oh, you're welcome, I'm just doing business." Yongdu said with a wink.

After learning that Goofy killed Ronan and threw tens of thousands of Kree army into space, Yondu's attitude towards Goofy changed again.

After being taught by Gao Fei before, Yongdu's attitude towards Gao Fei is nothing but jealousy and admiration, nothing more. But when he saw that Goofy slaughtered an entire army without hesitation, and dismembered the Kree commander Ronan, his attitude towards Goofy was nothing but fear—heartfelt fear.

He used to dare to talk and laugh with Gao Fei, but now he won't do it.

He really doesn't have the guts.

In all conversations with Gao Fei, Yongdu tried his best to be respectful.

Gao Fei obviously also noticed the change in Yongdu. He knew that continuing to chat would only add pressure to the alien visitor, so for the sake of Yongdu, he decided to make a quick decision.

"Come on, this is the reward we negotiated before." Gao Fei took out the psychic scepter and gave it to Yongdu.

Yongdu smiled, but didn't pick it up right away.

"Cough, in fact, it is our plunderer's honor to be able to defend the earth. As for this reward..."

It's not that Yondu doesn't want the psychic scepter, he is really afraid of angering Gao Fei.

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw that Yongdu was so cowardly.

"Oh, man, are you afraid of me? Are you worried that I will throw the Marauders into space and freeze to death?" Goofy asked helplessly.

Yongdu was embarrassed to admit it, so he could only whisper in a low voice: "The brothers follow me and eat, I have to be responsible for their lives..."

Gao Fei almost didn't laugh, he held down Yondu's shoulder and said, "Friend, although I am a bit ruthless in dealing with the Cree, it does not mean that I am a bloodthirsty tyrant, an invader of the earth. I have no mercy, but I will never hurt a friend."

After all, Gao Fei stuffed the psychic scepter into Yongdu and said, "Take it, this is the reward you deserve."

Only then did Yongdu dare to accept the scepter of the mind, and grinned: "Then I'm welcome."

Before Gao Fei could speak again, Star-Lord walked over while humming.

"Hey, Officer Goofy, I'm free now, right? You're not going to hold me accountable for stealing the Cosmic Cube, are you?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "I will do what I say."

"That's great!" Star-Lord was excited, "Officer Goofy really counts!"

Gao Fei smiled and then asked, "Where are you going next? Continue to wander back into the universe?"

"Of course not!" Star-Lord said with a smile, "don't forget, Officer Goofy, I'm from Earth, I was born on Earth! My hometown is Missouri... Now that Earth is safe, and I'm back On Earth, then I think my next stop should be to visit my family in my hometown."

"I don't know if my grandfather is still alive. I don't think there is much hope. After all, he was almost sixty years old when I left the earth, and now he is even older... By the way, what is the average lifespan of the earth's people? on?"

Before Star-Lord could finish speaking, Yondu grabbed him.

"Stop dreaming, brat, you have to come with us! You think you can still escape from me? You **** traitor!"

Star-Lord hurriedly struggled and protested loudly: "Hey! Yondu! What do you want to do? This is Police Officer Gao Fei's territory. Do you want to go wild in front of him?"

These words really worked for Yondu, Yondu looked back at Gao Fei, and silently let go of the hand that grabbed Star-Lord.

Gao Fei shrugged and said: I won't interfere in your father's affairs.

"Hmph, don't leave the earth, or I will definitely catch you!" Yongdu said resentfully.

Star Lord smiled arrogantly: "Let's wait and see!"


one week later.

Star-Lord took off from the US state of Missouri and left Earth.

During liftoff, he was just able to see the wreckage of the "Dark Star" orbiting in the distance.

"Goodbye, my hometown, I will definitely come back..."

Star-Lord looked back at the blue planet behind him and muttered to himself.

Then the spacecraft accelerated towards the first transition point near the earth.

However, the acceleration system had just been activated, and Star-Lord only felt that the spacecraft had lost control.

A larger spaceship appeared from behind, like a shark with a **** mouth that swallowed Star-Lord in one bite.

"Fuck! What's going on?"

Before Star-Lord could react, a familiar voice sounded from behind him.

"Boy, I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

Yongdu walked out of the spaceship with leisurely steps and walked slowly towards Star Lord.

Star-Lord suddenly went black: "Yondu? You've been here for a week and guarded me?"

" In fact, I just left Earth." Yongdu sneered.

"What?" Star-Lord was surprised, "Didn't you leave a week ago?"

"That's just a trick to deceive you." Yongdu walked up to Star-Lord with a smile, and patted his face full of surprise, "I just went around the earth this week and put Gao Fei on the ground. The police officer sold me the Mind Scepter...I'm not interested in the Infinity Stones, it's just a source of death. I prefer money and food."

"You sold the psychic scepter? You sold it to the earthlings?"

"I didn't expect it?" Yongdu laughed, "I didn't expect it either. I didn't expect that there would actually be buyers on earth, and I didn't expect that there would be people on earth who would dare to oppose Gao Fei..."


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